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Vilimantikas Latviešu ev. lut. draudzes stipendija
29.10.2020 16:00 Content
In 2019, the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Willimantic (Connecticut, USA), in cooperation with the "Friends of the University of Latvia"established a new scholarship to support theological and religious sciences at the University of Latvia (UL). Scholarships are intendedfor the students at the UL Faculty of Theology. Number of scholarships: 2. Scholarship amount: EUR 2 200 per academic year. Scholarship Commission: Dean of the UL Faculty of Theology Prof. Dace Balode (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Pastor of Luther's parish Linards Rozentāls , Archbishop of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad Lauma Zušēvica , Professor at the UL Faculty of Theology Valdis Tēraudkalns and Financial consultant of the Kārlis Ozoliņš-Emīls Mednis Charitable Trust Ivars Petrovskis . Within a single academic year, the applicant may receive only one scholarship financed by the patrons of the University of Latvia Foundation. Scholarship recipients In the 2020
Scholarship of Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Willimantic
29.10.2020 16:52 Content
In 2019, the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Willimantic (Connecticut, USA), in cooperation with „Friends of the University of Latvia” established a new scholarship to support theological and religious sciences at the University of Latvia (UL). Scholarships are intended for the students at the UL Faculty of Theology. Number of scholarships: 2. Scholarship amount: EUR 2 200 per academic year. Scholarship committee: Dean of the UL Faculty of Theology, Professor Dace Balode (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Pastor of Luther's parish Linards Rozentāls , Archbishop of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad Lauma Zušēvica , Professor at the UL Faculty of Theology Valdis Tēraudkalns and Financial consultant of the Kārlis Ozoliņš-Emīls Mednis Charitable Trust Ivars Petrovskis . Within a single academic year, the applicant may receive only one scholarship financed by the patrons of the University of Latvia Foundation. Scholarship recipients In 2020
Zināšanu agora 2020
22.08.2021 18:43 Content
In the Knowledge Agora, held during theUL New Technologies and Innovations Day 2020, UL researchers and students spoke about various research works at the University, which was one of the most important parts of the event. The event was attended by a significant number of ULresearchers and presented 57 studies that raised issues of microorganism collection development, solar system, nanomaterials, bioeconomy, magnetic accelerators, material memory, gene data, as well as solutions for demography, various types of education, ecosystems. and medical fields. "The Knowledge Agora is a great opportunity to tell about your research and its results. For some of us, this is the first step in promoting our research, for some of us it is the next step towards research excellence. Every research is important, therefore we invite researchers of exact sciences, humanities and social sciences to be proud of them on the UL New Technologies and Innovations Day," says Professor Signe Bāliņa , Deputy
Zinātnieku, doktorantu un rezidentu īstenoti pētījumi
05.01.2024 12:59 Content
Depending on the type of research, the compliance of the research carried out by the academic and scientific staff, residency, doctoral students of the LU with the principles of research ethics is assessed by the LU or an external research ethics committee or other responsible institution (see scheme below). Types of research that require an approval before starting are: research with human involvement, incl. studies that process personal data or use biological samples of human origin; studies with experimental animals; studies that pose a risk to the surrounding environment; research in which there is a risk of dual use, using their results not only for the benefit of the public, but also to cause harm to the public. ! Research carried out by LU personnel in cooperation with other Latvian scientific institutions requires the opinion of only one institutional research ethics committee. ! Research carried out by LU staff in cooperation with foreign partners must
PIETEIKŠANĀS UZ 2023./2024. m. gadu
20.07.2023 19:50 Content
APPLICATION FOR 2023/2024 Apply for the Chinese languageeducation program of the Confucius Institute of the University of Latvia: We offer · Chinese language learningfor anyone interested from the age of 7; · Learning Chinese with any level of language proficiency; · A certificate of ULfor attending a lifelongeducation course is issued (final exam of the semester and 75% attendance) (ULstudents have the opportunity to equate the course as a Part C course and receive 4 CP); Registration: The course enrollment to the Chinese course will be procceded from August 28, 2023, to September 18,2023. 1. You have to fill in the application form online on website of CIUL. 2. At the beginning of September, all information about specific study times and forms will be sent by e-mail. 3. Secretary of CIUL individually will arrange the time for signing a contract on site. Tuition fee: • First semester Pupil / student - 158.81 EUR Other- 355.74 EUR • Second semester
LU Rīgas 1. medicīnas koledža
12.06.2024 15:26 Content
work in pre-wedding cabinetry. Midwives, nurses, nursing assistants and carers have their first practical experience in simulation-based studies, with modern manipulation patterns and care facilities. College teachers are professionals as well as practitioners in the health industry. The college works with more than 200 institutions, providing places of internshipfor all students. Studies atUL RFMC is funded by the State budget. The College implements Erasmus+ for students and staff mobility.
