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Field Methods in Earth Sciences II
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity to strengthen students' theoretical knowledge in such study courses as Landscape Geography, Geomorphology, Hydrology and Human Geography, to get acquainted with and practice the basic methods and techniques of field research, to acquire skills primary data systematization and interpretation skills. Course tasks: 1) to provide basic skills in field research methods and work with research techniques; 2) to provide an opportunity to acquire skills in characterizing and documenting a research object, 3) to provide an opportunity to learn to systematize and evaluate the obtained data. Field studies are organized in teams (groups), promoting the development of skills to work in a team. The field course ends with the preparation of reports and their defence in each of the above sections of the field course. The course is taught in Latvian.
Master's Thesis
The aim of the Master’s thesis is an in-depth research in translatology within the framework of which the master students perform their own independent research according to their research interests and present scientifically grounded conclusions by enhancing their skills to analyse, synthesise and generalise the most essential research findings, to demonstrate their novelty in translatology or linguistic studies. The objectives of the course: 1) to develop research skills in translatology studies; 2) to upgrade the skills required for the application of contemporary research methods in translatology; 3) to enhance the skills required for work with scientific theoretical sources, digital resources and the topical research tools in translatology; 4) to develop the skills for analysing complex scientific problems in translatology studies. Master’s thesis is written in English or Latvian.
History of Latgalian Standard Language
The objective – to prepare theoretically and methodologically students for independent research , working with the heritage of another historically developed Latvian writing tradition in the chronological order of its creation. Tasks: 1. To give a general overview of the history of the Latgalian written language in various stages of its development, starting with ancient texts. 2. To view the processes in the context of developments in Latvian writing of the Middle dialect. 3. To practice in reading and analysis of texts of different ages, successively getting acquainted with the most important monuments of Latgalian written sources and graphic solutions in them. 4. To acquire skills in seeing and analysis of the peculiarities of the language of the Latgalian written texts (phonetic, grammatical, lexical), evaluating the qualities in the context of the history of the Baltic languages. Language of instruction – Latvian.
Nordic Cross-cultural Communication in the Business Environment: Sweden
The aim of the course is to provide opportunities for students to get acquainted with the role of intercultural communication and its historical traditions in the Swedish business environment in cooperation with other Nordic countries, to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills in implementing business projects in the intercultural (Latvia/ Baltics - Sweden / Nordic countries) aspect, to learn the basics of business language and Swedish business projects. Tasks: 1) to acquire aspects of culture and language use, gaining basic knowledge in the Swedish business environment; 2) to consider the communicative preconditions for planning, starting and successful implementation of a commercial project; 3) to acquire knowledge and skills about verbal and non-verbal communication in intercultural co-operation. Language of instruction: Swedish (with explanations in Latvian and/or English).
Master’s Thesis I
The goal of the course is to support the development of research competence: ability to search and analyse scientific literature and develop the bibliography for master thesis in educational sciences. During the study course students will develop the competence to work with the scientific literature, search for information in scientific data bases, carry on systematic literature review, develop the bibliography and start to work on development of master thesis. Objectives - 1. To develop researching competence. 2. To develop the skill to work with scientific literature and prepare the bibliography. 3. To develop the skill to work in scientific data bases. 4. To develop the skill to carry on sistematic literature review. 5. To start developing the research plan, research structure for master thesis. Language of master’s thesis: Latvian or English.
Language Contacts and Language Policy in Italy
The study course examines the sociolinguistic dynamics in Italy and the situation of the Italian language outside Italy. The aim of the course is to analyze the main aspects of language contacts, looking at it in a linguistic, political and historical context. Students will also be given an insight into the national language policy by analysing its impact in Italian bilingual regions. The objectives of the study course: 1. to reflect the language situation in Italy; 2. to study such theoretical concepts as language, dialect, multilingualism, bilingualism and diglossia; 3. to deepen the knowledge of linguistic and dialect diversity and the sociolinguistic situation in the country's bilingual areas; 4. to describe the situation of linguistic minorities, deepening the aspects related to minority. languages and the phenomenon of immigration; 5. to reflect the situation of the Italian language in the world. The course is delivered in Italian.
Criminal procedure. Special part
The study course is dedicated to learning Latvian criminal procedure law. In it, following the study of the general questions of the law of criminal procedure in the study course Criminal process. General part, questions about the initiation of the criminal process and progress through its successive stages are considered. The aim of the course is to promote students' understanding of the sequence of the criminal process, the importance and tasks of each stage, the peculiarities of different categories of criminal processes. Course assignments: 1. to ensure the acquisition of theoretical knowledge about the structure of the criminal process, the importance of its stages and stages and the procedural process, as well as the various procedural forms; 2. build practical skills for consolidating the acquired theoretical knowledge and using it in simulated situations. Course language - Latvian.
Mathematics for biologists
The course deals with elements of mathematical logic and set theory, systems of linear equations, determinants and matrices, vectors, elements of differential geometry, basic concepts of function theory, limit theory, differential calculus and multivariable function differential calculus and integral calculus. The aim of the course is to create an idea of the application of mathematical methods in biology and allow creative application of mathematics in the specialty, and facilitate studies in other study-related and multidisciplinary sciences that use mathematical semantics and students' logical and abstract thinking. The objectives of the course are to promote basic knowledge in certain branches of mathematics, which can be used to mathematically correctly describe and solve practical problems, as well as to acquire basic skills in solving various standard mathematics problems. The course will be taught in Latvian.
The conceptions of truth, intellect and will in mediaeval philosophy
The aim of the course is to enhance students' understanding of the problematic distinction between intellect and will in mediaeval philosophy, and its influence on modern philosophers. The discussion will focus on the selected passages of Augustine's, Anselm's and Aquinas' texts which represent a reflection, characteristic of mediaeval philosophy, upon a systematic correspondence between epistemic and ethically normative aspects of truth, a cognitive status of belief and faith, as well as the role of the will in cognition and action. Study course tasks: 1. To provide knowledge of the main conceptions of the relation between intellect and will in mediaeval philosophy and their influence on discussions in modern philosophy. 2. To develop skills of exploring classical texts of mediaeval philosophy concerning the theories of intellect and will. 3. To form an understanding of the normative nature of truth and of the function of will in cognition and action. The study course
Introduction to History of Diplomacy (1648 -1918)
The course deals with the main problems of diplomacy in Europe since The Thirty Years War till the end of the WWI and with the main problems in historiography, but also includes a short introduction into the history of diplomacy in ancient Greece, Roman Empire and Byzantium. The role of the diplomacy of Venice, Florence and Milan, as well as the quest for hegemony in Europe by Hapsburgs in 15 century receices its due, too. Course deals with the definition of diplomacy as a craft, art and science. Course covers the main problems of the history of diplomacy of France, Prussia, German Empire, Hapsburg's Empire (later - Austria, later - Austria - Hungary), Otoman Empire, Russia, USA. Students study the life of the greatest diplomats: Richelie, Talleyrand, Caslrey, Palmerston, Bismarck, Gorchakov, Grey, as well as the modern tendencies in the historiography.
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