Found 10166 entries
Mathematical modeling of metabolism
The aim of the course is to provide opportunities for students to acquire basic knowledge of mathematical modeling applications in metabolic process description and optimization. Modeling is presented as a tool of metabolic network simulation and optimisation. Applicability off different modeling approaches in metabolic engineering is analysed. The course tasks: 1) to acquire knowledge on development principles and applicability of kinetic models, 2) to acquire knowledge on basic assumptions, development, applicability of stoichiometric models, 3) to use iterative application of kinetic and stoichiometric models in metabolic engineering tasks, 4) to research risks of modeling results implementation in the engineering of microorganisms. Seminars are devoted to the discussions about modeling related scientific articles. The languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Safety Engineering and Occupational Health
The aim of the study course is to obtain knowledge, skills and competence on occupational health and safety engineering and get aware of risk factors in the work environment, their multiple exposure, health and safety impact among employees. The course tasks: 1. To increase students' awareness of safety culture, about the main risks to the working environment (chemical, physical, biological, psychosocial, ergonomic, mechanical and traumatic) and their impact on the health and safety of workers and preventive activities. 2. To promote skills in safety engineering and occupational health research methodologies. 3. To analyze and assess various work situations in relation to work environment, risks, risk engineering including work environment management. The language of instruction is Latvian and English.
Russian Literature and Culture in Latvia
The aim of the course is to develop students’ understanding of the nature of the Russian literature and culture in Latvia, and the peculiarities of the literary process. The objectives of the course are the following: 1. To study the peculiarities of the historical process and the main characteristics of the Russian culture in Latvia; 2. To develop the skills of the analysis of texts of the Russian literature in Latvia, to determine their main features; 3. To develop the ability to express one’s opinion about particular cultural and literary phenomena; 4. To master the scientific literature on the phenomena and processes of the Russian literature and culture of Latvia, in contrast to the literature and culture of the metropolis, as well as on the peculiarities of poetics, the image of the reader, etc. 5. To broaden the understanding of the essence of the informative and cultural field. Language of instruction is Russian.
Scandinavian languages and culture: Contacts and contrasts I (Sweden)
The course is the first stage in a three-part series targeting the study of North Germanic or Scandinavian languages (Swedish) and culture as relevant to the Baltic Sea region. The course is focused on geopolitical and comprehensive transnational cooperation and as such aims at equipping students with a thorough and multifaceted knowledge in the field of humanities, thus ensuring their engagement in professional activities or further academic education. The objectives of the course are related to 1) the acquisition of Scandinavian (Swedish) language at A1 level, 2) the development of contrastive linguistic-analytical skills, 3) the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge regarding Sweden and the Nordic countries in the context of the Baltic languages and cultures (primarily Germany and Latvia). Language of instruction: Swedish and/or English
Private Law Aspects of Economic Activity
The aim of the study course is to introduce students with the regulation of economic activity from the point of view of private law. The course covers not only the disucssion of general issues such as the concept of economic activity and its types, but also the regulation of economic activity in specific sub-branches of law such as commercial law, financial law, regulation of competition relations, consumer protection law. The course pays special attention to issues of legal liability within the course of economic activity, discussing it from the perspective of different types of legal liability. The tasks of the course are to gain knowledge about the regulation of economic activity in connection with current court practice in Latvian private law. The course is taught in Latvian.
Preparation of Projects and Publications
The aim of the curriculum is to provide students with basic knowledge and skills about applying projects and writing scientific publications in the biological sciences, as well as the methods of presenting these texts. Objectives of the training course: • Get theoretical and practical knowledge about the goals, format and style of writing texts; • Understand and master the following aspects of writing and submitting texts: the specifics of the research article and project; the most important methods of writing an article; ways of displaying data in figures and tables; • Acquire strategies for searching for sources of literature for drawing up a proposal for a project and a scientific article for a draft and further corrections of manuscripts; • Understand the importance of taking notes for improving the quality of teaching and presentations. The course is taught in Latvian.
Basics of Work in Editorial Office
The aim of the study course is to provide the knowledge and skills required for journalists and to gain knowledge about specifics of work in editorial offices by attending existing media editorial offices during study excursions and creating a training editorial office to fulfill tasks typical of journalism profession. Tasks of the study course: to introduce students with the specifics of different media editorial offices, roles and functions of journalists in these editorial offices by attending them and meeting media professionals – employees of the editorial offices attended, to create understanding about work in media editorial office, to develop professional skills by working in the training editorial office and producing publications for multimedia platform. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Autonomous experimental systems
The wide availability of advanced microcomputers creates new opportunities for the development of autonomous experimental systems with application in the various fields of science. The aim of the course is to develop skills in the creation and use of such autonomous systems for students of the Bachelor of Physics and other programs. The tasks are to learn the basic principles of the operation of micro-computers, their interaction with various kinds of sensors and peripheral equipment, and finally to design autonomous experimental systems. Since the course audience must be able to program microcomputers, the basic elements of C/C++ programming language are included in this course. The classes take place in classrooms with specially equipped computers using Arduino microcomputers and peripheral equipment kits. The study course is provided in Latvian.
Logistics and Transport Geography
The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge about the place and importance of the logistics and transport industry in the economy, about the basic principles of using different transport systems. During the study process, students must acquire knowledge and skills that would allow to assess the planning of goods and passenger flows and the use of transport in the global transport system and in Latvia. The tasks of the course are to acquire knowledge about the specialization and geographical peculiarities of different modes of transport; to get acquainted with special literature on logistics transport geography; to analyse and plan the main flows of transport units, cargo and passengers; to master the basics of inventory management and document management within logistics systems. The language of instruction is Latvian
Customer and Food Marketing
Aim of the course is to provide students with in-depth and theoretical knowledge of food marketing theoretical and practical aspects in order to independently carry out market research and analyzing the results and apply the new sales activities in the implementation, as well as to promote the World Health Organization, the European Union and Latvian Nutrition policy objectives. The tasks of the course are as follows: 1. to provide in-depth knowledge of the nature, basic elements and regulatory framework of marketing activities; consumer aspects - making and purposeful purchasing decisions; providing information to consumers; 2. To provide in-depth knowledge of the legal basis of the European Union and national laws and regulations for food marketing activities. Language of instruction - Latvian
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