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Criminal Law: General Section
The aim of the course is to provide to the students quality learning of theoretical knowledge and research skills in the General Part of the Criminal Law. The course provides knowledge on content and principles of the science of criminal law, and the Criminal Law as the source of criminal justice. The course can be relatively divided into three parts, each devoted to very important questions of criminal law: the Criminal Law (its concept, objectives, force in time and space); criminal offence (its concept, elements, classification, constitution, etc.); and punishment (its concept, purpose, questions on determination of punishment, etc.). The course views also experience of foreign legislators and case-law, judicature in the Republic of Latvia., fundamental knowledge of terminology of the General Part of the Criminal Law in English. In order to achieve the aim, the following objectives have been set: 1) to ensure a study process that provides knowledge in the General Part
Legal discourse of gender studies
The aim of the course is to provide to the students basic knowledge on substance and legal issues of gender equality, viewing the topic in historical and cross-cultural discourse of gender rights, more deeply analysing the aspects of gender equality in the legal system of Latvia: legal provisions and reality of law. To develop skills of critical thinking and to develop skills in research work. Short outline of the content: Tasks: The study course offers knowledge on structure of society, role of genders in society and legal separation of genders according to ability to act in historical and comparative aspect, seeing it from the viewpoint of the Ancient East, Greco-Roman, Christian Europe and Muslim culture. Deeper analysis of processes which influence the laying of foundations for gender equality concept and its legal regulation in the European countries. Legal discourse of women’s emancipation, when women first gained full political rights, then full rights in public law
Criminal Law: General Section
The aim of the course is to provide to the students quality learning of theoretical knowledge and research skills in the General Part of the Criminal Law. The course provides knowledge on content and principles of the science of criminal law, and the Criminal Law as the source of criminal justice. The course can be relatively divided into three parts, each devoted to very important questions of criminal law: the Criminal Law (its concept, objectives, force in time and space); criminal offence (its concept, elements, classification, constitution, etc.); and punishment (its concept, purpose, questions on determination of punishment, etc.). The course views also experience of foreign legislators and case-law, judicature in the Republic of Latvia., fundamental knowledge of terminology of the General Part of the Criminal Law in English. In order to achieve the aim, the following objectives have been set: 1) to ensure a study process that provides knowledge in the General Part
Target audience
22.08.2021 22:32 Content
In order to achieve and implement the goal and programmes set by the Innovation Centre, events for followinginterest groups are regularly organized and take place in the premises of the Innovation Centre: Entrepreneurs Academics – scientists and researchers Startups Students and pupils Developers and IT professionals Industry experts and specialists Business solution developers and partners Public sector decision makers
30.04.2021 17:22 Content
The number and amount of scholarships at the University of Latvia are determined centrally for each academic year separately. The Faculty of Computing has the opportunity to award several scholarships each year, but the number of places is also limited by host universities. A competition is announced for scholarship places. Students who are not granted a scholarship but who are eligible for Erasmus student status may decide to participate in an exchange programme without funding (at their own expense). Attention: scholarships and the procedure for their payment may change from year to year.
25.04.2022 17:01 Content
Here we will soon publish information about the opportunities to participate in a new team game - a media literacy breakout room adapted from the original version modeled at the University of Washington. There will also be several events in the Autumn semester in which we will invite students to participate. More information will be here and in the news section.
Reasons to study at the Faculty of Computing of the University of Latvia:
08.04.2021 15:40 Content
Recognition of a diploma in Europe certified by the European accreditation of programmes and the obtained "Euro-Inf Quality Label"; High evaluation of employers – every year the UL bachelor's study programme in Computer Science has been recognised as the most recommended study programme by employers in Latvia since 2017; The programmes are based on the recommendations developed by the ACM/IEEE; The lecturers are strong in theory and have gained practical experience in the industry; 4.5 month-long internship in an IT company already provides real work experience during the studies; Wide selection of sub-programmes (specialisations); Students are invited to participate in scientific research, including the internationally regarded quantum computing research group led by Professor Andris Ambainis; Diverse and exciting extracurricular activities – cultural events, sports, various interest groups; Excellence studies for those who want and can learn more than
Representation of Liepaja city in Riga
29.03.2020 17:16 Content In addition to the monthly student evenings, the representation offers news about the current events in Liepāja of interest to students, general information about Liepāja and data for research, including statistical data, tourism information, etc., as well as information on internship opportunities available in Liepāja City Council and Liepāja city. All the students – Liepāja residents in Riga or those who feel affinity to Liepāja are welcome to attend monthly trainings, signing up in advance by phone (+371) 67503392 or email The meetings take place in the premises of the office of Liepāja Representation ( Liepājas pārstāvniecība Rīgā ) in Old Riga, Jacob's Barracks ( Jēkaba kazarmas ), Torņa iela 4, 2A-201, entrance under the green and red Liepāja flag.
European University Foundation (Campus Europae)
03.01.2022 17:05 Content
Campus Europae (CE) is an exchange program, which combines scientific qualification with international employment and awareness of European identity. The main goal CE program is to strengthen European education, allowing student to get to know closer and further countries and to experience a different culture. In practice program gives to student’s opportunity to spend one academic year at foreign University and learn some European country language. CE student exchange is one academic year long mobility. In the first study semester student can study in English, but in the second semester students shall choose courses in national language of Host University. In order to provide sufficient national language knowledge of Host University, exchange students shall study national language of Host University very intense at the first exchange study semester (approx. 3 teaching hours per week) Application for CE program is organized one time in academic year. The application period
Nodarbību piedāvājums studentiem
24.08.2023 18:19 Content
Academic staff, researchers and doctoral students are invited to apply for courses or counselling dedicated to topics concerning the range and use of information resources, various issues related to scientific publishing and other skills for the improvement of research work. Use the opportunity to apply for a lesson or individual consultation of your interest by filling out the electronic application form .
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