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Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
This aim of the course is introduction into socio-cultural anthropology offering fundamental, introductory-level understanding of the development of cultural and social anthropology as a discipline, its main methodological approaches and their relatedness to anthropological theory. The task of the course are covering topics – such as kinship, politics, religion, economics, personhood, body, post-socialism and post-colonialism – are discussed introducing students to terminology, allowing them to build and back their argumentation and navigate anthropological theory. The course is based on building factual ethnographic and theoretical knowledge, using mostly textbooks and processes of memorising. Evaluation in the course is based on checking factual knowledge, precise recognition and formulation of terminology and argumentation. Language of instruction: Latvian and English.
Elaboration of the Doctoral Thesis in History I
The course encompasses the first stage in elaboration of doctoral thesis during the first semester. The objective of the course is to provide a doctoral student a possibility to start an elaboration of the doctoral thesis in history. The tasks of the course: encourage a defining of goals and tasks of the thesis, characterize the previous achievements in history science, promote elaboration of theoretical concepts of thesis, select and apply research methods, research archival and published sources, critically analyse history science literature, publish the results of research in academic publications and papers in international scientific conferences. Course is intended for close collaboration with academic supervisor and experts of history science, obliges participation in theoretical courses and doctoral seminars. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Bachelor's Thesis in E-Business Management
The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and empirical research methods in the study. In developing the Bachelor’s thesis the student is based on the knowledge acquired during the studies and practical skills, as well as using information and practical experience gained during the practice. The tasks of the Bachelor thesis are to demonstrate the ability to work independently with statistical information sources, to compile and analyse scientific literature, to choose adequate research methods, to carry out practical research, to analyse and interpret the obtained results, to present and defend conclusions and proposals that have scientific value. Bachelor thesis is an independent research under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Mathematical basics of biotechnology
The goal of the course is to give basic knowledge on mathematical models in biotechnology, introduce elements of linear algebra and vector algebra, as well as differential and intergal calculus. Course tasks: 1. To develop students’ logical thinking and ability to analyse complex dynamical problems in biotechnology. 2. To provide basic knowledge of mathematics that is necessary for successful completion of other courses in the program. The course contains the following sections: operation on matrices, systems of linear equations, vector algebra, limits, derivatives, basic differentiation rules and applications, indefinite integral, definite integral with applications, differential equations. The course is based on active use of Matlab.
The languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
History of World Literature I
The object of the course is to provide knowledge and develop an understanding of ancient literature and the most important stages and aspects of its development. Tasks of the study course: 1. to provide knowledge and develop an understanding of the most important stages of the development of ancient culture and literature, the most important writers and literary works: 2. to improve the skills of literary text analysis by interpreting literary texts in the context of writers' artistry and the peculiarities of the epoch; 3. to develop students' interpersonal and analytical competencies to independently use the acquired knowledge in practice, discuss in a group, evaluate, compare and creatively use the acquired text interpretation skills, performe independent research activities. Course teaching languages: Latvian and / or English.
Teaching and Learning Methodology of Biology II
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge on the content of biology as a study subject representing the brunch of natural sciences at secondary school. It is done by also revealing the idea of the use of effective teaching/learning methods and technology in a contemporary teaching/learning process thus developing the competence to apply the formulated principles in work at school. Objectives of the study course: - to acquire an understanding of biology didactics, - to be able effectively organize the teaching/learning process using a variety of teaching/learning methods and to manage practical and laboratory work by using modern technology, - to be able to collaborate with students in extra-curricular activities involving them in creative and research work.
The language of instruction is Latvian.
Practice in Archaeological Fieldwork
The course is implemented in accordance with the Regulations for the Practice in History and Archaeology. The aim of the course is to improve and enrich students' knowledge and skills in archaeology, providing the opportunity to learn the tasks and methods of archaeological fieldwork in practice. The practice is carried out in the framework of an archaeological expedition (excavation or survey) led by a professional archaeologist in Latvia. Course objectives: 1) to develop an in-depth understanding of the process of archaeological research, stages of work, tasks and methods; 2) to develop an in-depth understanding of the importance of the basic elements of archaeological fieldwork in the interpretation of archaeological material; 3) develop professional skills in field archaeology; 4) develop skills for the practical use of the archeological sources in research. The course is taught in Latvian.
Work in Editorial Office
The aim of the study course is to provide the knowledge and skills required for journalists and to gain knowledge about specifics of work in editorial offices by attending existing media editorial offices during study excursions and creating a training editorial office to fulfill tasks typical of journalism profession. Tasks of the study course: to introduce students with the specifics of different media editorial offices, roles and functions of journalists in these editorial offices by attending them and meeting media professionals – employees of the editorial offices attended, to create understanding about work in media editorial office, to develop professional skills by working in the training editorial office and producing publications for multimedia platform. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Basics of Work in Editorial Office
The aim of the study course is to provide the knowledge and skills required for journalists and to gain knowledge about specifics of work in editorial offices by attending existing media editorial offices during study excursions and creating a training editorial office to fulfill tasks typical of journalism profession. Tasks of the study course: to introduce students with the specifics of different media editorial offices, roles and functions of journalists in these editorial offices by attending them and meeting media professionals – employees of the editorial offices attended, to create understanding about work in media editorial office, to develop professional skills by working in the training editorial office and producing publications for multimedia platform. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Course goal – a theoretical knowledge and practical skills about the main macroeconomic problems and relationships in the national economy would be provided to students. The topics deals with the main macroeconomic problems and economic adjustment policies. Course studies develops theoretical thinking and certain skills to valuate different economic situations. Course objectives: 1. to understand economic systems and it's structure, existing relationships between economic sectors; 2. to valuate the main principles of market economy, demand and supply sides in different markets and their role in the national economy; 3. to develop knowledge about economic development and adjustment possibilities, policies and tools. The language of instruction- Latvian and English.
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