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Bank details for transferring payments of study, examination and sports fees
22.07.2020 13:17 Content
Bank:Luminor Bank AS Latvijas filiāle Code: RIKOLV2X IBAN: LV10RIKO0000082414423 Note: When making a transfer, please, indicate NAME AND SURNAME OF THE STUDENT, PERSONAL IDENTITY NUMBER OR DATE OF BIRTH, STUDY PROGRAMME TO BE ATTENDED AND THE STUDY SEMESTER TO BE COVERED BY THE CURRENT PAYMENT. Further information: Student according to the Cabinet of Ministers No. 336 of July 31, 2001 “Regulations on Justified Expenses for Education and Medical Services” provide for partial embursement of the tuition fees. Please, retain the documents confirming your payment – the cashier's receipt, the payment slip, the bank's payment order, or another document of payment. Payment of study fees via the UL information system LUIS: The University of Latvia offers an opportunity to pay study fees at the UL by using LUIS. This service is available to the clients of Swedbank, Citadele, SEB and Luminor (until 21.07.2020). Information about the payment in LUIS is registered immediately after
Lietišķās vides zinātnes katedra
18.02.2024 01:50 Content
., associate professor, director of the master’s study programme "Environmental Science" Iveta Šteinberga Dr. geogr., assistant professor, Jānis Brizga Dr. geogr., assistant professor, Juris Burlakovs Dr. geogr., assistant professor, Laura Kļaviņa Dr. geogr., assistant professor, director of the bachelor’s study programme "Environmental Science" Imants Kukuļs Dr. geogr., assistant professor, secretary of the Faculty CouncilZanda Penēze Mg. sc. nat., researcher Kristīne Afanasjeva Mg. sc. nat., researcher Baiba Dirnēna PhD students Līga Bieziņa : research topic "The Development of the Instruments of Environmental Communication in Municipal Management", supervisor: Dr. habil. paed. Raimonds Ernšteins; Kristīne Eglīte : research topic "The Creation and Implementation of Strategy and Model for Renewable Energy Resource Generation and Load Balancing in Energy Network in the Baltic Sea Region", supervisor: Dr.geogr. Iveta Šteinberga; Maija Fonteina Kazaka : research topic "Application
My story
08.03.2022 15:51 Content
I was born in a small Ural town in the Perm region by the picturesque river Chusovaya. The first turning point, which influenced my choice to tie my life with science, occurred in the 8th grade. After winning an Olympiad, I had a chance to have a 40-day stay at the Artek camp in Crimea. It was a completely different world. So many new impressions! I met many students from the Soviet Union. I remember an interesting group from Uzbekistan, also from the Baltics. After school, I entered the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which is still one of the best physics schools.It was a fascinating time. From the first day, we had the opportunity to learn from the best science professionals. The mathematical analysis was taught to us by Academician Sergey Nikolsky, who was also born in the Perm region and lived a very long life - 107 years. His textbooks are still considered as one of the strongest in mathematical analysis. I also remember Professor Vladimir Agranovich, who had a key
E. Lune un partneri
03.09.2020 15:31 Content
The company E. Lune un partneri(2005) provides employment agency services. Support In 2018, the company donated EUR 1000 to the UL Student Business Incubator. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
What is the purpose of the project?
04.07.2022 14:51 Content
The goal of the project is the creation of a multifunctional sports complex to provide high-quality sports and active recreation opportunities for UL students, employees and residents of the immediate vicinity while promoting a healthy lifestyle and the development of sports science and sports studies.
Recommendations for studies
25.05.2020 17:58 Content
Successful studies at the university depend on many factors: personality of student,motivation behind the choice of studies, previously mastered study skills, experienced socialsupport and sense of belonging to the social environment of university, as well as materialsituation.Every student at times asks him/herself, how to improve the study work, to achieve greatersuccess, more profound knowledge and use the time at the university to the best advantage.Study Services Department offers recommendations regarding academic work, relationships,personal matters that have a great impact on individual&'s welfare and thus, also studies. Therecommendations are provided concerning many useful and relevant topics – beginning ofthe studies, daily life and recommended actions for effective studies, cooperation withmentors, family support, effective study habits, time planning and development ofmotivation, countering fear of failure, reasons for procrastination and countering them,setting goals
Grāmatvedība un audits (studiju ilgums: 4 semestri)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Studiju programmas saturs aptver svarīgākās grāmatvedības un audita jomas, kuru apgūšana ir nepieciešama, lai sagatavotu darbam Latvijas un starptautiskajos uzņēmumos konkurētspējīgus speciālistus ar nepieciešamām akadēmiskām un augstākā līmeņa profesionālām kompetencēm grāmatvedībā un auditā. Nozīmīgu vietu studiju programmā ieņem mācību prakses (80 kredītpunktu studiju plānā tās aizņem gandrīz 33% un 40 kredītpunktu studiju plānā – 15% no kopējā programmas apjoma), kas ir tieši saistītas un saturiski izriet no programmas nozares teorētiskajiem studiju kursiem. Prakses lakā studenti strādā nacionālajos un starptautiskajos uzņēmumos un organizācijās, kas bāzējās Latvijā. Prakses vietas studenti var brīvi izvēlēties vai arī, saskaņā ar noslēgto sadarbības līgumu starp Latvijas Universitāti un LR Grāmatvežu asociāciju, tās nodrošina minētā grāmatvežu profesionālā organizācija.
Library in the House of Science - a modern environment for studies
20.04.2023 15:15 Content
The library and reading room are located on the 2nd floor of the House of Science. It contains 18,000 copies of the most popular and latest publications in medical sciences, as well as physics, mathematics, optometry and more than 170 thousand e-resources . Books can be received, transferred or extended using self-service machines. A self-service computer wall with 36 laptops is available. There are workplaces for individual and group work of students, where desks are equipped with adjustable lighting and sockets. In order to promote students' acquisition of knowledge and skills in human anatomy, 30 models of human skulls are available in the library (possible to reserve electronically in the PRIMO system), while a human skeleton model is available for individual studies in the library's reading room. Regulation of the Library Contact: Email: Phone:+371 26532958 Skype: LU Bibliotēkas Zinātņu mājas bibliotēka
Icebreakers 2021
15.06.2021 16:39 Content
The student business opportunity festival “Icebreakers” in 2021 will take place on October 8. The festival will bring together students, young entrepreneurs, researchers, business experts and enthusiasts from all over Europe to discuss potential business opportunities, available support tools for starting a business and creating innovation. This year, the theme of the festival will be "Reinventing the Future". Festival participants will have the opportunity to: to participate in the business idea “pitting” competition; meet inspiring speakers; participate in workshops; to meet potential partners or employers; participate in various side events. The festival will be opened by a warm-up event on June 30. At the opening of the warm-up event, the representatives of the Baltic universities will discuss the future trends in education, as well as the creators of innovations and founders of start-ups. In parallel, a design thinking workshop will take place at the event
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