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Introduction in Information Science
The aim of the course – to give understanding about and information science, as well as library science, it’s historical development and contemporary tendencies as well as it’s social importance. The tasks of the course - with lectures, seminars and practical trainings to get knowledge about the main concepts of information science. The course consists of lectures, seminars and trainings. During lectures students learn main concepts and paradigms / theories of Library and Information Science, and about most influential scientists. Seminars are devoted to deep knowledge about issues concerned with Library and Information Science: understanding of information and knowledge as phenomena; understanding problems of language use in information retrieval; understanding different information processes etc. Practical trainings lead to knowledge to better understand problems solved by information science. The language of instruction - Latvian.
Latin / Greek Lexicology
The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of lexicology as a branch of linguistics, as well as the knowledge of main issues of ancient Greek and Latin lexicology: word as a basic language unit, its meaning (structure and change), the semantic microsystems and development of the vocabulary, word formation, ancient Greek and Latin lexicography, etc., as well as to develop analytical skills in solving various issues of Latin and ancient Greek lexicology. Course objectives: 1. to provide theoretical knowledge of basic lexicological issues; 2. to acquaint with the most important vocabulary research methods; 3. to expand students' vocabulary of Latin and ancient Greek and to develop an understanding of the specifics of lexis in texts of different genres; 4. to develop skills and abilities in semantic analysis of Latin and ancient Greek lexical material. Language of instruction: Latvian and/or English.
Nutrition Education: Cooking Technologies, Culture and Teaching and Learning Methodology II
The aim of the course is to facilitate the understanding of nutrition as an important part of culture and a factor in an individual’s life and develop students’ competence to organize independently the acquisition of study content at school based on the latest achievements in the field of nutrition, technology and design. The objectives of the study course are: 1. To master the latest recommendations of nutritionists in the field of nutrition and analyze them in connection with the principles of a healthy lifestyle and the development of sustainability in today's multicultural society. 2. To evaluate the options of the latest technologies in cooking, storage and serving based on the principles of health, ergonomics and design; 3. To notice the possibilities of design in nutrition education and develop competence to use them in creative activity. 4. To promote interdisciplinary links in the acquisition of design and technology and the content of other subjects. 5. To develop
Contrastive studies VI: German (2nd foreign language from the beginners’ level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen and further develop students’ knowledge, skills and competence in the German language in accordance with B1/2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and extend knowledge about culture and history of Germany. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the skills to evaluate critically, choose and align grammatical aspects in a connected text and speech; 2. to strengthen the skill to monitor and correct one’s pronunciation; 3. to facilitate to be involved in a discussion, strengthen the skill to describe the events and experience in a detailed manner, explain and justify one’s opinion, plans, formulate very precise questions and adjust spontaneous spoken discourse in accordance to the communicative context; 4. to extend the previously acquired vocabulary and raise the awareness of the idiomatic expressions. The course is delivered in German.
General medicine for optometrists
The aim of the study course is to improve the students' knowledge of general principles of disease processes and how they affect eye health and visual functions.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to give knowledge of general pathological processes and diseases that are important in optometric practice (cardiovascular, endocrine, nutrition, neurological, autoimmune, hematological, nephrological, pulmonary, oncological, and dermatological, as well as infections);
  • to give knowledge of the general clinical signs of these diseases and their manifestations in the visual system, as well as basic treatment strategies;
  • to give knowledge of congenital and hereditary conditions, their clinical signs, manifestation in the visual system, treatment and rehabilitation strategies.
Course languages: Latvian and English.
Economics and Global Security
The aim of the course is to analyse the relationship dynamics among different world’s regions and states. The course researches the role of state, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, companies and individual personalities in issues such as peace, war, security, arm control, trade, development and environment. Course not only analyses the traditional interstate conflicts, but also considers such modern threats to world’s security as infectious diseases, environmental changes, overpopulation, energy supply, lack of food and water. Course Tasks - students should be able to independently assess national security determinants; - assess the interaction factors between the global economy and national security; - ability to analyse the impact of decisions taken by national governments on global security and the world economy The course is taught in Latvian and English.
Traditional Music of East and Central Asia
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge about the most important aspects of traditional music of the East and Central Asia. The objectives are: 1) to get acquainted with the theoretical approach for the study of music cultures, 2) to get a general overview of the regional situation of music culture, 3) to get an in-depth view of the most important kinds of East and Central Asian music and of their sociocultural context, 4) to obtain listening experience, thus developing personal emotional and intellectual attitude towards musical phenomena of East and Central Asia, as well as enabling to recognize them in daily communication, 5) to study a freely-chosen phenomenon of East or Central Asian music using different resources, and to present the results of the study. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
Traditional Music of the Middle East and North Africa
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge about the most important aspects of traditional music of the Middle East and North Africa. The objectives are: 1) to get acquainted with the theoretical approach for the study of music cultures, 2) to get a general overview of the regional situation of music culture, 3) to get an in-depth view of the most important kinds of MENA music and of their sociocultural context, 4) to discover the regional influence upon European music, 5) to obtain listening experience, thus developing personal emotional and intellectual attitude towards musical phenomena of MENA, as well as enabling to recognize them in daily communication, 6) to study a freely-chosen phenomenon of MENA music using different resources, and to present the results of the study. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
European Union: Institutions, Integration, and Politics
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge about the historical formation of the European Union, integration processes, the most important institutions, and major modern challenges, as well as to explore the European Union policymaking, implementation and decision-making aspects, studying the interaction of individuals, countries, European institutions and interest groups in policymaking. Key course tasks: 1) to acquire practical skills of the analysis of political processes in the European Union; 2) to introduce to the history of Europe and the EU, integration theories, the structure and key institutions of the EU as well as key challenges; 3) to introduce to the key processes that create European union policy outputs; 4) to develop team-work, argumentation and presentation skills; 5) to develop skills and knowledge in planning, filming and cutting a documentary film. The language of instruction is English.
Scandinavian Languages and Culture: Contacts and Contrasts III (Sweden)
This course is the final stage in a three-part series targeting the study of the North Germanic or Scandinavian language (Swedish) and culture as relevant to the Baltic Sea region. The course is focused on geopolitical and comprehensive transnational cooperation, and as such aims at equipping students with the thorough and multifaceted knowledge in the field of humanities, thus ensuring their engagement in professional activities or further academic education. The objectives of the course are related to 1) the acquisition of Scandinavian (Swedish) language at A2.2 level (approaching B1 level); 2) the reception of original texts (literary texts, journalism, unadapted audio material, etc.), as well as the advancement of analytical skills in lexically and grammatically accurate text production; 3) the enhancement of empirical knowledge in Swedish cultural history and developments in modern society. Language of instruction: Swedish.
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