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Environment academy
27.10.2023 14:50 Content
"Environment Academy" are free classes for 10th-12th grade students,organized by the School of Environmental Scientists. Students learn many new things actively and excitingly while competing for the benefits of admission to the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia! At the Academy, students gain knowledge and understanding of the environment and the need for environmental protection! Each lesson is devoted to one of the topics of environmental science, such as water quality, sustainable use of resources, quality of the urban environment, human influence on natural processes, etc. The lessons consist of theoretical and practical parts, during which participants learn practical skills by working in scientific laboratories and learning software used by industry. Faculty researchers and guests from environmental protection institutions, municipalities and companies participate in the classes, giving participants a real insight into the daily life of active
In 2008
26.06.2020 18:14 Content
Days of FizMati or the students of the UL Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Fizmatdienas 2005 The event has a long tradition. It traditionally starts with a student march and singing in different parts of Riga. Thanks to the patrons "Metaleks", "SEB banka", "TietoEnator Alise" for the support! Competition for young chemists Patron "BioSan" is a long-term supporter of the events organized by the UL Faculty of Chemistry: "Competion for youn chemists" (2008-2009-2010) and "Days of Chemists". A big thanks for the support provided for the production of "Days of Chemists" T-shirts for more than five years in a row!
If you want to experience Erasmus+, acquaint yourself with necessary requirements!
22.12.2021 12:12 Content
, presentations at conferences None 1–2 activities 3 and more activities 0 1 2 10% Good study results Average weighted in part A 10 50% Foreign language proficiency Assessment in the foreign language course acquired at UL (data for MSP students are taken from the BSP transcript of grades) Assessment * 0.1 1 5% Knowledge of the languages required for the exchange studies by the selected host HEIs The student has the appropriate language skills for one of the selected HEIs The student has the appropriate language skills for two of the selected HEIs The student has the appropriate language skills for all of the selected HEIs 0
UL Sports Centre
27.05.2024 13:35 Content
The University of Latvia athletic activities are organized by UL Sports Centre, highly appreciating the contribution of athletic activities in personal development of students. The University of Latvia Sports Centre offers: 40 different sport activities in 11 disciplines – basketball, wrestling sport, fitness group classes, floorball, football, table tennis, kendo, athletics trainings, volleyball, skiing and frisbee; the most suitable athletic activity to each student according to the level of intensity and individual interests; training by professional trainers. University of Latvia – an opportunity to build dual career: The University of Latvia is one of the few universities in the Baltics offering high-level athletes the opportunity to obtain higher education in coordination with their careers. UL Sports Centre offers its athletes an entry in several professional sports teams – basketball team “University of Latvia”, football team “FS Metta/University of Latvia
Andris Lācis
02.09.2020 14:55 Content
Patron Andris Lācis (1941) studied marketing at the Wayne State University, USA and has been employed by many prominent US companies. Currently he is an Honorary Consul of Latvia in Michigan, USA. After earning a master's degree in marketing from Wayne State University, USA, he spent most of his professional life in various positions at major US manufacturing companies, such as Uniroyal Tire Co., Uniroyal Goodrich, Michelin and Findley Adhesives. Currently, A.Lācis is a Vice President of BTG Systems Inc. – a partner company of Baltic Technology Group, where he can share his considerable experience in trade, research and development. In addition to his professional activities, he has been a member of the board of directors of SAE International (formerly SAE or the Society of Automotive Engineers). He is a member of the American Society for Quality. Support In 2014, 2015 and 2016, Andris Lācis has supported the UL Student Business Incubator, overall donating EUR 11011.77 (USD 13000
Penalty Enforcement law
The aim of the course is to provide to the students quality learning of theoretical knowledge and research skills in sentence execution law. The course provides knowledge on the content of sentence (criminal punishment) execution law, policy on sentence execution and its development, its role in prevention of crimes; aim of sentence execution; sentence execution institutions (including prisons) and their tasks; development of most important penitentiary ideas; internationally recognised recommendations in work with convicts by emphasising requirements set out in Recommendation Rec(2006)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the European Prison Rules. The course turns attention to the meaning and functions of the State Probation Service, understanding of various forms of supervision in society and practice in the Republic of Latvia; as well as experience of foreign legislators, basic knowledge of terminology in sentence execution law in English. In order to achieve the aim
Programmējam ar prieku
29.03.2023 17:43 Content
"Programming with delight" at the UL House of Science Library Like any book which benefits the study process, "Programming with delight"is also available at the UL House of Science Library upon presenting a valid UL student card. To test the new programming experience provided by "Programming with delight", students can visit UL House of Science Library on weekdays 10:00–18:00, on Saturdays 9:00–17:00 and ask the librarian about receiving the "Programming with delight"box. Information on the toolkit is also available in the middies Union Catalogue of the libraries of national importance.
School Mathematics Practice II
The aim of the course is to offer students, future math teachers, to analyze and solve problems of different levels and difficulty. Course tasks: 1) Apply and put an emphasis on formula proofs; 2) Analyze and solve creative tasks according to the standard of secondary education in mathematics mainly in grade 10-11; 3) Understand the place of tasks in the secondary education standard and program; 4) Be able to find and create tasks of different difficulty level and to be aware of different approaches to explaining tasks to pupils. The language of instruction is Latvian.
School Mathematics Practice II
The aim of the course is to offer students, future math teachers, to analyze and solve problems of different levels and difficulty. Course tasks: 1) Apply and put an emphasis on formula proofs; 2) Analyze and solve creative tasks according to the standard of secondary education in mathematics mainly in grade 10-11; 3) Understand the place of tasks in the secondary education standard and program; 4) Be able to find and create tasks of different difficulty level and to be aware of different approaches to explaining tasks to pupils. The language of instruction is Latvian.
In 2011
09.07.2020 00:43 Content
of studies The field of anthropology in Latvia and the University of Latvia is new and needs to be strengthened as a resource, promoting the competitiveness of study programs and opening them to capable anthropologists on a European and global scale. UL will not only gain a strong and foreign program capable of attracting foreign students, but will allow to improve the study process in general by introducing the academic experience of other countries in the study process. As a result of the project, one anthropologist with a doctoral degree will be attracted with the help of a scholarship. During the receipt of the scholarship, the anthropologist will perform full-time academic work, training students and attracting funds for research, which next year will allow the lecturer to join international research projects and perform study work in parallel in accordance with regulations. Project activities: Training and involvement of students in research important for the national economy
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