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Organization and management of pre-school pedagogical process
The purpose of the study course is to promote students' ability to understand the goals and tasks of preschool education, the ability to plan and organize systematic and systematic, legally and scientifically based teaching and upbringing activities for the development of the child's personality in the pedagogical process in preschool. Tasks of the study course: 1. Analyze the regulatory documents for the implementation of the pedagogical process (IL, VIL, BTAL, State preschool education guidelines and educational programs). 2. To learn the principles of creating an environment that promotes development and learning. 3. Analyze competency-based pedagogical process plans, organizational forms and learning approaches. 4. Learn the principles of evaluating children's learning performance. 5. Analyze the choice of teaching aids used in the learning process. 6. Learn the conditions for creating positive cooperation between the teacher and the child's family. The language of the study
Basics of Statistics
To develop understanding about the role of statistics in entrepreneurship, the methods of statistical data collection, methods of statistical value calculations, their use in the analysis and forecasting of the economic, social and demographic phenomena and processes, as well as decision-making, by using the basic issues of statistical theory.
- to develop analytical skills in students;
- to understand ways and methods of information gathering;
- to develop skills to evaluate the role of statistical information in decision making processes, and the ability to research and analyse the mass socio-economic phenomena of society;
- to gain knowledge about statistical observation, grouping, methods used in statistical calculations, and presenting of the obtained results;
- to develop competences to use the theoretical methods of statistical value calculations in the analysis of the indicators of company's economic performance and trend forecasting, plan correcting
Contrastive Studies III: German (2nd foreign language from the beginners’ level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A2/1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and provide basic knowledge about culture in Germany and Austria. The objectives of the course are 1. to provide knowledge about the morphosyntactic system of the German language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to extend the previously acquire vocabulary and raise the awareness about the synonyms, antonyms and polysemy of the German language; 3. to advance the skill to understand the gist and details in popular and commonly used media (the Internet, advertising, catalogues, e-mails etc.), perceive separate words and phrases in a broader text of unfamiliar topic; 4. strengthen the skill to perceive and understand well short monologues and dialogues, determine speaker’s attitude on the condition it is expressed clearly with the help of intonation and/ or non-verbal communication. The course is delivered
Bachelor Thesis Including Project
The aim of the Bachelor's thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge, to apply various research methods in research and to provide practical engineering solution. Bachelor Thesis Including Project tasks: assess and analyze engineering system operations and processes management at the industrial company or department. Student studies theoretical and practical aspects of industrial environment, conducts research on contemporary topical issues related to engineering solutions in an industrial environment, its management. Defines and identifies engineering system management problems and offers practical solutions for system development, engineering solutions, considering the impact of the work environment, worker`s health and safety at work. Demonstrates the ability to apply theoretical and practical methods to analyze industrial company`s system management and solve various engineering problems, evaluate the effectiveness of potential solutions Language
Latvian Literature from the beginnings till the end of the 19th century
The aim of the course is to develop the professional competence of the teacher of literature in connection with Latvian literature and the most important tendencies of its development from the 16th to the end of the 19th cnt. Tasks of this study course: 1. To provide knowledge and improve understanding of Latvian literary process in the context of the political and cultural situation from 16th to the end of the 19th cnt.; 2. To provide knowledge and understanding of the most important writers and their literary works; 3. To improve the skills of literary text analysis by and interpretation. 4. To improve and develop students' instrumental, interpersonal and systemic competences by independently applying knowledge in practice, linking it with the content of literary studies, in group discussions, evaluating, comparing and creatively using the acquired analytical text interpretation skills, and independently carrying out research work.
The language of instruction is Latvian.
Internship in the East-West Intercultural Studies
The aim of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge about the world regions and interregional relations, as well as about the specifics of communication in a multicultural, multilingual environment, performing work duties in a real workplace under the supervision of a specialist, and describing the experience in an academic paper. The objectives of the course are: 1) to identify career opportunities, fields of work and jobs in Latvia and abroad for graduates of BSP “East-West Intercultural Studies”; 2) to perform work duties in a real workplace under the supervision of a supervisor, applying theoretical knowledge about the regions of the world and their inhabitants, as well as about communication in a multicultural, multilingual environment; 3) to prepare for the future profession, to create a CV and a contact network in the professional field; 4) to carry out scientific research in accordance with the guidelines
Scandinavian Languages and Culture: Contacts and Contrasts II (Sweden)
The course is the second stage in a three-part series targeting the study of North Germanic or Scandinavian (Swedish) and culture as relevant to the Baltic Sea region. The course is focused on geopolitical and comprehensive transnational cooperation, and as such aims at equipping students with a thorough and multifaceted knowledge in the field of humanities, thus ensuring their engagement in professional activities or further academic education. The objectives of the course are related to 1) the acquisition of Scandinavian (Swedish) language at A1.2 level (approaching A2.1 level), especially by developing the skills to communicate in Swedish on issues important for Swedish / Nordic-Baltic co-operation and historical communication; 2) the development of contrastive linguistic-analytical skills for independent reception of authentic texts; 3) the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of Swedish and Nordic history, literature and culture in the context of the Baltic languages
Master's Thesis II
The aim of the master's thesis is to prove the ability to independently apply theoretical knowledge, academic skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of the master's study program. Master's thesis is an independent research work with an original solution of a topical theoretical / practical problem under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. Tasks of master's thesis development: to summarize, systematize, deepen and strengthen the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills; to use empirical research methods in the research, in accordance with the research question and / or hypothesis, and the developed research design; to perform processing, analysis and interpretation of the obtained data. The Master's thesis has developed theoretical generalizations and formulated substantiated proposals, put forward and proved hypothesis, studied the regularities and correlations of factor influence, thus promoting the Master's student to learn to maintain problem
History of Classical Languages
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the historical developments and main stages of two classical languages – Latin and Greek as the oldest language in Europe, starting with their first written evidence. Diachronically and, taking into account socio-political changes, the development of languages at all levels (phonetics, morphology, syntax and vocabulary) is considered. Special attention is also paid to the creation processes of literary / literature language and its manifestations in texts of various genres. The acquisition of theoretical issues is complemented with practical readings and comparative analysis of Greek / Latin texts representing different periods. Course objectives: 1. to provide knowledge about the historical development of Greek and Latin; 2. to form a general understanding of language history and development processes; 3. to strengthen and systemically further the understanding of and research skills in classical languages. Language of instruction
The Russian Language in the Theoretical and Applied Aspect
The course acquaints students with topical issues of many subfields of linguistics, provides information on a wide range of issues of theoretical and applied linguistics, demonstrates the possibility of application of scientific approach and methods of linguistic paradigms of the 20th–21st century to the Russian language. The course aims at presenting linguistics as a system of scientific knowledge about language within philology, at analysing the methodology of linguistics, the main directions and perspectives of fundamental and applied linguistic research. The objectives of the course are set: 1. to represent systemically fundamental and applied linguistic directions, as well as the basic scientific paradigms of linguistics of 20th–21st century; 2. to demonstrate the linguistic component of modern scientific paradigms and the possibility of applying their scientific apparatus to the study of multi-aspect issues of Russian studies; 3. to demonstrate the close relation between
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