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Digital terrain models and geomorphometry
The aim of the study course is to give students an insight into digital terrain models and their application. The tasks of the study course are: to provide knowledge about different types of digital terrain models; to promote understanding of impact of methods of storage and creation of these models on their quality and potential usage; to introduce popular open access and paid models; explain the sources of errors in digital terrain models and the adaptation of the models to various popular practical applications; to provide skills in the preparation of digital terrain models and acquisition of geomorphometric indicators based on them; to provide practical insight into the possibilities of using models in conducting applied research of physical and human geography. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.
Digital terrain models and geomorphometry
The aim of the study course is to give students an insight into digital terrain models and their application. The tasks of the study course are: to provide knowledge about different types of digital terrain models; to promote understanding of impact of methods of storage and creation of these models on their quality and potential usage; to introduce popular open access and paid models; explain the sources of errors in digital terrain models and the adaptation of the models to various popular practical applications; to provide skills in the preparation of digital terrain models and acquisition of geomorphometric indicators based on them; to provide practical insight into the possibilities of using models in conducting applied research of physical and human geography. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.
Doctoral examination in speciality
The aim of the study course is to provide students of a doctoral study programme with an opportunity to acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge of the speciality relevant to their promotion work, its latest scientific findings, the methodology applied and the current problems as well as future development trends and actual problems, by working independently with scientific literature, collecting it and discussing it with the dissertation supervisor on the topic of the thesis work. Course Tasks: 1) Improving doctoral skills in working with scientific literature: its critical analysis; 2) Promote the skills of a doctoral candidate to present and discuss the actualities in the field related to the PhD thesis as well as results of his or her work. The course is taught in Latvian and English.
Doctoral examination in speciality
The aim of the study course is to provide students of a doctoral study programme with an opportunity to acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge of the speciality relevant to their promotion work, its latest scientific findings, the methodology applied and the current problems as well as future development trends and actual problems, by working independently with scientific literature, collecting it and discussing it with the dissertation supervisor on the topic of the thesis work. Course Tasks: 1) Improving doctoral skills in working with scientific literature: its critical analysis; 2) Promote the skills of a doctoral candidate to present and discuss the actualities in the field related to the PhD thesis as well as results of his or her work. The course is taught in Latvian and English.
Actual problems in developmental psychology
The aim of this course is to provide opportunity for doctoral students to gain a greater in-depth understanding of contemporary developmental psychology theory and research directions. This course will provide opportunity for in-depth analysis in regard to individual cognitive and socioemotional development, especially taking into consideration biological, social and psychological impact upon the individual’s development within the developmental trajectory. An independent (individual or group) work includes analysis of scientific literature, presentation and preparation for seminars. The tasks of the course are to introduce theoretical and research findings of developmental psychology, apply them to the practical work in different groups of learners, as well as to support skills to develop theoretical part of a dissertation and prepare for the doctoral exam.
Teaching and Learning Methodology of Social Sciences and History
The aim of the study course is to provide the opportunity to acquire competences to organize and manage teaching process of the new subject – Social sciences and history in the forms 4-6. Tasks of the study course: 1. to improve understanding, knowledge of students about the aim, content and learning outcomes of the integrated subject Social sciences and history in forms 4-6, in the context of the relevant legal acts; 2. to ensure creative environment for the future teachers to develop their competences on planning Social sciences and history lessons, as well as ensuring learners orientated teaching process, teaching methods, choosing methodological materials, evaluating learners results and giving teacher’s self-evaluation. The language of instruction is Latvian.
The purpose of the course is to promote understanding of Buddhist philosophy, religious practice and its visual forms; to develop skills in interdisciplinary research (Theology/Anthropology/Art Studies). The tasks of the course are: to acquaint students with Buddhism as one of the most important religions of South Asia discussing doctrine and cult features according to principles of historical development and cultural context; to compare Buddhism with other religions of South Asia and religions of the world from the phenomenological point of view; to develop skills of doing the independent research in local forms of Buddhism making use of theoretical knowledge of Buddhism and research methods. The course is supplemented by the independent work with primary and secondary sources. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Bachelor thesis II in International Economics
The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and empirical research methods in the study. In developing the Bachelor 's thesis the student is based on the knowledge acquired during the studies and practical skills, as well as using information and practical experience gained during the practice. The tasks of the Bachelor thesis are to demonstrate the ability to work independently with statistical information sources, to compile and analyze scientific literature, to choose adequate research methods, to carry out practical research, to analyze and interpret the obtained results, to present and defend conclusions and proposals that have scientific value. Bachelor thesis is an independent research under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. The course is implemented in Latvian and English.
Bachelor Thesis II in e-Business Management
The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and empirical research methods in the study. In developing the Bachelor’s thesis the student is based on the knowledge acquired during the studies and practical skills, as well as using information and practical experience gained during the practice. The tasks of the Bachelor thesis are to demonstrate the ability to work independently with statistical information sources, to compile and analyse scientific literature, to choose adequate research methods, to carry out practical research, to analyse and interpret the obtained results, to present and defend conclusions and proposals that have scientific value. Bachelor thesis is an independent research under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Mathematical modeling of metabolism
The aim of the course is to provide opportunities for students to acquire basic knowledge of mathematical modeling applications in metabolic process description and optimization. Modeling is presented as a tool of metabolic network simulation and optimisation. Applicability off different modeling approaches in metabolic engineering is analysed. The course tasks: 1) to acquire knowledge on development principles and applicability of kinetic models, 2) to acquire knowledge on basic assumptions, development, applicability of stoichiometric models, 3) to use iterative application of kinetic and stoichiometric models in metabolic engineering tasks, 4) to research risks of modeling results implementation in the engineering of microorganisms. Seminars are devoted to the discussions about modeling related scientific articles. The languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
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