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Spektroskopisko metožu attīstīšana un pielietošana daudzfunkcionālo materiālu īpašību pētījumos
21.01.2022 14:29 Content
Principal Investigator: Dr. habil. Larisa Grigorjeva Project duration in years: 4 (2009-2011) Latvian Science Council Grant No.09.1126 The four laboratories provided with experimental equipments were involved for Project realization. During the project the equipments were modernizated and expanded. The students take a part in project realization. The spectroscopic methods used in project were: optical absorption and luminescence in visible, UV and IR spectral regions, time-resolved spectroscopy in ns and longer time range under pulse laser or electron beam excitation, FTI spectroscopy, Raman scattering spectroscopy, circular dichroism magnetooptic spectroscopy, vacuum UV spectroscopy, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, optical loses in light guides, spectroscopy of x-ray fluorescence microanalyses. The subjects under study were advanced optical materials with different polymorphic modifications, SiO 2 , GeO 2 glasses, as well as related materials. These are materials for optical
The project aim and justification:
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
, for the know-how to PhD and master degree students at the University of Latvia and at the other universities. The GNSS technologies application will serve for competitive capacity in many branches of national economy: geology, civil engineering, road construction, geodesy, land surveying, in maritime navigation safety and increased competitiveness for Latvian transit. The high precision gravity field model will access the studies of mineral deposits, the acquisition of smart materials and will increase the availability to develop new facilities in engineering.
Scientific Institute of Economics and Management
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Scientific Institute of Economics and Management (SIEM) is a structural unit of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, where the researchers of the Faculty are engaged. The aim of the Institute is to facilitate a theoretical and applied research in the field of management and economics, provide high-quality training of young scientists and students involved in scientific research, thus promoting an increase of competitiveness of Latvian companies in international markets. The main task of the Institute is to conduct socially significant economic, management, demographic, environmental management and related research and project implementation in order to promote the visibility of the Facultyof Business, Management and Economics in the international scientific community. The activity of the Scientific Institute is governed by the Scientific Institute of Economics and Management Statutes, approved on October 23, 2007 by the Council of the Faculty of Economics
Zaiga Priede Kalniņš
03.09.2020 16:55 Content
-Kalniņš urges the recipients of "Ceļamaize" ("Bread for the journey") scholarship to be champions of their country and state: "Use your education not only to improve your own material situation, but first of all – for the welfare of your people and your country. Work for better health care and education– when these two are improved, economic wellbeing will follow. Use your creative power to seek and change your own, chosen place in the country. I am not against gaining experience abroad, yet such experience should be brought back to Latvia and knowledge used for the benefit of our country." One of the first donors responding to the professor’s call to support this scholarship foundation was Madara Miķelsone. Support In the 2007/2008 academic year, in the framework of "Ceļamaize" ("Bread for the journey") scholarship fund, a scholarship in the amount of EUR 700 was granted to Dace Tirzīte, a student of the UL Faculty of Medicine Bachelor’s programme of nursing. In the 2008/2009 academic year
Securities Market
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge on financial instruments and the operation of the respective market by introducing the principles of the market operation and its characteristics in Latvia and in the world. Tasks of the course: 1. to review the concept and functioning of the securities market; 2. to develop an understanding of what financial instruments are, what functions they perform in modern market economy, how they can be classified, and how the financial instruments issue process is organized; 3. deepen their knowledge of stock exchange trading mechanisms, address IPO organization and related issues; 4. deepen their knowledge of securities market evaluation and forecasting capabilities as well as accounting, custody and settlement systems. Language of study course:
Securities Market
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge on financial instruments and the operation of the respective market by introducing the principles of the market operation and its characteristics in Latvia and in the world. Tasks of the course: 1. to review the concept and functioning of the securities market; 2. to develop an understanding of what financial instruments are, what functions they perform in modern market economy, how they can be classified, and how the financial instruments issue process is organized; 3. deepen their knowledge of stock exchange trading mechanisms, address IPO organization and related issues; 4. deepen their knowledge of securities market evaluation and forecasting capabilities as well as accounting, custody and settlement systems. Language of study course:
Digital marketing for DMI certification[160]
Course (continue)
The aim of the study course is to update and improve the learner's understanding of the peculiarities and basic principles of digital marketing, the peculiarities of the marketing research process in the digital environment, the peculiarities of digital marketing projects and the basic principles of their development, specifics, about the peculiarities of social media marketing and their integration into the company's marketing strategy, about the peculiarities of content marketing and its compliance with the market situation and the specifics of the target audience, about interactive marketing communication as a component of integrated marketing communication, as well as to prepare students for international certification at the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI). Course tasks: 1. to master the functions of digital marketing, the peculiarities of the digital marketing complex and the interaction of their elements, as well as the peculiarities of digital segmentation; 2. use direct
Latvian state scholarships
11.08.2021 18:27 Content
In accordance with bilateral agreements on co-operation in education and science concluded between Latvian government and a few countries Latvia offers scholarships to foreign students, researchers and teaching staff for studies, research and participation in summer schools in Latvian higher education institutions (HEIs) in the2021/2022academic year. The Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia has delegated the administration of the Latvian state scholarships to the State Education Development Agency (Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra – VIAA). About Scholarships for Studies About Latvian fellowships for Research About LatvianScholarships for Summer Schools ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS for the academic ye ar2021/2022 I.Citizens from countriesthat have signed an Agreement* on co-operation in education and science Country Country Country 1. Azerbaijan 10. Italy
29.04.2020 14:08 Content
Project SEC (Solar Energy in Close-up) vehicle „SEC vehicle” Results in Latvian Aim of the project: The aim of the project is to design and produce a vehicle model, whose task is to drive the set distance in the shortest possible time, using only solar (light) energy available at that time. The team consists of 1-3 students and it needs a name and a motto. The teams are given (sent) or they purchase identical solar panels based on which the vehicle must be constructed, using any available consumables and parts except batteries and/or secondary cells. During the competition, vehicles must drive on the course (5 – 20 m). The races are organized in groups – the groups are drawn by lot before the competition. 2 winners of each group qualify for the next round until the absolute winner is determined. Time of competition: The competition will be organized in the second part of May 2008, at the location to be announced separately. Organizers should be informed beforehand
Par fakultāti
21.05.2021 19:57 Content
The Faculty of Computing provides academic and professional education, and conducts research in computer science. Faculty study programmes are recognized by the Latvian employers and European education experts, having received the "Euro-Inf Quality Label". Students have the opportunity to gain comprehensive basic knowledge in computer science and choose a specialization in computer science, information technology, software engineering, information systems, computer engineering and didactics of computer science. The Faculty's academic staff are knowledgeable in theory and have gained practical experience in the industry, while graduates work in the major companies of Latvia and other countries, are employed by successful startups, in public administration and elsewhere. Vision The University of Latvia is becoming a major university in the research and information and communications technology sector (ICT) in the Baltic states within the meaning of training the specialists, keeping
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