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Doctoral programme in Philosophy
25.04.2024 20:28 Content
, international research seminars in philosophy (10 credits total), study courses “Trends in 21st century Philosophy” and “International Philosophical Organisations” (8 credits total); Part B (Limited choice) 8 credits Limited choice courses include “New Developments in the 21st Century Philosophy of Culture” (8 credits), “Relevant Issues in Aesthetics and Social Philosophy” (2 credits), “Emerging Trends in Inter-Cultural Philosophy”, “Philosophy of Enlightenment” (4 credits), “Approaches in Philosophical Humanism” (6 credits), “Philosophy of History” (4 credits); Part C (Optional choice) 4 credits Optional choice courses are focused on academic teaching skill development. Anticipated outcome of the Doctoral Study Programme: After successful completion of the Doctoral Study Programme, a PhD student will have acquired the following competences: 1. Knowledge (intellectual competences): 1.1. The ability to independently develop novel research topics; 1.2. The ability to independently carry
Other conferences in 2019
20.01.2022 12:25 Content
& Exhibition NanoTech Poland 2019 &Nanotechnology and Innovation in the Baltic Sea Region (5th–8th June 2019, Poznań, Poland). 2019. – P. 167. Y.Harmaza, A.Tamashevski. An comparative analysis of zinc oxide nanorods and nanoparticles action on human lymphocytes // LXXIII International scientific and practical conference students and young investigators- “The actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy 2019” (Minsk, Belarus, 17–19 April 2019).P. 706 (in Russian). Y.Harmaza, A.Tamashevski, E.Slobozhanina. Features of functioning of cystein-rich protein metallothionein in chronic B-lymphocytic leukemia cells. HemaSphere.– 2019. – Vol. 3, Suppl. 1. – P. 860. (Abstract book of the 24rd Congress of European Hematology Association (EHA 2019), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 13–16, 2019.) A.Tamashevski, V.Pasiukov, A.Svirnovski. The role of metallothioneins in the cellular redox state maintenance under chronic B-lymphocytic leukemia. Abstract book of the 6 th meeting of International Society
The main publications in 2013
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
for young Europeans through eMentorship – CReBUS”. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 90 lpp. Iespiests SIA „Latgales druka”. ISBN 978-9934-517-02-0 Fernández González, M. J. (2013). Biprofesionālas identitātes integrācijas veicināšana studiju procesā. Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas mūzikas akadēmijas situācijas analīze. [Facilitating University students’ biprofessional identity integration. The case of the Latvian academy of Music]. LU raksti, Pedagoģija un skolotāju izglītība. 790. sējums (98.-110. lpp.) Latvija: Latvijas Universitātes akadēmiskais apgāds. ISSN 1407-2157 ISBN 978-9984-45-660-7 LU raksti, 790.sējums
Promotion activities
22.04.2020 13:49 Content
Solar Cup, solar-powered and self-made model competition for school youth; annual event 3rd Saturday in May, 2008-2018. International Exhibition of Innovations and Innovation MINOX, annual event 2-3 days of October, 2014 - 2018, Riga. ISSP UL stand, organized by laboratory scientists and engineers. ; International Exhibition Environment and Energy, each year 3-4 days in October, Riga, Kipsala, 2007-2018; ISSP UL stand, organized by laboratory scientists and engineers. Pēteris Lesničenoks (Latvian): Science Night - laboratory young scientists (students) take part every year in the past ISSP now LU FMF. Publications popular science journa “Energy and World” (Latvian): 1. Hydrogen is everywhere, also in Institute of Solid State Physics UL J. Kleperis, Energy
ESZF Latvijas-Ķīnas akadēmiskās sadarbības centrs
13.07.2020 16:34 Content
, symposiums, seminars and other scientific meetings with an aim to promote recognition of political science; the organisation of scientific expeditions, scientific and professional courses and schools; participation in the exchange of academic staff in cooperation with other higher education institutions and scientific centres of Latvia and the People's Republic of China; attracting external funding for the exchange of academic staff and students, in line with the regulations of the UL on the organisation and financing of staff exchanges. The core activity of the Centre is the exchange of information with academic and scientific staff of political science study programmes in the People's Republic of China. The function of secretariat of the Centre is performed by the Political science department of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UL. The coordinating activities of the Centre are determined by the coordinating council, which consists of the Head of Political Science
Lifestyle characteristics of children and young people with learning disabilities and the use of information and communication technologies to improve quality of life (manager E. Laganovska)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
. Pētījuma rezultāti veidos pamatu tālākajiem pētījumiem un darbam, lai jaunieši varētu labāk pārvarēt mācīšanās traucējumus un uzlabotos viņu dzīves kvalitāte. Dalībnieki: Mg.paed. Egija Laganovska (pētniece) Dr.paed. Dita Nīmante (vadošā petniece) Mg.paed. Irēna Andersone (ex.Trubina) (pētniece) Mg.paed. Alvis Valdemiers Pētījumā plānots iesaistīt LU maģistrantus: E. Laganovskas studentus (Vita Vasiļonoka, kas šobrīd raksta maģistra darbu “Informācijas tehnoloģiju izmantošana logopēdiskās nodarbībā” un Agne Berga, kura plāno rudenī stāties maģistrantūrā).
