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Kāpēc studēt BF?
17.05.2023 19:24 Content
Practice base in Kolka Since 1991, the Faculty of Biology of the UL has owned the practice base, the former "Old School" of Kolka. Summer internships take place here every year from the end of June to July. The opportunities offered by it are often used by the faculty's undergraduate, master's and doctoral students, as well as the teaching staff of the faculty, to conduct their scientific research. Kolka is an excellent place to observe spring and autumn bird migrations. Right next to it is the Irbe strait, which is both one of the largest wintering places for birds in the Baltic Sea and attractive place with a great variety of fish. Along with the border of Kolka, Slītere National Park begins, which is one of the largest and most diverse protected areas in Latvia. Seminars organised by the faculty have been held here several times. The practice base premises are also sometimes used by students and teaching staff of other faculties.
History of the Church
Course (continue)
The course of the Church History aims to introduce students into the principal events of Christianity from the origins of the church in Jerusalem till our days, by providing insight into the spiritual heritage left by the Ecumenical Councils of the first millennium, by the Fathers of the Church, the forming of the liturgical and disciplinary traditions, the Gregorian and Observant movement, the theory of conciliarism, the Christian Humanists of Renaissance, the champions of the protestant and catholic Reformation movements, the Christian thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment and confessional Restoration, the prophets of social justice and promoters of liturgical renewal and ecumenical movement. The main fonts of the local and universal Church and basic works of Christian thinkers will be treated systematically in order to provide students with a facility to find points of reference in the questions of the History of the Church.
Organization of cultural events online
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to provide continuing education students with the necessary skills and knowledge about organizing events and cultural events online, working in a saturated of events virtual environment, finding a balance of personal and public interests, promoting social communication and cooperation between companies, municipalities and state institutions on the basic of multimedia and communication technologies. Upon completion of this course, listeners will have a good understanding of the basic concepts of the basic elements of multimedia. Students will also learn and be able to use image, video and audio data processing software tools in everyday practice, such as image enhancement, video editing and audio file compression / conversion, as well as multimedia project development.
Applied Italian I
Course (continue)
The course aims to develop business Italian skills required for successful communication in the business context. The topics covered are integrated in tasks and exercises which develop and enhance reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. During the course students expand their vocabulary, acquire business terminology, as well as specific aspects of language use in the business context, develop grammatical competence, with special emphasis on formality in communication, adapt business Italian writing style and knowledge of Italian business culture and traditions to pursue an effective exchange of information in the professional environment. Throughout the course students research current events of the Italian economy, trade and entrepreneurship, retrieving the latest information from the media and the Internet.
Step 6: Arrival
06.07.2020 19:34 Content
Upon the arrival after moving in the University residence halls or apartment the applicant should: 1) Visit Student Services to apply for the student card and receive guidance on residence matters, receive information (login and password) for the UL information system (LUIS). Visiting admission unit students must provide all original documents which were required for admission. 2) Visit the faculty to meet the study programme secretary, receive introduction to the facilities and participate in the orientation activities; 3) Register for the study semester, courses and sports during the registration week by using the University of Latvia Information System . 4) Apply for residence permit card or receive it at the OCMA office . 5) If necessary, in order to receive the residence permit – go to clinic for x-ray or fluorography and purchase health insurance. 6) Declare the place of residence at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs and apply for a registration certificate
Market Me Good
24.08.2020 14:30 Content
The digital marketing agency “Market Me Good” (2017) emerged as a new company thanks to the UL Business Incubator. The founder and owner of the company is Helvijs Šmoteks, participant of Season 7 of UL Business Incubator. “During my time at the UL Student Business Incubator, I frequently met students who followed their dreams and tried to implement their crazy ideas. Excellent! Such people must be encouraged in Latvia,” said Helvijs Šmoteks. “I understand those people who try to focus on their studies at the University while their mind is generating business ideas. I was in a similar situation. I studied outside Latvia and the university I had chosen did not pay a lot of attention to supporting young entrepreneurs. I think that the activities of UL Student Business Idea Foundation deserve praise.” More about the company: Support In 2018, the company donated EUR 270 for the development of the UL Business Incubator. In 2019, the company continued
Bachelor’s degree programme Computer Science
25.04.2024 20:04 Content
Degree to be achieved: Bachelor of Natural Sciences in Computer Science Duration of studies: 4 years Type of studies: Full time Amount of credits: 160 credit points or 240 ECTS European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level: Level 6 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level: Level 6 Language of instruction: English Accreditation: the programme is accredited until 23.08.2029. Tuition fee – EUR 3340 per study year. The programme is designed according to recommendations of the ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula. It is awarded Euro-Inf Quality Label by European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education. After graduation students can continue studies on master level. Programme courses Study period and time of classes The full – time degree programme covers four academic years. Classes are mainly from 8.30am till 6pm in the working days. Career opportunities Usually students get their first work agreement after the second study year
Digital map of the University of Latvia – a step closer to a more modern university
22.08.2021 20:28 Content
into reality. The main benefits of the team in the process of developing the idea can be characterized by getting to know yourself and your team members, learning from the various experiences gained, but the main benefit isa great end product, to be proud of for a long time. Motivation was provided not only by the team mentor, but also by financial support, which was support in finding various solutions. As a challenge, the team certainly sees the difficult obstacles along the way, which were ignorance of technology or tools, but all this was learned in the process and now students can call themselves knowledgeable and determined fighters who are ready to challenge themselves and test their abilities. Each member of the Idea Lab has gained a variety of experiences while working in this programme, which in a few months has allowed students to grow as personalities, gain a broader view of the modern and ever-changing world of technology and innovation, and find their own field. This is definitely
Business Communication
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to promote understanding of business communication. Within the course students are expected to acquire skills of analysed people behavior.
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