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Technological innovations and design for education
25.04.2024 20:20 Content
, to develop new research directions and to present their research results. 6. To promote the competitiveness of students in the changing socio-economic conditions of the local and international labour market. 7. To promote students' competence to transform the content of learning to make it attractive to modern learners, to develop and implement various learning strategies that can be used online, to support colleagues in the use of technology in education. 8. To promote students' competence to communicate in a multicultural environment. Career opportunities The programme "Technological innovations and design for education" is academic program and is oriented towards the preparation of higher-level educational specialists - maintain school teachers, extracurricular education teachers, methodologists, creators/designers of digital teaching/learning aids and all the necessary preconditions for a successful career in public and private sector related to education. The programme provides also
13.05.2022 21:46 Content
DOCUMENTS FOR ADMISSION When applying for a Bachelor’s programme, applicants have to present one of the following documents: Secondary school (Matriculation) Examination Certificate (may be one or two documents if two, then other one is mark sheet) AND Intermediate (Higher) Secondary Examination Certificate (may be one or two documents if two, then other one is mark sheet) OR Diploma in Commerece+marks sheet OR Diploma of Associate Engineer+marks sheet When applying for Master’s programme , applicants have to present the following documents: Bachelor´s degree certificate (4 year Bachelor or 2+2 Master) or provisional certificate Transcript University of Latvia accepts students from First and from Second Division (total score at least 51%) Documents must be certified by the HEC (Higher Education Commission of Pakistan) and IBCC label, which certifies authenticity. If bachelor’s diploma doesn’t have statuss „Honours”, then it’s only valid
Valdis Dombrovskis
03.09.2020 15:14 Content
’ Excellence scholarships to the students of the science studies at the bachelor’s level – Karīna Ješkina, Ksenija Korotkaja and Rihards Ruska. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Physics and chemistry of interaction between electromagnetic radiation and materials
22.03.2022 19:56 Content
” is interdisciplinary and coordinates the joint effort to prepare highly qualified young PhD students in the areas of nuclear physics, spectroscopy, physical and analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology by performing studies in the following areas: Analytical development and improvement of X-ray, spectrometric, and mass spectrometric methods; Synthesis, structure, stability and phase transition kinetics of crystalline forms of active pharmaceutical ingredients; Sorbent development using local raw materials and studies of their physicochemical properties; Development of impedance spectrometry as a method of study of liquid and solid organic and inorganic materials; Optical methods to control human organ parameters and development of optical biosensors; Optical diagnostics of low temperature plasma in non-electrode lamps and their application in analytical equipment; Development of analytical methods to measure and monitoring mercury pollution in various environments (air, water
Ātra un rentabla, uz mašīnmācīšanos balstīta sistēma mikroorganismu augšanas analīzei
31.10.2022 15:53 Content
and classification. During the project, the proposed prototype of the device and the algorithm based on the MNT algorithm will be tested in real laboratory conditions and validated in a microbiological test laboratory, where microbiological tests of various food and environmental samples are performed. The project team will consist of experienced microbiology, biophotonics, electronics and information technology experts, young scientists and students from the University of Latvia, Riga Technical University and private food hygiene laboratory SIA “AUCTORITAS”. Expected main results include: Portable system for laser spot generation and image acquisition (TRL4); Improved MNT-based algorithms for laser specimen image analysis and microbial activity assessment; Stand-alone, compact laser specimen display device for counting and classifying microorganisms (TRL7); 9 original scientific articles (including in three journals with a high impact factor), intellectual property (know
17.08.2023 17:23 Content
languages, i.e. in Latvian and English. Students and teaching staff of the University of Latvia can create their access here with their UL e-mail. There you will get your MedDRA ID and password. With this data, you will have access to and can download MedDRA tools and support documents. Various tools are available in MedDRA, such as the MedDRA Desktop Browser (MDB), the MedDRA Mobile Application (MMA), and the Web Based Browser (WBB). The MedDRA Desktop Browser (MDB) application can be downloaded here . To access MedDRA Desktop Browser ZIP files, you need an Unzip password, which can be obtained here . Important – Each version of MedDRA has its own Unzip password, so make sure the Unzip password you get matches the version you downloaded . Instructions on how to install MedDRA Desktop Browser are available here . Instructional videos on using the e-resource (in English) Webinars about MedDRA Information about MedDRA Ask your question to a consultant at the Library of the UL
(AU) The 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration (SER2023) | 26.–30.09.2023.
08.11.2023 13:26 Content
The 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration (SER2023) was held from September 26-30, 2023 in Darwin, Northern Australia and included 1000 participants from 80 countries representing a range of backgrounds including natural and social sciences, environmental engineering, urban and regional planning, public policy, landscape architecture and natural resource management. Conference was organised by the Society of Ecological restoration. SER’s World Conference was the premier meeting point for professionals and students interested in ecological restoration and management. The Conference Programme included presentations from all over the world and were devoted to ecosystem restoration that is the process of assisting the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded, damaged, or destroyed. Presentations provided a platform for knowledge exchange, discussion, and engagement on the latest trends in restoration science, practice, and policy, as well as specific tools, techniques
Zinātniskās publicēšanās politika
21.05.2021 17:35 Content
(supplements the "UL Guidelines for Scientific Publication and Publishing", approved by the Senate of the University of Latvia on 09.01.2017 by Decision No. 68) APPROVED In the UL Council of the Faculty of Computing 09.05.2017 Minutes No. 1.To whom does it apply? To all employees and students of the Faculty of Computing. 2.General considerations The mission of universities is to acquire, accumulate and disseminate knowledge as widely as possible. The result of scientific work is usually a publication in a scientific journal (or patent). The Faculty of Computing supports the publications of the faculty employees and students. 3.Choice of place of publication It is recommended to choose a publisher of the highest possible level (collection of articles from conference, journal): a) publishers with the highest possible impact factor – the first (Q1) or second (Q2) quartile (usually available on the publisher’s portal, see for example Information and Computation
Future development
Study course provide knowledge on environmental science and future development on global, regional and local level. Analyse on environmental, social and economic issues and problems are given in interaction, taking in account causal relationship, as well as, possibilities of positive solutions. Study course is orientated to develop understanding all over the world as complicated, but holistic and interactive system. Earth environment is examined at atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere levels. Functions and mechanisms of these spheres, but specially, natural resources and pollution, are analysed through material and energy flows. Serious attention is pay for better understanding role and consequences of the man in natural world, building anthropogenic environment.
Sigurds Lindiņš
02.09.2020 15:08 Content
to the dreams of his youth," says Laima Eleonora Lindiņa, the widow of Sigurds Lindiņš, who has supplemented her husband’s bequest to the UL faculty from her own means. The Faculty of Law has found a way to safeguard the memory of its former students. With the assistance of Sigurds Lindiņš testamentary bequest, the idea to set up a meeting room and create a Gallery of Deans of the faculty in that room was realized in 2012. Just like the pictures of former rectors adorn the walls of the University of Latvia Senate Hall, the newly opened meeting room of the faculty represents the history of the Faculty of Law and its deans, while a memorial plaque stands in memory of the faculty’s former student and benefactor. The further plans for use of patron's funds include creating bronze statues of the Goddess of Justice Themis to reward students – winners of moot court competitions. In 2012, the UL Faculty of Law received AUD 7000 AUD, and in 2013 – AUD 3000. We greatly appreciate the generous support
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