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Fractal Geometry
The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with one beautiful consequence of dynamical systems – fractal geometry. Fractal geometry studies “complicated” subsets of geometrically “simple” spaces such as R, R², C. In deterministic fractal geometry the focus is on those subsets of a space that are generated by simple geometrical transformations of the space into itself. A fractal set generally contains infinitely many points whose organization is so complicated that it is not possible to describe the set by specifying directly where each point in it lies. In this course we study some deterministic fractals, fractals in complex plane, we learn to identify fractal dimensions and we make pictures in programming package MATHEMATICA. Tasks of the course: to get acquainted with classical and determined fractals; to find out the most important properties of fractals; to get acquainted with the fractals of the complex plane. The study course is implemented in Latvian and English.
Evolution of the styles of architecture and processes in architecture in Latvia and the Baltic region
The course is planned to broaden the knowledge of the cultural heritage specialists in connection with the developments of architectural styles on the Baltic region and Latvia and with the contemporary processes in architecture in general. Information included in the course creates unified conception on the logical interconnections of architecture, building construction, technology, and building materials. Content of the course stresses the connection between the architectural processes and use of correct terminology regarding the building elements. The aim of the study course is to form the general understanding on the manifestation of architectural styles in building processes in Latvia and in the Baltic region and their interconnections with building and construction practices characteristic to the period. Tasks of the study course are: 1. To introduce students with the definitions of the styles of architecture. 2. To offer the basic knowledge on terminology of the building
Evolution of the styles of architecture and processes in architecture in Latvia and the Baltic region
The course is planned to broaden the knowledge of the cultural heritage specialists in connection with the developments of architectural styles on the Baltic region and Latvia and with the contemporary processes in architecture in general. Information included in the course creates unified conception on the logical interconnections of architecture, building construction, technology, and building materials. Content of the course stresses the connection between the architectural processes and use of correct terminology regarding the building elements. The aim of the study course is to form the general understanding on the manifestation of architectural styles in building processes in Latvia and in the Baltic region and their interconnections with building and construction practices characteristic to the period. Tasks of the study course are: 1. To introduce students with the definitions of the styles of architecture. 2. To offer the basic knowledge on terminology of the building
The latest Latvian literature in the Baltic context
The aim of the course is to develop literary competence in connection with Latvian literature and the most important tendencies of its development from the 1990s to the 2020s, as well as the professional needs of a literature teacher. Tasks of the study course: 1.To provide knowledge and improve understanding of Latvian literature in the 1990s and the first decades in the 21st century in the context of the political and cultural situation; 2. To provide knowledge and understanding of the most important writers and their works; 3. To improve the skills of literary text analysis by studying literary works in the context of the uniqueness of the writer’s creativity and historical period; 4. To improve students' instrumental, interpersonal and systemic competences by independently applying knowledge in practice, linking it with the content of literary studies, in group discussions, evaluating, comparing and creatively using the acquired analytical text interpretation skills
16.03.2023 01:15 Content
. Head of Cultural affairs - Juliane Gotz : hosts cultural activities for international students; promotes cultural exchange; organises cultural & sports events; cooperates with LU SP Cultural & Sports affairs. Head of Public relations - Keti Tevzadze : manages ISC social media and accounts; creates digital and physical promotional content; promotes ISC events; spreads awareness of ISC among students.
Žanis Lapuķis
27.08.2020 19:03 Content
. Already during the war, the seed of philanthropy was manifested in Žanis Lapuķis – he volunteered for the collection of donations organized by the National Assistance on 24 October 1943. He left Latvia on 12 October 1944 and departed to Gotland; his fellow refugees Elmārs and Alīde Emsiņi accompanied him and later all three settled in Hamilton, Canada. Ivars Gaide, the pastor of Christ Church in Hamilton, remembers Žanis Lapuķis as a friend of faith and song: he participated in the founding of the congregation, was an employee of the church, and also a council member; for 30 years he was a choir singer and a choir leader of Christ Church. He was also a passionate fisherman and hunter. Bread winning was not easy – as most immigrants, he had to resort to manual work.Ž.Lapuķis worked in the brick production industry. Ž.Lapuķis was concerned with the education of young theologians in Latvia. He was providingthem with support during his lifetime and wished that this would continue after his
Global Trends (re)Shaping the Operational Context of First Responder and Internal Security Work
The aim of the course is to identify and analyze the impact of global trends on the management of law enforcement, criminal justice, and emergency services (hereinafter - first responders and internal security services, FRIS) in the 21st century. In the next decade, the physical and digital environment will become increasingly inseparable, crime will become increasingly complex and transnational, and at the same time, public expectations will rapidly increase. As smart cities, governments, and internal security services develop, a huge volume of data will be available. Data analysis will affect decisions aimed at providing better services, promoting economic growth, and developing a safe and healthy society. To achieve these goals, a new way of thinking will be necessary. The rapidly progressing fields of automation and artificial intelligence will revolutionize all aspects of human life. At the same time, our job market, like all Western society, is rapidly aging, but two new
Global Trends (re)Shaping the Operational Context of First Responder and Internal Security Work
The aim of the course is to identify and analyze the impact of global trends on the management of law enforcement, criminal justice, and emergency services (hereinafter - first responders and internal security services, FRIS) in the 21st century. In the next decade, the physical and digital environment will become increasingly inseparable, crime will become increasingly complex and transnational, and at the same time, public expectations will rapidly increase. As smart cities, governments, and internal security services develop, a huge volume of data will be available. Data analysis will affect decisions aimed at providing better services, promoting economic growth, and developing a safe and healthy society. To achieve these goals, a new way of thinking will be necessary. The rapidly progressing fields of automation and artificial intelligence will revolutionize all aspects of human life. At the same time, our job market, like all Western society, is rapidly aging, but two new
Growth opportunities during studies
12.07.2021 13:35 Content
What are the benefits for companies participating in the project “University of Latvia Innovation Grants for Students”? Is the employer interested in the student outside the study activity? And what growth opportunities does Microsoft offer? Listen to an interview with Microsoft CEO in the Baltic States and Renata Strazdiņa, Doctor of Engineering !
Starptautiskā ekonomika un komercdiplomātija
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Starptautiskās ekonomikas un komercdiplomātijas programma ir unikāla starpdisciplināra programma, kas veidota ar nolūku sniegt studentiem plašas zināšanas ne tikai starptautiskajā ekonomikā un biznesā, bet arī juridiskajos, politikas zinātnes, svešvalodu un vispārizglītojošos priekšmetos. Studentiem būs iespēja attīstīt prasmes strādāt komandā un iekļauties tautsaimniecības attīstības procesos, saskatīt ekonomiskās attīstības kopsakarības. Programma veicina koordināciju un sadarbību starp dažādu sektoru institūcijām, studenti varēs attīstīt arī analītiskās spējas, spējas veikt patstāvīgus pētījumus un risināt starpdisciplināras problēmas.
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