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Laboratory of Optical Materials
24.01.2024 12:44 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Ph.D. Aleksejs Zolotarjovs Leading researcher and Head of the laboratory Aleksejs.Zolotarjovs Profesors, Dr.habil.phys. Andrejs Siliņš Leading researcher Andrejs.Silins 67211405 Dr.habil.phys. Linards Skuja Leading researcher Linards.Skuja 67260756 Dr.habil.phys. Anatolijs Truhins Leading researcher Anatolijs.Truhins 67260756 Dr.phys. Virgīnija Vītola Leading researcher Virginija.Vitola Ph.D. Katrīna Laganovska Researcher Katrina.Laganovska Mg. Madara Leimane Research Assistant Madara.Leimane Mg. Ernests Einbergs Research Assistant Ernests.Einbergs Bc. Agnese Spustaka Engineer Agnese.Spustaka Gatis Tunēns Engineer
Introduction to forensic psychology
Course aim: This course offers an introduction to Psychology and Law. This is an overview of leading theoretical knowledge and practice in the field of Psychology and Law. Students would develop an understanding of forensic psychology and its sub-fields (psychology of police work, psychology of criminal and delinquent behaviour, psychological aspects of testimony, psychology of victims, and forensic psychological expertise). In the framework of this course, students are shown the connection between psychological science and their use in the legal and judicial system. The improvement of skills, professional knowledge and competencies, which are necessary for the initiation of criminal proceedings, the performance of procedural actions, contact with the persons involved in criminal procedural actions and other tasks of the investigator to be performed, is promoted. Objectives: 1) To promote the acquisition of knowledge about forensic psychology as a scientifically practical field
Doctoral school, or equivalent experience at foreign universities or research institutes
The Doctoral School (DS) is a project for the implementation of multidisciplinary, topic-oriented doctoral studies, in which students from the Master's program can also participate. Within the Faculty of Medicine, two DS - Biomedical Research and New Technologies Doctoral School, and a Doctoral School for research in translation medicine are available. The aim of the DS is to introduce students to scientific research and expand their horizons by promoting their contacts with scholars from other fields. The tasks of the DS are to promote doctoral students' understanding of local and international research opportunities, to allow them to understand the principles of scientific research not only in relation to their own research, as well as to expand knowledge about other branches and sub-branches of science. DS offers educational seminars and lectures in certain fields of science, as well as on conducting scientific research. School performance promotes the understanding of emerging
Introduction to forensic psychology
Course aim: This course offers an introduction to Psychology and Law. This is an overview of leading theoretical knowledge and practice in the field of Psychology and Law. Students would develop an understanding of forensic psychology and its sub-fields (psychology of police work, psychology of criminal and delinquent behaviour, psychological aspects of testimony, psychology of victims, and forensic psychological expertise). In the framework of this course, students are shown the connection between psychological science and their use in the legal and judicial system. The improvement of skills, professional knowledge and competencies, which are necessary for the initiation of criminal proceedings, the performance of procedural actions, contact with the persons involved in criminal procedural actions and other tasks of the investigator to be performed, is promoted. Objectives: 1) To promote the acquisition of knowledge about forensic psychology as a scientifically practical field
Doctoral school, or equivalent experience at foreign universities or research institutes
The Doctoral School (DS) is a project for the implementation of multidisciplinary, topic-oriented doctoral studies, in which students from the Master's program can also participate. Within the Faculty of Medicine, two DS - Biomedical Research and New Technologies Doctoral School, and a Doctoral School for research in translation medicine are available. The aim of the DS is to introduce students to scientific research and expand their horizons by promoting their contacts with scholars from other fields. The tasks of the DS are to promote doctoral students' understanding of local and international research opportunities, to allow them to understand the principles of scientific research not only in relation to their own research, as well as to expand knowledge about other branches and sub-branches of science. DS offers educational seminars and lectures in certain fields of science, as well as on conducting scientific research. School performance promotes the understanding of emerging
