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Social Philosophy II
Social philosophy is a relatively recent concept that encompasses a broad spectrum of topics and methods. The aim of the course is to introduce students to the area of philosophy that investigates social aspects of life and fundamental categories that help to understand society: the state, rights, power, freedom, property, justice, solidarity etc. Social Philosophy II concentrates on those topics of social philosophy that are related to political life of societies including normative issues of social philosophy. In this course, we will learn about the main personalities that have furthered philosophical reflection on social and political phenomena, we will be able to acquaint ourselves with some of their major works and we will develop our vocabulary of social philosophy.
Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive and focused overview of the core concepts in philosophy from the perspective of cognitive sciences. Questions concerning the basic processes of human knowledge acquisition, perception, its social and logical dimensions will be discussed both systematically and historically. A special emphasis will be on the interdisciplinary issues of philosophical concepts and consequences of philosophical discussions that are crucial prerequisite in the professional life of a physician. Course tasks: 1) Explain the theoretical foundations of philosophy and cognitive sciences; 2) Prepare students for an up-to-date discussion of the key notions of philosophy and cognitive sciences; 3) Develop skills for interdisciplinary analysis by using practical examples. The course is implemented in Latvian and English.
Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive and focused overview of the core concepts in philosophy from the perspective of cognitive sciences. Questions concerning the basic processes of human knowledge acquisition, perception, its social and logical dimensions will be discussed both systematically and historically. A special emphasis will be on the interdisciplinary issues of philosophical concepts and consequences of philosophical discussions that are crucial prerequisite in the professional life of a physician. Course tasks: 1) Explain the theoretical foundations of philosophy and cognitive sciences; 2) Prepare students for an up-to-date discussion of the key notions of philosophy and cognitive sciences; 3) Develop skills for interdisciplinary analysis by using practical examples. The course is implemented in Latvian and English.
Computer Networks II
Computer networks II course is based on Cisco “CCNA Routing and Switching: Routing and Switching Essentials” course. It is the second of four courses leading to the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The goal of the course is to teach routing and switching fundamentals. The tasks of the course are to teach initial router configuration, Cisco IOS software management, routing protocol configuration, TCP/IP, and access control lists (ACLs). Students will develop skills on how to configure a router, manage Cisco IOS software, configure routing protocols, and create access lists controlling access to the router. The course includes a theoretical and practical exam. The course is provided in Latvian language.
Computer Networks II
Computer networks II course is based on Cisco “CCNA Routing and Switching: Routing and Switching Essentials” course. It is the second of four courses leading to the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The goal of the course is to teach routing and switching fundamentals. The tasks of the course are to teach initial router configuration, Cisco IOS software management, routing protocol configuration, TCP/IP, and access control lists (ACLs). Students will develop skills on how to configure a router, manage Cisco IOS software, configure routing protocols, and create access lists controlling access to the router. The course includes a theoretical and practical exam. The course is provided in Latvian language.
Computer Networks II
The aim of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge about practical networking protocols, especially TCP/IP suite design principles and trends, as well as high speed LAN and other backbone network technologies. This course relies on the "Computer Networks M1" course, where the underlying algorithms and principles for todays networking protocols were introduced. The task of the course is to prepare students for independent research in the field of computer networks and for solving practical problems of computer networks. In addition to lectures, the course includes practical assignments covering network application design and implementation, as well as analysis of real network structure and protocols.
The course is presented in Latvian.
Applied studies in principles of environmental sciences
The aim of the course is to develop skills and knowledge on methods for information collecting, processing, analyzing and systemizing, and promote these skills in a professional environment in one of the sub-division of environmental science. Course Tasks: 1. Introduce students with the work management, work outcomes and work processes of the companies or organizations operating in the field of environmental science. 2. Raise awareness and understanding of regulatory requirements, as well as the work safety and internal policies, that is binding for the employees of environmental companies or organizations. 3. Promote synergy of theoretical and practical knowledge through execution of assigned tasks and obligations within the company or organization. The course is conducted on the basis of mutually agreed work tasks. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.
Project Accounting Organisation
The objective of the course is to provide students of Professional Master Study program with calculation of cost-price and methodical principles of accounting organisation for project accounting records in accordance with requirements of Latvian Accounting Standards, specific International Accounting Standards and other European Union’s regulatory enactments. Course Tasks: 1. Adoption of theoretical basic principles of the accounting organisation 2. Review of the conditions for the presentation of project measures in the accounts 3. Analysis of the requirements of the regulatory enactments for the preparation of financial reporting for projects 4. Cost accounting and management of costing tasks 5. Application in the accounting of draft basic principles of a computer program in practice Language of instruction - Latvian.
Oral surgery and pain control II
The course of oral surgery and pain control provides basic knowledge of the inflammatory process of the mouth, face and jaws, neoplasms, congenital pathology, diagnosis of pain and injuries/traumas, differential diagnosis, treatment methods and tactics. Purpose of the course – to provide integrated knowledge of exodontic manipulations, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oncostomatology and orthognathic surgery. Course tasks: 1) to prepare a general dentist capable of performing simple exodontic procedures, small surgical operations in dentistry, 2) to provide a full amount of basic knowledge, so that the student can fully continue training in the oral and maxillofacial surgery in further postgraduate education, workshops and courses. The course is implemented in English.
Exercise Physiology
The aim of the course is to provide students with scientific ideas about physiological mechanisms and peculiarities of regulation during physical activity for representatives of various sports, as well as about the mechanisms of adaptation of the body in various unusual - extreme situations. The tasks of the course are: 1. to understand the changes in the body's cardiovascular and respiratory functions, and to assess the need for water-salts and nutrients during exercise; 2. to evaluate the limiting factors of the physical possibilities of the organism; 3. to elucidate the physiological mechanisms of developing and maintaining the required force, speed or endurance; 4. understand the body's adaptation strategies in high mountain conditions, diving, hypothermia or hyperthermia, lack of sleep, etc. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
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