Results in 2019
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
.Odiņa. 9 maģisrantu un 5 bakalaura studentu iesaiste projektā „Programma jauno skolotāju atbiruma samazināšanai” (Reducing Teacher Drop-Out Rate (ReTeD). I.Margeviča-Grinberga. Studentu dalības zinātniskajās diskusijās starptautiskajā Pskovas Universitātes rīkotajā konferencē „Ziemeļeiropa, Pskova un Hanzas savienība – pagātne un tagadne” organizēšana. Konferencē piedalījās trīs studentes no PPMF – divas (Tita Ļitvinova un Estere Ansone) no studiju programmas „Sociālais pedagogs” un viena studente (Signe Pelnēna) pārstāvēja studiju programmu „Dažādības pedagoģiskie risinājumi”. Citi sasniegumi: I.Odiņa. CONSULTANCY SERVICES for Project Peer Review of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. I.Odiņa. Recenzenta pienākumi, GESJ Education Sciences and Psychology I.Odiņa, Recenzenta pienākumi, Universal Journal of Educational Research Horizon Research Publishing, USA I
Cilvēka ģeogrāfijas katedra
31.05.2023 16:10 Content
The Department of Human Geography is an academic structural unit of the Geography Department of the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Warsaw. The department organises and implements research and study work in the subfield of human geography sciences, ensuring the implementation of bachelor's, masters and doctoral academic study programmes at the LU FGES. Initially the Department of Economic Geography was established in 1944. It was renamed to the Department of Human Geography in 1996. Currently, 11 lecturers and researchers work in the department, while eight doctoral students are working on theses. Academic staff: Dr. geogr., professor Zaiga Krišjāne Dr. geogr., associate professor Māris Bērziņš Dr. geogr., associate professor Pēteris Škiņkis Dr. geogr., assistant professor Juris Paiders Dr. geogr., assistant professor Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa Dr. geogr., lecturer Ģirts Burgmanis Dr. geogr., researcher Aija Lulle Dipl. architect, lecturer Gunta Lukstiņa
UL Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Innovation
13.07.2020 14:45 Content
Today, every pupil should have an opportunity to learn science and mathematics with interest, in terms of real life, through modern teaching methods with the use of e-learning tools and e-environment capabilities. Also, every teacher should become supportive counselor to make students study natural sciences and mathematics with interest and in modern environment. The work of the UL InterdisciplinaryCentre for Educational Innovationis aimed at change and development, i.e.: professional development of teachers and methodological support for teachers; raising pupils’ interest in choosing careers related to natural sciences and mathematics education; research activities in natural sciences, mathematics and technologies; promoting science and communicating with the public. Objectives of the Centre: to develop research activities and innovation in natural sciences and mathematics education and other related areas; to develop educational activities and contribute
Workshops "On the Bridge: Germany, Baltic and Jews in Modern times"
03.02.2022 23:36 Content
In 2014, with the financial support of Baltic-German University Liaison Office* andThe Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fundtwo workshops "On the Bridge: Germany, Baltic and Jews in Modern times" were held. Among the project partners there were Museum "Jews in Latvia", Tuebingen University (Germany),Vilnius University (Lithuania), University of Potsdam (Germany), Tallinn University (Estonia) and Moscow State University (Russia). The overall aim of the workshops wasto expand the view and understanding of Latvian students and researchers in the field of Jewish studies and specifically on the Baltic region’s mutual relations between different ethnic groups during the modern times, as well as to give an insight in the contemporary concept of Jewish history and culture in context of Europe’s history. First workshopwas dedicated to religious aspects of Jewish and other nations relations,whereas thesecond workshopwas dedicated to Yiddish and linguistic aspect of Jewish and other Baltic nations
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