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Reading in Dialectology
22.04.2020 12:19 Content
Readings in Dialectology is an annual event that has taken place each autumn since 1997. The Readings are organized in honour of Marta Rudzīte, professor of the University of Latvia, an outstanding Latvian linguist, dialectology scholar. The conference is organized by the Department of Latvian and Baltic Studies; the head of the organizing committee is Professor Lidija Leikuma. Researchers and students from various institutions participate in the conference (University of Latvia, Institute of the Latvian Language, Liepāja University, Daugavpils University). The conference usually closes with the presentation of an edition devoted to linguistics.
Cooperation with foreign HEI
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
At the moment, the Faculty of Humanities has more than 100 different ERASMUS+ agreements with foreign HEI. Students are offered the opportunity to spend a term in one of the partner HEI (see the section Studies abroad), and the academic staff – an opportunity to deliver lectures in one of the partner HEI. The most popular destinations are Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Moreover, the Faculty of Humanities has various bilateral agreements with China, Japan, Korea, etc.
Kāpēc studēt ĶF?
14.06.2022 14:11 Content
Cooperation with employers The University of Latvia Faculty of Chemistry has an extensive cooperation network with Latvian industrial companies and scientific institutes, such as joint stock company “Olainfarm”, joint stock company “Grindeks”, Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR”, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, and others, which already during the studies provides students with the opportunity to be in close contact with industry professionals and actively participate in implementation of contemporary scientific research.
Lietišķās ģeoloģijas katedra
18.02.2024 00:03 Content
Academic staff Dr. geol., assistant professor Aija Dēliņa Dr. geol., professor Valdis Segliņš Dr. geol., associate professor Jānis Karušs Dr. geol., associate professor Māris Krievāns M. geol. researcher Jurijs Ješkins Centre of Geological Processes Research and Modelling staff – Andis Kalvāns, Konrāds Popovs, Jānis Bikše, Inga Retiķe, Alise Babre Doctoral students Matīss Brants, Jānis Bikše, Pēteris Džeriņš, Jurijs Ješkins, Viesturs Zandersons
Anda Paegle – project manager
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
"Happy people go lucky, not vice versa." Anda is highly experienced in preparation and management of various social and business-related projects. That gives her the understanding of those issues that are most important for every individual or company to reach their aims. Anda's main responsibility at the Career Centreis to organize the annual Career OpportunitiesDay , to promote collaboration among companies, students and the University. Another Anda's role is to manage international projects. Contact information: , tel.: (+ 371) 26158998.
ZAB "Vilgerts"
24.08.2020 14:39 Content
“Vilgerts” Law Office (2008)provides a wide range of legal services. Its motto states “More Than Law”. More about our patron: Support In 2017, the patron organisation donated EUR 1000 to the Kristīne Krūma Memorial Scholarship Fund. In 2018, EUR 700 were donated to the team of the University of Latvia Faculty of Law to enable its participation in the international Price Media Law Moot Court Competition. In 2020, EUR 500 are donated to the students of the University of Latvia Faculty of Law to enable student participation in Telders International Law Moot Court Competition. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Functional Communicative Grammar of German II
The aim of the course is to promote the understanding of the future German language teachers about the most important categories of modern German normative grammar and to enable them to apply grammar adequately in various spoken and written communication. Students will use the acquired knowledge and theme-based vocabulary in different situations in diverse contexts as well as they practice to do excises in modeled communicative situations. Objectives of the study course: 1. To provide a possibility to understand the essence of German grammar forms and to compare them with the respective constructions in the native language, paying special attention to the the tense system of German verbs in passive voice, infinitive constructions with and without "zu", the declension of adjectives, numerals as well as indicative, imperative and subjunctive moode(Konjunktiv I and II), participles and various subordinate clauses; 2. To deepen students’ understanding about the possibilities
Functional Communicative Grammar of German II
The aim of the course is to promote the understanding of the future German language teachers about the most important categories of modern German normative grammar and to enable them to apply grammar adequately in various spoken and written communication. Students will use the acquired knowledge and theme-based vocabulary in different situations in diverse contexts as well as they practice to do excises in modeled communicative situations. Objectives of the study course: 1. To provide a possibility to understand the essence of German grammar forms and to compare them with the respective constructions in the native language, paying special attention to the the tense system of German verbs in passive voice, infinitive constructions with and without "zu", the declension of adjectives, numerals as well as indicative, imperative and subjunctive moode(Konjunktiv I and II), participles and various subordinate clauses; 2. To deepen students’ understanding about the possibilities
31.08.2020 19:12 Content
The core business of the company is the provision, maintenance and development of information systems and computer hardware infrastructure, including infrastructure services, business services and cloud technologies. By creating a unified network of IT infrastructure services in the Baltic states, it provides efficient, secure and innovative IT solutions. Established in 1994. Support In 2012,Datakomprovided EUR 2850 for preparation of University of Latvia student team for the International Collegiate Programming Contest finals. In 2013,Datakomsupported organisation of Programmers’ Day with EUR1422.87. In 2014,Datakomsupported participation of University of Latvia student team in the International Collegiate Programming Contest by donating EUR6500. In 2016, Datakomsupported participation of University of Latvia computer science student team in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) by donating EUR3000. In 2018, Datakomdonated EUR2700 to support
19.04.2024 21:09 Content
Concerning contribution to society, the paragraph 3.2.3 of the University of Latvia Strategy 2020–2027 contains the aim to ensure compliance with the principles of gender equality in education and promote equal access to education for vulnerable population groups, while paragraph 3.2.4 defines the aim to create support tools for talented underprivileged youth for accessing university studies". UL has approved the Social Policy aimed at the social protection of the UL community. The social policy ensures and promotes the social, economic and political inclusion of all UL employees, academic staff and students, regardless of age, gender, health condition, race, ethnicity, origin, faith, economic or other status. The University of Latvia Student Council, in cooperation with the University of Latvia Infrastructure Management Department implements the Social Programme, which was created to support the University of Latvia students, offering the students living in service hotels up
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