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28.12.2020 13:44 Content
Lecturer consultations (arrange the time in advance by contacting by e-mail) Contacts Room Lektora p.i. Inta Augustāne 310c Pasn. Dagmāra Ausekle 310 Lekt. Anita Auziņa 310c Doc. Ilvis Ābeļkalns 313 Pasn. Mihails Basmanovs Pasn. Inga Belousa 310c Pētn. Anita Berķe 307 Pasn. Kristīne Bērtiņa Pasn. Baiba Broka baiba
Clinical practice I
The aim of the course is to further develop students' manual skills and dexterity by integrating theoretical knowledge into clinical practice and developing an evidence-based clinical approach. Course tasks: 1)to carry out clinical work with the patient, integrating knowledge and skills on professional ethics both in the work with the patient and in contact with colleagues; 2) strengthen knowledge of the collection of the anamnesis, the extraoral and intraoral examination of the patient and the fixation of findings in the patient's clinical card, 3) to create an understanding of the prevenation of oral diseases, conventional approach to cariology, endodontics, periodontology and paediatric therapeutic dentistry. The course is implemented in English.
Field Research in Folklore
The study course analyzes the main points of contact between the modern folklore and oral history. The introductory lectures are followed by a field study lasting one week in one of the regions of Latvia, which consists of interviews (in groups or one by one) and joint evening seminars, when the interviews recorded during the day are analyzed. The aim of the study course: in lectures, seminars and field research practice, students gain practical knowledge about the specifics of field research, conducting and deciphering interviews. Tasks: 1) to identify the specifics of field research; 2) to acquire practical skills of research. Language of instruction: Latvian.
Old Slavonic Language
The aim of the course is to introduce the students to features of the Old Slavonic language as the first written Slavonic language, its phonological and grammatical system, as well as its evolution. The course introduces students to the characteristics of the Common Slavonic language. The course also focuses on the common features of the Slavic and Baltic languages in the field of the language diachrony. Objectives of the course: 1. To introduce students to the Old Slavonic language and the Common Slavonic language. 2. To review the historical relations and contacts between the Common Slavonic and the Common Baltic. 3. To develop skills required for the analysis of language from the perspective of historical linguistics. The language of instruction is Russian.
Old Slavonic Language
The aim of the course is to introduce the students to features of the Old Slavonic language as the first written Slavonic language, its phonological and grammatical system, as well as its evolution. The course introduces students to the characteristics of the Common Slavonic language. The course also focuses on the common features of the Slavic and Baltic languages in the field of the language diachrony. Objectives of the course: 1. To introduce students to the Old Slavonic language and the Common Slavonic language. 2. To review the historical relations and contacts between the Common Slavonic and the Common Baltic. 3. To develop skills required for the analysis of language from the perspective of historical linguistics. The language of instruction is Russian.
Clinical practice I
The aim of the course is to further develop students' manual skills and dexterity by integrating theoretical knowledge into clinical practice and developing an evidence-based clinical approach. Course tasks: 1)to carry out clinical work with the patient, integrating knowledge and skills on professional ethics both in the work with the patient and in contact with colleagues; 2) strengthen knowledge of the collection of the anamnesis, the extraoral and intraoral examination of the patient and the fixation of findings in the patient's clinical card, 3) to create an understanding of the prevenation of oral diseases, conventional approach to cariology, endodontics, periodontology and paediatric therapeutic dentistry. The course is implemented in English.
Field Research in Folklore
The study course analyzes the main points of contact between the modern folklore and oral history. The introductory lectures are followed by a field study lasting one week in one of the regions of Latvia, which consists of interviews (in groups or one by one) and joint evening seminars, when the interviews recorded during the day are analyzed. The aim of the study course: in lectures, seminars and field research practice, students gain practical knowledge about the specifics of field research, conducting and deciphering interviews. Tasks: 1) to identify the specifics of field research; 2) to acquire practical skills of research. Language of instruction: Latvian.
13.03.2024 13:59 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Dr.phys. Daina Riekstiņa Head of the laboratory and Leading researcher Daina.Riekstina 67261304 Dr.phys. Tamāra Krasta Leading researcher Tamara.Krasta Dr.phys. Ļubova Simonova Leading researcher Lubova.Simonova
For prospective students
30.08.2023 20:32 Content
Currently there are more than 800 foreign students studying at University of Latvia. To complete your admission successfully, please pay attention to application deadlines, which can vary depending on the country of residence. For further information please contact Mrs. Zane Svilane
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