Results in 2019
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
, dalība pētījuma projekta sagatavošanā. Sagatavotie un apstiprinātie projekti: S.Sebre, A.Miltuze. School-aged Children’s Internet Use in Relation to Socioemotional Development and Parenting Practices in Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan: A Longitudinal Study. Latvia-Lithuania-Taiwan Scientific Cooperation Project No LV-LT-TW/2018/2, second stage, partners Vilnius university, University of Taiwan Studentu iesaiste: Nataļja Agapitova un Anna Plisko, darbošanās projektā "School-aged Children’s Internet Use in Relation to Socioemotional Development and Parenting Practices in Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan: A Longitudinal Study". Citi sasniegumi: S.Sebre, A.Miltuze.Recenzēšanas pienākumu veikšana2019.gadažurnālam: Baltic Journal of Psychology.
07.11.2021 16:17 Content
The Department of Philosophy and Ethics (DPE) is structural unit of the University of Latvia within the Faculty of History and Philosophy. The DPE is currently the only place in Latvia where it is possible to study philosophy at all study levels, starting with bachelor’s studies and ending with obtaining PhD degree. The DPE is not only a study place, but also a place of research. Various research projects are regularly implemented in the department. Lecturers and researchers of DPE in cooperation with Latvian, European and world research institutions and universities participate in projects requiring analysis of fundamental philosophical assumptions, critique and interpretation of concepts and theoretical systems, hermeneutics of language and cultural forms and opening up new research perspectives. The DPE offers studies based on Europe’s long philosophical heritage, which combines classics with modern thought solutions to current problems, and interdisciplinary and internationally
Metodisko materiālu komplekts vidussskolas kursam Fizika I
18.12.2023 14:55 Content
Following an initiative promoted by the Latvian Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry Association (LETERA) and supported by universities and the Latvian Physics Teachers’ Association (LFSA), in order to ensure quality physics education for every student, it is necessary to provide every physics teacher with a complete teaching kit, one of the components of which is a set of teaching methodological materials for each lesson, developed by qualified experts. The Department of Physics of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, in collaboration with the Latvian Physics Teachers’ Association, implemented a project of the National Centre for Education on the development of a set of teaching methodological materials for the secondary school course Physics I. The set of 245 physics lesson plans for each physics lesson, presentations, laboratory activities, final topic activities and methodological commentaries help teachers to understand the authors' vision on how
The ability to turn difficulties into opportunities - My Food Intelligence story
19.06.2021 20:40 Content
producer, but I am working to make the product available on store shelves. Of course, this process goes forward in small steps, and there are many difficulties and requirements that must be met in order to be able to implement something like this. Veganism, a healthy lifestyle, and the exclusion of various allergens from the menu are globally growing trends, but the niche for these foods is not yet filled, so I know that my product has potential. Do you recommend others to participate in the UoLStudent Business Incubator? I definitely recommend others to participate in the UoL Student Business Incubator, because it really expands the range of opportunities - without participating in the incubator, I would probably never have met several of our mentors, who with their advice contributed a lot to the development of my project. It should also be mentioned that in the incubator we are all teams together, which gives a sense of being part of a community where everyone works on their ideas
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