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The Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry
29.03.2023 19:04 Content
The Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry is an academic structural unit of the University of Latvia, established for the organisation of academic work in the field of physics and astronomy, and mathematical sciences. The structure of the faculty consists of the Department of Physics, the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Optometry and Vision Science, as well as research laboratories: Laser Centre, Institute of Numerical Modelling. The faculty strives for excellence in teaching, research, and cooperation with industry. Employment of capable teaching staff – experienced researchers and young, promising scientists – creates a fertile environment for talent development. Science and research are crucial elements at Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry. The faculty has nine research structural units that conduct national-level and internationally recognized research. The connection of the study process with research and industry gives students
Diplomātijas stipendija
08.10.2020 13:53 Content
The scholarship was established in 2019 with the support of American Latvians Dagnija and Kaspars Krēsliņš. The patroness Dagnija Krēsliņš has built her career in the diplomatic sector. The aim of the support is to promote the growth of future diplomats of Latvia. Scholarshipis intendedfor the students of the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Social Sciences master’s study programme "Diplomacy". Number of scholarships: 2. Scholarship amount: EUR 3 000per academic year. Scholarship Commission: representative of patron Lindija Esterreiha (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Director of the UL Faculty of Social Sciences programme"Diplomacy", Assoc. Prof. Toms Rostoks , Executive Director of the UL Foundation Laila Kundziņa . Within a single academic year, the applicant may receive only one scholarship financed by the patrons of the University of Latvia Foundation. Scholarship recipients In the 2019/2020 academicyear – Lauma Cīrule and Signe Gerinoviča.
06.06.2024 13:14 Content
The aim of the study program is to prepare highly qualified specialists who are able to compete in both the local and international labor market in various sectors related to geoinformatics. Tasks of the study program: Provide the opportunity to learn theoretical and practical geoinformatics, as well as basic courses in geography and computer science, To provide the opportunity to take in-depth courses conditionally in the specialized direction of geography, geographic information systems or information technology, Develop abilities related to critical thinking, analysis and reasoning, Develop skills in designing geographic information infrastructure and publishing basic geospatial data, Develop the skills to conduct independent research in a selected sub-field of natural sciences and summarize the results in a bachelor's thesis and obtain a professional bachelor's degree in geoinformatics. Students in the professional bachelor's study program "Geoinformatics
27.08.2020 19:31 Content
The family-owned company AD VERBUM (2002) is one of the leading translation and localization companiesin Northern Europe providing translations in over 150 languages. Its motto is "One message. One voice." The founders of AD VERBUM are graduates of the University of Latvia Faculty of Theology: "We are grateful to our faculty for the capacity to look at life more broadly, safely and to see it more colourfully, which was acquired during the studies". Languages, their translation and application to different cultures are part of the company's daily work. Theological studies have enriched the understanding of the meaning of the word in all its manifestations, helping the company to grow and evolve. More about the company: Support At the end of 2009, AD VERBUM provided EUR 900in support of the 90 th anniversary of the UL Faculty of Theology, which took place in February 2010. In the2010/2011 academic year, AD VERBUM for the first time awards the AD VERBUM Young
History of Ancient Greek Culture
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to promote students' understanding of the origins of Ancient Greek culture, its achievements, nature and importance in the history of European civilization. The tasks of the course are: - to provide general knowledge of the most important achievements of Ancient Greek culture, - to gain an understanding of cultural processes and mechanisms, - to explain the specific features of Ancient Greek culture and to show its importance in the creation of European civilization. The content of the course is organized systematically and chronologically, accordingly, it provides an opportunity to understand the main regularities of the development of Ancient Greek culture. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Basics of Teamwork management
Course (continue)
Program objectives, tasks. The aim of the program is to promote the ability of the continuing education student to cooperate, organize and manage teamwork. Tasks: Tasks of the program - to develop the skills of the listener of further education: - to create an adequate self-assessment in the aspect of teamwork; - build a team according to the set goal; - to plan and organize team work with orientation to an aim (results to be achieved); - manage teamwork, collaborate constructively and communicate with the team; - solving problems in the team and making decisions within their competence; - ensuring effective time and information flow management in the team.
Legal Ethics
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to learn Latvian and international regulations for professional activity of a lawyer, as well as to familiarise with the most significant aspects of a lawyer’s practice. In addition to professional principles significant to the legal system in general, the students will familiarise themselves with the practical issues as well, for example, determining the lawyer’s royalty and regulation of professional advertisement. Visiting lecturers who are practising representatives of the legal professions (judges, advocates, notaries) will participate in classes of the course. Regulations for professional activities of the lawyers of the other Baltic States and the European Union will be evaluated in the course.
Business English
Course (continue)
The goal of the course us to equip students with business related language and skills necessary for their business studies and future professional activities. The course develops their 1) reading and listening comprehension skills, 2) speaking skills in key business communication contexts: meetings, presentations, press conferences, 3) writing skills of the key genres: letters, emails, reports and press releases, 4) lexical competence by providing opportunities to express themselves by reformulating business concepts in their own words while synthesizing, summarizing, analyzing and discussing ideas.
Latvian Language (Lower Intermediate)
Course (continue)
The language course is designed for foreign students, who study Latvian at UL and have completed “Elementary Latvian Course” (levels A1; A2). Objectives of the course include improving speaking and writing skills, extending knowledge of grammar issues, developing communicative, linguistic, pragmatical and sociocultural competence. The course envisages to give an insight of usage of Latvian in the social context, fiction and journalism. The course has been developed in accordance with the set European Framework of Language. (B1 Threshold level requirements).
Internet Systems Design
Course (continue)
The goal of the course is to develop students' competence in analysis and solving business problems by using information and communication technologies.
Tasks of the course:
1. get to know internet business models and strategies,
2. to understand methods and techniques of system environment analysis,
3. to master the work organization and methods of Internet systems development project,
4. to understand the organization of system's implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance.
Language of instruction: Latvian.
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