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Chemical substances and their safety
The course will provide an introduction to the chemical substances and their safety in the occupational environment. Students will be introduced to the main groups of chemicals, their properties and interaction. The lectures will cover the most commonly occurring chemical compounds and related risks in the occupational environment and everyday life, as well as the legislation of the EU and the Republic of Latvia. The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the chemical substances, their safety in the occupational environment and the relevant regulatory enactments. Tasks: - To provide knowledge about chemicals, their properties and potential workplace threats in relation to them; - to provide an understanding of the basic requirements for working with chemicals based on regulatory enactments and potential risks; - to provide the competence to carry out an independent chemical risk assessment and, on the basis of it, to plan protective measures in handling chemical
Business aspects in optometry
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the business aspects in optometric practice.
The objectives of the course are:
  • to introduce to general business principles;
  • to introduce to the place of the optical companies in the economic system, goals and strategies, factors affecting the functioning of the optical companies;
  • to introduce to the internal organization and operation procedures of the optical companies, administration and human resource issues;
  • to introduce to the marketing and communication principles;
  • to introduce to the basic principles of financing, financing structure and capital concept, basic principles of accounting and control.
Course language: Latvian and English.
Psychological measurement in sport
This course provides an opportunity for obtaining knowledge of psychological measurement in sports. The course presents the basic knowledge of principles of psychological measurement, classical test theory, and item-response theory. Students acquire knowledge on the critical assessment of the validity and reliability of measurements. The course presents methods for psychological assessment of neurocognitive processes, personality traits, motivation, and psychophysiological processes in sports. In addition, the most frequent psychological problems in the domain of sport are presented. Limitations in applying measurement methods and opportunities for involvement of professional psychologists are stated. Course objectives: 1. To provide information on theoretical foundations of psychological measurement. 2. To present the principles of critical evaluation of measurement methods. 3. To acquaint with measurements of psychological characteristics and processes. 4. To inform about
Cultural history of Estonia
The course on cultural history of Estonia gives an overview of Estonia´s most important historical periods from the perspective of different aspects of culture. In addition, students get to know folk culture and the key features of contemporary culture. The aim of the course is to provide an overview of the stages of development of Estonian cultural history, the most important events and personalities. The objectives of the course are: 1) to introduce the most significant historical periods in the territory of Estonia from antiquity to the present day; 2) to acquaint with the most important events and outstanding persons in the history of Estonian culture; 3) to acquaint with the folk culture and traditions of the traditional cultural regions of Estonia; 4) to introduce the dialects of Estonian traditional cultural regions, 5) to acquaint with the modern cultural life of Estonia.
Languages of instruction are Estonian and/or Latvian.
Business Estonian
The course introduces students to a variety of texts needed in working life, analyses the characteristics of business Estonian, the style and structure of texts, and provides writing exercises. The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to writing informative (business) texts, vocabulary related to working life and syntactic constructions of business Estonian. In addition, Estonian working life is explored from the perspective of genres, cultural conventions and legislation. Course objectives: 1. to strengthen the ability to analyse texts in terms of language, style, structure, communicative situation and genre; 2. to enhance language skills, in particular by acquiring syntactic structures and conventions typical of a written text; 3. to provide basic information on Estonian working life and the respective business texts; 4. to learn to write various business texts independently. The course is delivered in Estonian.
History of Linguistics
The course aims at broadening and deepening students’ theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the most significant periods of the linguistic thought development in Europe and America, starting from the classical Greek period to the 20th and 21st centuries in correlation with the existing historical and social factors of that time. The goals of the course are: 1. To focus on contributions of the linguistic schools to the contemporary linguistics as a branch of science; 2. To analyse the impact of the scientific domains and the accumulated knowledge of that time on research pertaining to the developmental tendencies of language use; 3. To highlight evolutionary aspects of the linguistic thought, taking into account contributions of both linguistics’ researchers and their predecessors; 4. To examine a variety of language use aspects, which have been studied diachronically, relating them to selectively chosen aspects of contemporary use of language. The course is delivered
Digital Environment for Classical Studies
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the possibilities and advantages of the digital environment for Classical studies. The course focuses not only on the general settings of digital humanities but also on specific digital solutions. The objectives of the course: 1. to provide general information about the digital environment and digital humanities in the context of Classical studies; 2. to develop the understanding of digital tools and sources relevant to Classical studies; 3. to master the first skills in the development of digital solutions, to promote the understanding of the adaptation of digital solutions to a certain situation, tools and technologies; 4. to promote proactive cooperation with specialists in the field and / or institutions that work with or use digital solutions that are of significance for for Classical studies; 5. to promote discussion on the possibilities / functions of the digital environment by comparing the offer of digital solutions
Digital Environment for Classical Studies
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the possibilities and advantages of the digital environment for Classical studies. The course focuses not only on the general settings of digital humanities but also on specific digital solutions. The objectives of the course: 1. to provide general information about the digital environment and digital humanities in the context of Classical studies; 2. to develop the understanding of digital tools and sources relevant to Classical studies; 3. to master the first skills in the development of digital solutions, to promote the understanding of the adaptation of digital solutions to a certain situation, tools and technologies; 4. to promote proactive cooperation with specialists in the field and / or institutions that work with or use digital solutions that are of significance for for Classical studies; 5. to promote discussion on the possibilities / functions of the digital environment by comparing the offer of digital solutions
Protection of the tangible cultural heritage in the context of international legislation
The course is a part of the group of courses concerned with acquisition of cultural heritage themes with the role to provide knowledge on international and national legislation of the field of Cultural Heritage. During the course students are introduced to internationally recognized principles, norms and attitudes of protection of the field of Cultural Heritage. Aim of the course is: to provide a complex understanding on the principles of protection of cultural heritage, international and national legislation, and the structure of a system of protection of values. Tasks of the course are: 1) To establish clear conceptions about the functions of the legislative frame of the Cultural heritage field in Latvia. 2) To shape the body of basic knowledge allowing to orient in the global and local principles and problematic of the cultural heritage. 3) To offer information on the main information sources of the Cultural Heritage field. Language of the study course: Latvian, English
Advanced Studies in Turkish Language and Communication Culture I
The aim of the course is to give students the opportunity to further improve their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills using various printed and audio-visual materials about Turkish culture and literature, according to the C1 language level, expanding vocabulary and improving sound pronunciation in the context of sentence intonation. Course tasks are: 1) to supplement knowledge about the grammatical structures of the literary Turkish language; 2) to supplement the vocabulary in literary Turkish (by at least 300 words) and repertoire of phrases (on the mentioned topics), most necessary in daily communication; 3) to introduce to the most important literary works of Turkish writers of the 21st century; 4) to continue to introduce to Turkish culture and traditions; 5) to continue to develop oral and written communication skills in Turkish. The course is taught in Latvian, English and Turkish.
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