Current Issues of Theology and Religious Studies
07.07.2020 13:02 Content
on various actual themes in theology and religious studies by involving representatives not only of University of Latvia but also from other universities in Latvia and outside it. At the beginning there will be close cooperation with scholars from Tartu and Oxford but then network will be expanded to include also scholars from Scandinavia and Germany. Thus we will ensure that participants of the doctoral school can use scientific potential of other educational institutions. In order to ensure that standards of practical applicability and high theoretical level of research, as well as multiplicative effect of applying ideas learned in contact with other scientists have been maintained the school will organize regular thematic seminars and will assist in preparing publications of its participants. Research dimensions: History of religions in Baltic states in the context of interaction between Eastern and Western cultural spaces; Church history in sources of the history of Latvia
05.11.2020 20:43 Content
SCIENTISTS 'NIGHT 2019LU Institute of Biology, Salaspils, Miera Street 3September 27, 18:00 - 22:00Contacts: 67944988; 26468197 This year, attention is paid to the collections of the Institute. The event will be accompanied by creative expressions of the students of the New Media Art study program of the University of Liepaja. Stations Exhibition of works by Liepaja's new media artists. There will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the works of five students of the New Media Art study program of the University of Liepaja, in which they express a new strategy in saving nature - to save it for future generations in the form of data. Invertebrate collections and benchmarks - a legacy for the future . Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about insect standards prepared 100 years ago, as well as relatively recently. It will be possible to find out how the methods and application of collection preparation have changed over the centuries. Both large and small will have
Dinamisko lāzera speklu attēlošana sēņu augšanas aktivitātes novērtēšanai
19.02.2024 12:14 Content
in the journals or conference symposia included in Web of Science Core Collection or SCOPUS databases – 3 · intellectual property licences or transfer agreements – 1 · successfully defended master’s thesis within the thematic focus of the project – 1 · doctoral thesis successfully defended according to certain procedures within the thematic focus of the project – 1 Project Summary: The project aims at development and laboratory approbation of a non-contact optical technique for early evaluation of fungal growth activity in solid and liquid media. Non-contact evaluation will exploit physical phonomemon of variable laser speckle, analysed by temporal image sequence processing techniques. Fungal growth activity evaluation process will comprise acquisition of time variable laser speckle patterns in given sample and obtained image sequence processing. During the project the proposed technique and algorithm will be tested in controlled microbiological conditions and validated on different major
12.04.2024 18:01 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Ph.D. Aleksejs Zolotarjovs Leading researcher and Head of the laboratory Aleksejs.Zolotarjovs Profesors, Dr.habil.phys. Andrejs Siliņš Leading researcher Andrejs.Silins 67211405 Dr.habil.phys. Linards Skuja Leading researcher Linards.Skuja 67260756 Dr.habil.phys. Anatolijs Truhins Leading researcher Anatolijs.Truhins 67260756 Dr.phys. Virgīnija Vītola Leading researcher Virginija.Vitola Ph.D. Katrīna Laganovska Researcher Katrina.Laganovska Mg. Madara Leimane Research Assistant Madara.Leimane Mg. Ernests Einbergs Research Assistant Ernests.Einbergs Bc. Agnese Spustaka Engineer Agnese.Spustaka Rūdolfs Pikšens Engineer
13.03.2024 14:50 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Dr.rer.nat. Sergejs Piskunovs Head of the laboratory and Leading researcher Sergejs.Piskunovs 20093610 Dr.phys. Dmitry Bocharov Leading researcher Dmitrijs.Bocarovs 29622457 Dr.phys. Roberts Eglītis Leading researcher Roberts.Eglitis 26426703 Dr.phys. Aleksejs Gopejenko Leading researcher Aleksejs.Gopejenko 29558333 Dr.rer.nat. Aleksandrs Sorokins Researcher Aleksandrs.Sorokins Mikhail Brik Guest Researcher Mikhail.Brik Bc. Inta Isakoviča Research Assistant Inta.Isakovica Anna Ivanova Research Assistant Anna.Ivanova Mg. Elīna Neilande Research Assistant Elina.Neilande Jurijs Grečenkovs Research Assistant
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