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Sports University of Latvia
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Sports and the University of Latvia (UL) have been united since the foundation of the university. When the University of Latvia hosted the first students in 1919, the first news about sports events was related to 1923, but the most serious achievements when students organized sports and competitions at the highest level of the country were achieved after the establishment of the University University in 1929. It is noteworthy that the name of the University of Latvia today is broadly related to sports - we have not only our own basketball and football teams in the country's strongest championships, but also several leading Latvian athletes have graduated from the University of Latvia and have brought the University and Latvia in the world at a student level. But it's just the tip of the iceberg. This is related to professional sport and dual career, but the University of Latvia Sports Center (LU SC) offers one of the most extensive and at the same time the highest quality sports
Dienesta viesnīcu attīstība
21.03.2023 13:24 Content
In 2020 an agreement on the UL accommodation development was signed, the aim of the agreement is to jointly improve and modernize student dorms for better quality of life. The agreement envisages the renovation of dorm rooms and collective facilities, bringing new light to the living spaces and creating a modern environment, where students are able to study more effectively. The agreement also includes financial optimization, which will encourage a fair and effective usage of the funds obtained from the tenants. As a result of the renovations many of the triple rooms will become double and single rooms, as the demand for these types of rooms has grown. Even though these rooms will be more expensive than the triple rooms, they will be higher quality and will provide a higher comfort. It is important to note that the changes will happen gradually and students, who are living in the triple rooms, will be able continue to live there. Thanks to the agreement, the governance of UL
Processing and analyses of scientific data
The aim of course is to provide insight in research methodology of sports physiology, including contemporary human body motion and autonomic function analyses and experiment design techniques. The course objectives are: 1) To demonstrate an understanding of experiment design principles in sport science; 2) To understanding in data processing elements; 3) To provide knowledge about data visualization; 4) To introduce students to most popular signal analyses techniques and their automation options. The language of instruction is Latvian and English.
Processing and analyses of scientific data
The aim of course is to provide insight in research methodology of sports physiology, including contemporary human body motion and autonomic function analyses and experiment design techniques. The course objectives are: 1) To demonstrate an understanding of experiment design principles in sport science; 2) To understanding in data processing elements; 3) To provide knowledge about data visualization; 4) To introduce students to most popular signal analyses techniques and their automation options. The language of instruction is Latvian and English.
Chinese Cultural Heritage: Global Context and Perspectives
The aim of the study course: is to provide undergraduate humanities students with the opportunity to gain knowledge about China's historical cultural heritage in an interdisciplinary context, as well as to provide information about influence and role of the traditional Chinese culture in the world, both in ancient and modern times. The objectives of the course: 1. to introduce students to the history of Chinese culture and the most important tradicional sciences; 2. to introduce students to the role of Chinese literature and culture in Asia and in the Western world; 3. to encourage students to think analytically about perspectives of the development of Chinese culture. Languages of instruction: English and Latvian.
17.10.2022 04:00 Content
Geography helps us to understand our rapidly changing and challenging world better. Critical thinking and understanding development trends and regularities of natural and social processes are integral to geography studies. The bachelor's study program provides high-quality academic knowledge and develops research work skills and abilities. Students consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge in seminars, practical and laboratory work, and field courses. The bachelor's program gives an in-depth insight into natural and human geography and regional and applied studies. Students acquire unique knowledge in geographic information systems (GIS), cartography and remote sensing courses. The final theses of the bachelor's study program confirm the importance of research-based studies in the branches of science represented by geography.
AS "RIX Technologies"
02.09.2020 16:59 Content
One of the leading software development companies in Latvia specializing in the development and implementation of state-owned information systems, e-government solutions, document management systems and solutions for cultural heritage organizations. Established in 2001. More information about RIX Technologies Support In June 2010, AS RIX Technologiesprovided support to the University of Latvia Faculty of Computing (UL FC) in the amount of EUR 2900.32, for educational development events and activities, supporting the congratulation of the graduates of theUL FCand awarding Lady Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage medals to the outstanding FC students on the "Day of Programmers"on 10 December 2010. In June 2011, RIX Technologiessupported projects of the of theUL FCin the amount of EUR 2900.32 for organization of the 2011 graduation event at the of theUL FC; In 2012, RIX Technologiessupported the organization of the graduation event of the UL FC and the annual teambuilding seminar
Komunikācijas aģentūra
03.09.2020 18:57 Content
Support In 2015, the agency "Komunikācijas aģentūra" granted support to the activity of the University of Latvia "Studenta kurpēs"("In student’s shoes"), enabling the prospective students to become acquainted with future prospects, and donated EUR1500 for this purpose. In 2016, the agency continued to support the activity "Studenta kurpēs" by donating EUR 2000. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Medical Law
The aim of the course is to provide a general understanding of the medical law and their sources, as well as the importance of medical law and its practical application. The course deals with the institutional and substantive issues of medical law. Particular attention is devoted to the understanding of the regulation of medical law, the issues of legal protection of patients' rights, as well as medical personnel and medical treatment institutions. In the process of acquiring a medical law course, the method of critical thinking is used, with the analysis and application in practice of development and education of the identification of skills, such as the necessary sources of law, their search in the database of jurisprudence (, HUDOC). The latest trends of European medical law development are also covered. Course objectives: 1. To introduce students with principles of medical law, to form understanding of application of those principles in medical practices. 2
Common skills combined course
The aim of the course is to provide the doctoral students possibility to develop a set of commonly used skills according to their own self-defined needs, professional and research interests. Objectives of the course: 1) to promote the acquisition and development of skills for general use; 2) to promote the linkage of knowledge and practice; 3) to strengthen links between the doctoral programme and other LU departments Language of instruction: Latvian and / or English.
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