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Research methods
The aim of the respective course is to introduce with qualitative and quantitative methods of research, research ethics, evaluation of published literature, selection of statistical data including statistical data bases, requirements for preparation and technical details: style, format, organisation and presentation of the research with special attention to most often used methods in business administration. Tasks : 1) analyse foreign and domestic theory and praxis in research methodology with special attention of application of research methods in praxis and use of those methods for decision making; 2) analyse examples from practical experience in well-known organisation practical experience; 3) use recommended tasks, examples and problem solutions for development of practical knowledge and skills. The course is realised in all study programs at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics at University of Latvia.
The languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
19.04.2024 21:13 Content
important topics. ZOOM seminar “Modelling and Analysis of the Economic Impact of Climate Goals” Students of the University of Latvia participated in the international online human resource development course “Towards Sustainable Development Goals, Learning from Japanese and Eurasian UNESCO Biosphere Reserves” To ensure sustainable consumption habits 12.1. To ensure sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources by 2030. 12.2. To reduce the amount of food waste by 2030. 12.3. By 2027, to ensure the management of chemical substances and all types of waste in an environmentally safe way throughout their life cycle, and significantly reduce the release of such substances and waste into the air, water and soil, thus minimizing their adverse effects on human health and the environment. 12.4. By 2030, to significantly reduce the amount of generated waste by implementing waste prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse measures. 12.5. To encourage companies, especially large
Bachelor’s degree programme in East-West Intercultural Studies
25.04.2024 20:07 Content
as in research centres, think tanks, and business structures engaged in East-West communication. More information about study programme and Study plan ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements General secondary high school diploma. The average grade of the secondary education document in all subjects must be at least 6 (on a 10-point scale). English language proficiency NOTE!If you have knowledge of other languages (French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic), then when registering for studies, supporting documents must be presented. Prior knowledge of these languages provides an opportunity to learn the relevant language module. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview
My story
22.12.2021 12:52 Content
, environmental research, medicine, and power industry. The results obtained by the RFL also make a practical contribution to the protection of Latvia's environment and the use of nuclear physics methods in other research areas. Advances in science are ongoing. The achievements of various scales too. The research we work on are related to the structure of the nuclei of rare earth elements, the interaction of charged particles with materials, and the assessment of the effects of radiation on the environment. And all those studies are all still ongoing. Thinking about the people in science, I have to say that we are all quite different. What is it we have in common? I think it is some kind of craziness. Physicists also differ greatly. My fellow student did not understand how I could do experimental work where results were not always predictable. But that’s the point! She was a physics lecturer and her work was more or less settled and foreseeable. During school, I was good at mathematics and I
My story
10.02.2022 12:14 Content
, environmental research, medicine, and power industry. The results obtained by the RFL also make a practical contribution to the protection of Latvia's environment and the use of nuclear physics methods in other research areas. Advances in science are ongoing. The achievements of various scales too. The research we work on are related to the structure of the nuclei of rare earth elements, the interaction of charged particles with materials, and the assessment of the effects of radiation on the environment. And all those studies are all still ongoing. Thinking about the people in science, I have to say that we are all quite different. What is it we have in common? I think it is some kind of craziness. Physicists also differ greatly. My fellow student did not understand how I could do experimental work where results were not always predictable. But that’s the point! She was a physics lecturer and her work was more or less settled and foreseeable. During school, I was good at mathematics and I
The Latvian National Research Programme “Letonika – Fostering a Latvian and European Society”, project “Research on Modern Latvian Language and Development of Language Technology”
16.04.2024 13:45 Content
of Latvian and Baltic Studies (Faculty of Humanities, UL) by Prof. Dr. philol. Andra Kalnača, Assoc. Prof. Dr. philol. Ilze Lokmane (both – lead participants), Dr. philol. Daiga Deksne, Dr. philol. Solveiga Čeirane,Mg. hum. Tatjana Pakalne, students Mg. hum. Emīlija Mežale, Mg. hum. Klinta Mellupa (2021– 2023), Bc. hum. Paula Kļaviņa and Bc. hum. Milan Hoplíček(all – experts). Information on the project “Research on Modern Latvian Language and Development of Language Technology” is available at:
Uzlabotu uz SiO2 bāzes veidotu materiālu ultravioletajai un lieljaudas fotonikai optiskās īpašības
21.01.2022 14:21 Content
fiber cables for UV range, laser processing and medicine. It is expected that they will benefit from the gained new knowledge, which will help to improve the transaparency and UV solarization resistance of the fibers. The Latvian industry in general will benefit from training of the students acquiring expertize in the fields of SiO2 physics, chemistry and engineering.
09.10.2023 17:39 Content
Connect to ClinicalKey For remote access to ClinicalKey , it is necessary to register with your UL e-mail! *Database available only for students and academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia. * ​Full access to database resources may work only in specific browsers, i.e. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Using Mozilla Firefox may cause problems with full access to resources. In case of issues, please check whether your browser has available updates. ClinicalKey is a medical e-resource from Elsevier , containing valuable materialson 52 medical specialties. The e-resource is competent guidance in scientific research, clinical practice, and medical studies. ClinicalKey covers the following information areas including (but not limited to): more than 670 full-text journals, including The Lancet ; more than 1100 fulltext e-books, including Gray’s Anatomy (easy to read and to download (in XML/PDF) training and reference tools
Animal diversity and quality of environment
07.07.2020 13:01 Content
Council of the Doctoral school: Jānis Priednieks , Dr.biol. (Faculty of Biology) – chairman; Gunta Spriņģe , Dr.biol. (Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences) – vice-chairman; Oļģerts Nikodemus , Dr.geogr. (Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences); Tatjana Zorenko , Dr.h.biol. (Faculty of Biology); Indriķis Krams, Dr.biol. (Faculty of Biology); Agnese Osīte, Dr.chem. (Faculty of Chemistry); Inga Straupe, Dr.silv. (Latvia University of Agriculture); Gunārs Pētersons, Dr.biol. (Latvia University of Agriculture); Jānis Ozoliņš, Dr.biol. (Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava"); Raivo Mänd, PhD (Department of Zoology, University of Tartu, Estonia); Johanna Mappes, Dr. (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) (approved19.12.2016. with University of Latvia Rector’s order No. 1/483) The aim of the Doctoral school is to create an interdisciplinary group consisting of doctoral and master students and academic personal, involving representatives
My story
15.09.2021 15:53 Content
My family was quite surprised by my choice to study at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, as my both parents are artists, and I attended a humanitarian class at a humanitarian school. We only had physics for one year in the secondary school. I made a choice in favor of physics because of the people - I started singing in the faculty’s choir "Aura", where I realized that the mindset of the participants is what I agree with very well - and my thoughts have not changed so far. My studies at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry of the University of Latvia were full of different experiences. First, I really enjoyed the studies - there were few physicists, so I had a personal attitude, I also liked the study environment. The biggest "thank you!" I have to say to Professor Ojārs Judrups, who taught mathematics in the first year. Although I had significantly lower knowledge compared to my fellow students when I started my studies, he encouraged me not to give up
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