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Kas ir LU SP?
05.06.2023 17:19 Content
At first glance, students who choose to be part of the Students’ Council of the University of Latvia (LU SP) may seem to be too serious or even a bit obsessed with improving the quality of studies and electing representatives to various committees. However, this is not the case - LU SP is a place to challenge yourself, learn to take responsibility, work in a team and make lots of new friends. LU SP is an independent, collegial body representing the rights and interests of students at the University of Latvia. Representatives from all 13 Faculties' Student Councils (FSCs) are elected annually to form the students’ highest decision-making body - LU SP. Every year a chairperson is elected for LU SP, who then creates a model by which the heads of the board divisions are selected. The structure of LU SP, though seemingly complex, is a necessary part of the university. The Council fights for the rights of each student in every faculty. To better distribute the work among the members
Enrolment procedure
22.06.2023 14:12 Content
semester) will open in October 15. NB! Platform for applications (autumn semester or full academic year) will open in April. 2. After receiving the application documents from all prospective exchange students Mobility Division contacts the respective faculties in order to receive their acceptance. 3. Around 1.5 months after the application deadline the accepted exchange students receive the official acceptance e-mails with online acceptance letters.
International Media Law
The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of application and functioning of the media law in international, European and national contexts. The course starts with introduction of the main concepts of media law, such as the concepts of journalist, freedom of expression etc. Further the rights and duties of those using their freedom of expression will be discussed using the examples of existing case law of national and international courts. The course will also cover the new challenges created by the digital era (e.g., bloggers, intermediary liability and the right to be forgotten).
International Media Law
The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of application and functioning of the media law in international, European and national contexts. The lectures, seminars and independent studies focus on the main concepts of media law, such as the concepts of journalist, freedom of expression etc. Further the rights and duties of those using their freedom of expression will be discussed using the examples of existing case law of national and international courts. The course will also cover the new challenges created by the digital era (e.g., bloggers, intermediary liability and the right to be forgotten).
Bilateral agreements
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Students can also apply for study mobility within the bilateral agreements signed with UL partner universities worldwide. UL signed bilateral agreements Study mobility within bilateral agreements are based on mutual terms, usually students do not pay tuition fee at Host University and study there as exchange student. Some agreements have grants, but not all. Before applying students shall contact Mrs. Sintija Maculevica ( , 67034336) in order to clarify the terms of corresponding bilateral agreement. If chosen bilateral agreement includes student mobility and all other terms are acceptable to student, student shall apply to study mobility within bilateral agreement by filling in the form and submit it to the international coordinator of the Faculty of Business, management and economics. Selection Criteria can be found here Application to study mobility within bilateral agreement
Brīvās pieteikšanās pirmsinkubatora programma
22.03.2021 14:32 Content
The pre-incubation programme is organized to help participants develop their business from idea to stability or to a level that is ready to attract other financial support instruments. The programme is open to students, who have their own idea and they want to develop it, and to those students who do not have their own ideas, but they can choose any idea proposed by the University or an enterprise. After 12 weeks of training, participants have an opportunity to further develop competencies in the nine-month programme. Students engaged in development process will receive scholarships. Students’ mobility will be ensured if necessary.
LU SP ikgadējie projekti
17.03.2023 17:30 Content
cheers, moves through the Old Town to the Alma Mater on Raiņa Boulevard. After the parade, in the main building of the University of Latvia (Raiņa boulevard 19), students are entertained until the very sunlight by musicians beloved in Latvia. In advance of "Aristotle", the traditional Pre-Aristotle events take place in each faculty. The Pre-Aristotle events are organised by the Students' Councils of the faculties to bring the new students together, during which all students are prepared for the "Aristotle" through various games and competitions. The following day, the faculties march together to the Dome Square for the main "Aristotle" event. More about "Aristotle": aristotelis.lven_GB/ 2. UL Students' Sports Games The UL Students' Sports Games are traditionally one of the highlights of the year in the University's sports scene. Hosted in late spring, the Sports Games bring together the most active people to spend time with their peers, friends from UL and other universities
Ideju laboratorija 2020
22.08.2021 19:05 Content
The main topic of the event was "smart university". The event provided an opportunity for students, researchers and graduates to demonstrate their achievements during the year, as well as to generate new innovative ideas. All the proposals of the participants of the Idea Laboratory were recognized as useful for the University of Latvia. The winners of the Idea Laboratory were the two best ideas: "System for renting premises", which would facilitate the reservation of the University premises, and the idea of a digital map of UL premises, which will facilitate orientation in UL premises for guests and students. In May 2021ended the Idea Laboratoryfollow-up programme,organized by the University of Latvia Innovation Centre(LUMIC) last year, within which four teams, continuing their work after the UL New Technologies and Innovations Day 2020, developed supervision of mentors and other experts for university development. Throughout the semester, students developed prototypes and other
Theory of Legal Methods
The aim of the course is to provide opportunities for students to improve their knowledge of the theoretical foundations of legal methods and learn the practical application of the process of applying legal norms: finding the applicable legal norms, determining the essential facts, determining legal consequences, conducting legal reasoning, and learning to present case solution results in a structured and clear manner.
Practice in Psychological Assessment and Counseling in School II
The aim of the course is to improve students' knowledge and practical skills in psychological evaluation and psychological counselling in schools. During the course students implement in practice knowledge in psychological evaluation and counselling in cases of specific problem situations: learning difficulties, conduct disorder, relationship problems, attention disorder and hyperactivity, etc. Students practice counselling of children, parents, and teachers. During the course students regularly meet at least two clients per week and take part in the supervision group 4 hours per week together with supervisors. Students regularly make audio and video records of psychological counselling or diagnostics process, which are evaluated by supervisors.
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