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Methods of the New Testament exegesis
The study course is held in a form of practical seminars. The course aims are: to provide practical skills in exegesis of NT original texts. The tasks of the study course are systematic overview and application of the traditional methods of exegesis – criticism of a text, grammatical and syntactic analysis, literary criticism, criticism of forms, editorial criticism, implicite analyses of a text etc. The tasks of the course are: - sequential performance of full exegetical analysis of pericops, depending on the form, type and specifics of the text. - to develop critical thinking in the field of text analysis, to help students in implementing independent and correct exegetical research of ancient texts. Seminars include analytical work with the original text of Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. XXVII and ed. XXVIII: Stuttgart, 2017) and its Critical Apparatus, as well as with supporting literature units (Language "keys", concordances, theological dictionaries, commentaries, grammars, etc
Methods of the New Testament exegesis
The study course is held in a form of practical seminars. The course aims are: to provide practical skills in exegesis of NT original texts. The tasks of the study course are systematic overview and application of the traditional methods of exegesis – criticism of a text, grammatical and syntactic analysis, literary criticism, criticism of forms, editorial criticism, implicite analyses of a text etc. The tasks of the course are: - sequential performance of full exegetical analysis of pericops, depending on the form, type and specifics of the text. - to develop critical thinking in the field of text analysis, to help students in implementing independent and correct exegetical research of ancient texts. Seminars include analytical work with the original text of Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. XXVII and ed. XXVIII: Stuttgart, 2017) and its Critical Apparatus, as well as with supporting literature units (Language "keys", concordances, theological dictionaries, commentaries, grammars, etc
Theory and Practice of Documentary Cinema
Documentary cinema in some sence is a part of journalism . To acquire its theory and practice means to discover basic knowledge of cinematographic journalism. Cinema is the oldest medium of mass communication, and in the course of its growth it has managed to develop the language of visual communication. This is one of the reasons why this course is advisable to all whose work is connected to TV, video or some other medium of modern visual communication. This course should be also taken by those who have decided to specialize in the theory of visual communication. The course does not treat the history of documentary cinema as a sequence of facts, but as a process of getting aware of the specifics of this genre and real preconditions that governed its development. Thus the aesthetics of documentary cinema is treated as a historical process. Such approach enables the students to link theory with practice, to study its interaction and master basic principles of writing a documentary film
Chemistry of Natural Compounds
The aim of the study course is to acquire knowledge about the main classes of naturally occurring organic substances, classification, structure, properties and synthesis of their compounds and analogues, paying particular attention to the extraction of plant biologically active substances and computer modelling of medicinal substances. The tasks of the study course: - to expand and deepen knowledge about the main classes of natural substances; - to master strategies and tactics used in the synthesis of natural substances and their analogues; - to model medicinal substances whose design is compatible with the structure of proteins; - to improve the project work skills by summarising the scientific literature on the methods of extracting biologically active substances of certain plants and presenting them. Students attend lectures, participate in seminars and practical work, prepare group work and reports, as well as perform computer modelling of biologically active substances
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The aim of the course is to present students with key pharmaceutical chemical techniques and basic theoretical issues (sources of pharmaceutical substances and their chemical structure, stability, methods of inventing, obtaining, synthesis and analysis of new medicines and the relationship of chemical structure to pharmacological effects) and their applications in pharmaceutical practices. Course Tasks: 1. to acquire practical skills in methods of obtaining, identifying and quality control of medicinal products (methods for the identification and detection of active substances in compound formulations and for the extraction and purification of active substances); 2. to get acquainted themselves with the engineering and safety regulations of the Pharmaceutical Chemical Laboratory, in particular in the handling of gas burners, centrifuges, etc.; 3. to learn the calculation methods to be used in pharmaceutical chemistry and the use of computers in their performance, and to undertake
Practical aspects of diet therapy
The objective of the study course is to to give student basic knowledge on diet therapy and about it’s influence on clinical result, as well as practical aspects of diet therapy in different life stages and different clinical situations. The course is giving theoretical and practical knowledge about influence of different diets to quality of life and health prognosis. The tasks of the course are as follows: 1) to provide deepened knowledge about effect of diet therapy to metabolic systems of human; 2) to provide knowledge about evaluation of nutritional status of patients, severity of disease and data of clinical examinations; 3) to provide knowledge about creating individualised recommendations in different life stages; 4) to provide obtaining skills for creating individualised diet recommendations. Course is based on developing practical skills, analysis of clinical cases and interactive discussion Language of the study course – Latvian
Game theory
The goal of the course is to develop a skillset necessary to analyze and solve various problems in computer science, economics and other disciplines related to any kind of conflicts of interest. The objectives include: to outline the main ideas of game theory, emphasizing the theory's foundations and interpretations of its key concepts; to provide precise definitions and proofs of all results; to introduce methods and algorithms for solving games; to demonstrate how game theory methods can be used to solve practical problems in everyday life. Upon successful completion of this course, students will know the classification of games; master the basic principles of solving games; apply this knowledge to solve practical problems, including the analysis of economic systems; have a definite idea of rational behavior and of the formation of strategies in various situations. The course is held in English, with personal communication and possibility to do homeworks in English, Latvian
IT project management
Objective of the course: to provide in-depth academic knowledge and practical skills in the management of IT projects. Course Tasks: 1. Raise students' awareness of the methods and tools for managing IT projects. 2. Develop capacity to analyze different aspects of IT project management and to provide qualified recommendations. 3. Encourage the use of the gained academic knowledge in real projects. The course reinforces the basic knowledge of project management as part of the bachelor's programme, complementing it with a range of modern project management approaches, tools and techniques. Training is based on the project management standard developed by PMI (, compiled in Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). Learning a course includes in-person lectures during which the teacher provides theoretical knowledge. The practical part of the course focuses on discussions on topics of current project management theory and specific types of projects
Biogeography is an interdisciplinary science that studies the distribution of species, ecosystems, and biodiversity in geographic space and through geological time The aim of the study course is to provide students with the opportunity to familiarise themselves, understand and study biodiversity and the relationships between spatial and temporal distribution of biota determined by historical, geographic, environmental, biotic and anthropogenic factors. The main tasks are 1. to develop an appreciation of biogeography as a interdisciplinary science integrating knowledge and concepts of physical and social geography, geology, ecology and biology; 2. to acknowledge interactions between biota and environment and biogeographical processes; analyse the principles behind designation of biogeographical regions; 4. to understand the geography and structure of world biomes; 5.explain the principles of island biogeography and their application for nature protection; 6. promote
Bachelor Thesis Project
The Bachelor thesis project is a work prior to developing the Bachelor's thesis, defining the aim and tasks of the research, developing the content of the thesis and creating the theoretical and research sections of the final thesis. Aim of the course: according to the orientation and theme of the study program, acquiring or supplementing a statement on an important topic or problem, which in general would promote applied or scientific contribution. Tasks of the course: To strengthen the knowledge, skills and competence of research work, as well as improve work with literature sources, at the same time improving the language and technique of reading scientific articles, skills searching information, process it and drawing conclusions. The study work is aimed at the process by which the student independently obtains data, whether they receive it from institutions or publicly available sources, arranges them, researches it with qualitative and quantitative, incl. statistical methods
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