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Vašingtonas D.C. studenšu korporāciju kopa
24.08.2020 14:39 Content
In Washington D.C, USA, there are several active Latvian female students’ corporations. Support In 2005 and 2009, the group of corporations donated EUR 973 to support the scholarship programme Ceļamaize (“Bread for the Journey”). We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
24.08.2020 14:39 Content
The company “Trialine” (2006) develops and supports mobile applications. More about the company: trialine.lven/ Support In 2017, the company donated EUR 450 to support UL Students’ Business Incubator. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Building data
13.06.2024 21:35 Content
Indicators Data Useful area, m 2 20k Number of auditoriums 15 Number of jobs 430 Number of seminar rooms 8 Number ofresearch and student traininglaboratory rooms 78 Total investment, EUR (with VAT) 41.8M
Augšup-pārveidotās luminiscences izmantošana fotolitogrāfijā organiskajiem materiāliem savienojumā ar nanodaļiņas un fotorezista kompozītu
24.01.2023 18:56 Content
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Jurģis Grūbe Total cost: 270 762 EUR Duration (years): 2020-2022 LZP FLPP Nr. lzp-2019/1-0422 Preparation of active microstructures from photoresist/chromophore systems would benefit in cost-efficient device fabrication. Unfortunately, most organic chromophores absorb almost all of the blue light used for photolithography at the surface of the thin film and there is no light interaction with photoresist within the whole thin film. This drawback could be overcome by adding photoactive nanoparticles in photoresist exhibiting upconversion luminescence. Such nanoparticles absorb infrared light and emit blue light within the film. The main goal of this project is development of photoresist/nanoparticle system that would be a part of the active media in organic photonic devices. Such approach opens new perspectives in creating organic waveguides and solid state lasers. In the first part of the project issues related to synthesis of photoactive
Amanda's Story of Exchange Studies in Middle East Univeristy in Jordan
21.04.2023 19:38 Content
. Throughout the mobility project, as well as before and after it, Amanda had to work closely with both the University of Latvia and the host university. “The experience of communicating with the University of Jordan was a bit unusual due to the communication norms adopted in Middle Eastern culture. During my mobility, the spread of the Covid-19 virus increased worldwide and also affected my study process, which was a bit unfortunate. Such non-standard situations are also a great test for us all. I am extremely grateful to Sintija Maculeviča, the University of Latvia Head of the Mobility Department of the Student Services Department for the support provided during this time of uncertainty. I appreciate it that the University of Latvia takes care of all its students,” says Amanda. Studying abroad is definitely a prized asset for professional and personal development. Amanda mentioned that it was very interesting to study in a different education system and in a completely different environment
Japanese Language and Communication Culture II
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to learn to speak literary Japanese on simple topics, continue to learn the basics of grammar, as well as listening, reading and writing skills according to the level A2 requirements, look at the linguistic characteristics of Japanese compared to Indo-European languages. taking into account the main features of verbal and non-verbal communication accepted in Japanese culture and the most important public prohibitions. In addition to the classic textbook, the range of course materials also includes various digital tools, special applications, and rich Internet resources that ensure a quality learning process both in the classroom and in the Internet environment - remotely. The Genki language textbooks are complemented by theoretical materials on Japanese etiquette developed by Mente, the world's leading specialist, and provide detailed information on Japanese behavioral culture in more than a hundred different
An approach based on respectful relationships in working with preschool children
of every pedagogue is to act in accordance with an approach based on the rights of the child - to observe (respect), protect and implement the rights of the child. This means that the child is offered a space where he can express his concerns, is supported and taught that he has rights and responsibilities and how to implement them according to his age and development. Purpose of the course: To provide students with knowledge of an approach based on children's rights and to create an understanding of the importance of respectful relationships and basic principles to be used in daily contact with children. Tasks of the study course: 1. To create an understanding of the role of the preschool teacher in creating safe and respectful relationships. 2. To acquire knowledge about the most important elements of building respectful relationships and be able to use them in pedagogical work. 3. To create an understanding of the regulatory framework in the field of protection of children's rights
Systemology of Thinking
A course is designed to develop student’s understanding and purposeful use of systems thinking, providing them with unified theoretical basis of SYSTEMS THEORY as well as with practical experience of systems approach. There are three main parts of the course. * Part 1 – SYSTEMIC ORGANIZATION OF THINKING. World and human: systemic reflection of world by human within his/her consciousness. World as the set of manifold phenomena or changing bodies, where human is one of them. Universal cycle of human’s action - cognition, consideration, behaviour. Spirit as information and processing of information as the basis of human’s spiritual activity. World of thoughts as ordered set of coded observed phenomena. * Part 2 - FUNDAMENTALS of SYSTEMS THEORY. Main concepts and relationships, scientific research of systems - factology and causality. Concepts of space, time and interaction as universal basis for establishing fact - cause relationships. Typical structures of systems (mind maps
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