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Historical Geography
Historical geography is sub-discipline of the history and it allows to analyse or to discover historical spaces and their role in social and cultural processes in the past. The aim of this course is to create an extended understanding regarding changes of the historical spaces that occurred to the Baltic region and territory of Latvia from the Middle Ages until 20th century. Sources used in order to make the reconstruction of spaces are texts, for example, documents, chronicles, travel accounts, cosmographies, diaries, protocols, treaties and contracts. The aim of this course is to present students 1) with the lessons of historical geography theory, 2) central concepts and 3) methods of interpreting historical sources. The instruction language of the course is Latvian.
Social pharmacy
Social pharmacy is a multidisciplinary field of education and research that focuses on regulating the distribution of medicines and the use of medicines in society. The scope is wide, covering the social, psychosocial, economic and organizational aspects of the provision of medicines. The aim of the study course is to provide students of the master's study program in pharmacy with basic knowledge in the science of social pharmacy. The tasks of the course are: 1. to acquaint with the organization of pharmaceutical care and scientific and practical substantiation of drug use, 2. to provide insight and understanding of drug availability policy and pharmaceutical system organization, pharmacoepidemiology and evaluation of economic benefits of drugs, 3. to develop practical skills for the economic evaluation of drugs. The course is taught in Latvian.
Turkish Language Text Translation I
This course is a study of elementary, but essential knowledge of translation, together with a practical use of the English and Turkish language skills, especially reading and writing skills. Consequently, this course is the first important step for the students to be a translator because they have the opportunities to study and face what a real translator does at the basic level: how to analyze the messages form source language as well as why the source language must be profoundly understood: what the differences between English and Turkish are, and how to handle with them; and what the resources of a translator are. However, because this is the first course of translation, the emphasis is put on the correctness, not the naturalness of the translation works.
Technology Field: Design and Technologies II
The aim of the course is to promote students' design thinking through the use of material processing technologies and enhance their understanding of the planning and organisation of learning in design and technology in grades 4-6. Course objectives: 1. Learns about materials and their processing technologies in the design thinking process for product creation. 2. Develops critical thinking in the application of teaching and design thinking methods learning technologies to the planning, organisation and assessment of design and technology lessons in grades 4-6. 3. Describes sustainable development processes, ethical and cultural heritage values. 4. Experiments with materials and technologies to create innovative products. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Technology Field: Design and Technologies II
The aim of the course is to promote students' design thinking through the use of material processing technologies and enhance their understanding of the planning and organisation of learning in design and technology in grades 4-6. Course objectives: 1. Learns about materials and their processing technologies in the design thinking process for product creation. 2. Develops critical thinking in the application of teaching and design thinking methods learning technologies to the planning, organisation and assessment of design and technology lessons in grades 4-6. 3. Describes sustainable development processes, ethical and cultural heritage values. 4. Experiments with materials and technologies to create innovative products. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Basics macroeconomics
The aim of the course is to give knowledge about essential questions and consequences of economics. The course explains main principles of macroeconomics, as well as deals with macroeconomic aggregates and tools of economic adjustments, finally, the possible effects on economic situation and expected side effects, thus the course will develop and promote economic thinking of students. Course objectives: 1. to understand economic systems and it's structure, existing relationships between economic sectors; 2. to develop knowledge about economic processes, their regulation tools and possibilities; 3. to valuate the main principles of market economy, demand and supply sides in different markets and their role in the national economy. The language of instruction is Latvian.
British Culture Studies
The goal of the course is to provide integrated acquisition of the theoretical, practical and research skills, promoting the development of English language skills while studying the most important historical, geographical and cultural issues in Britain, thus enabling students to comprehend the main historical and cultural processes in Britain. Tasks: 1. To get insight into historical and cultural issues in Britain from antiquity till the present times acquiring the appropriate vocabulary. 2. To develop English language competence. 3. To develop critical and creative thinking skills; 4. To stimulate the analytical, research, and presentation skills, practicing English language.
The language of instruction is English
Language, cognition and language acquisition
The aim of the course is to offer students the opportunity to explore the interaction between the linguistic and cognitive mechanisms theoretically and empirically, using language technologies. The course objectives include 1) to research language acquisition and use strategy types and roles in language acquisition, perception and production, the role of temporal and spatial thinking in language perception, processing and production in a multilingual environment. 2) to develop research competence in order to formulate and critically analyze a research problem and to offer a solution to the problem relating to language acquisition; 3) to develop digital competence for linguistic and cognitive data extraction, processing, and communication in the academic environment. Language of instruction - English and Latvian.
Basics of the history of ideas
The research of the history of ideas is considered to be a promising field with a strong interdisciplinary orientation. The exchange and perception of ideas in different cultural contexts is a phenomenon that connects different levels of society and cultural development. The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of the history of ideas and intellectual history in modern humanities. The tasks of the course are: 1) to train analytical thinking and argumentation skills, working with the 20th century defining the basic principles of the history of ideas. authors' texts; 2) to integrate the application of research methods in the history of ideas and intellectual history in the process of developing qualification papers. Language of the study course - Latvian.
Natural systems, their diversity and protection
The aim of the course is to introduce students to Latvia's living natural resources, the diversity of fauna, flora and habitats, emphasise the importance of plants and animals in human society, as well as introduce to the most important ecological concepts, ecological laws, and terminology. Course tasks: 1. To create an understanding of the importance of species in ecosystems, of the current problems of the protection of biological diversity, the impact of changes caused by climate and human economic activity on natural systems in Latvia and on a global scale. 2. To create an understanding of the basic principles of autecology, or the influence of environmental factors, to introduce demecology, or population ecology, to teach the basics of ecosystem ecology and landscape ecology. Course language - Latvian, English
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