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Contrastive studies VI: Swedish (2nd Foreign Language from the Beginner's Level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen and further develop students’ knowledge, skills and competence in the Swedish language in accordance with B2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and extend knowledge about Swedish culture and history. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the skills to evaluate critically, choose and align grammatical aspects in a connected text and speech; 2. to strengthen the skill to monitor and correct one’s pronunciation and distinguish the varieties of the Swedish language; 3. to facilitate to be involved in a discussion, strengthen the skill to describe the events and experience in a detailed manner, explain and justify one’s opinion, plans, formulate very precise questions and adjust spontaneous spoken discourse in accordance to the communicative context; 4. to extend the previously acquired vocabulary and raise the awareness of the idiomatic expressions. The study course is lectured in Swedish (with explanations
Early childhood pedagogical practice
In practice, students participate in the education and training process in the pre-primary education institution, watching both the activities of children and the most experienced teachers, with their own active involvement in the preparation and management of activities organised by children. Purpose: Improving the skills of watching, organising and managing the activities of early childhood children in different ways of action. Tasks: 1. Define the objective of their individual practice to promote the development of the professional identity of a pre-primary education teacher. 2. Promoting self-analysis skills and carrying out constructive self-assessment. 3. Pursue its pedagogical approach to early childhood management. 4. Identify the process of interaction between children, educators and other adults in a pre-primary education institution. 5. Develop observation skills for developing pedagogical psychological profiles for individual children and all groups. The language
Development of Bachelor's Thesis I
The aim of the study course is to advance students’ research skills to work on argumentation for topicality of their bachelor’s paper thus confirming a teacher’s professional competence to conduct independent research in the content and teaching/ learning methodology of the school subject. The research paper can also be related to aspects of a class teacher’s work. Objectives of the study course: 1. To develop knowledge and understanding of requirements for development and defence of a bachelor’s paper. 2. To develop skills to make a research plan for writing a bachelor’s paper and to describe the context of the research problem. 3. To develop skills to formulate scientific categories of a bachelor’s paper and to design a structure of the content of a bachelor’s paper. 4. To improve skills to find, choose and evaluate literature sources corresponding to the topic of the bachelor’s paper.
The languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Methodology of Mathematics II
The aim of the study course is to promote the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of competencies for current, purposeful and rational planning and organisation of the mathematics study process in basic education and general secondary school / gymnasium. Course objectives: 1) To create an opportunity to gain an understanding of the conceptual principles, aim and normative documents of current natural sciences and mathematics education, as well as an understanding of approaches of their implementation; 2) To create an opportunity to acquire knowledge about the system of forms and methods of planning and organising the mathematics study process, in accordance with the expected learning outcomes, teaching and learning styles, to gain insight into the possibilities of using information technology and other technical means in organising the mathematics study process; 3) To create an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills of assessing students' learning outcomes
Methodology of Mathematics II
The aim of the study course is to promote the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of competencies for current, purposeful and rational planning and organisation of the mathematics study process in basic education and general secondary school / gymnasium. Course objectives: 1) To create an opportunity to gain an understanding of the conceptual principles, aim and normative documents of current natural sciences and mathematics education, as well as an understanding of approaches of their implementation; 2) To create an opportunity to acquire knowledge about the system of forms and methods of planning and organising the mathematics study process, in accordance with the expected learning outcomes, teaching and learning styles, to gain insight into the possibilities of using information technology and other technical means in organising the mathematics study process; 3) To create an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills of assessing students' learning outcomes
Contrastive studies VI: Swedish (2nd Foreign Language from the Beginner's Level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen and further develop students’ knowledge, skills and competence in the Swedish language in accordance with B2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and extend knowledge about Swedish culture and history. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the skills to evaluate critically, choose and align grammatical aspects in a connected text and speech; 2. to strengthen the skill to monitor and correct one’s pronunciation and distinguish the varieties of the Swedish language; 3. to facilitate to be involved in a discussion, strengthen the skill to describe the events and experience in a detailed manner, explain and justify one’s opinion, plans, formulate very precise questions and adjust spontaneous spoken discourse in accordance to the communicative context; 4. to extend the previously acquired vocabulary and raise the awareness of the idiomatic expressions. The study course is lectured in Swedish (with explanations
Introduction to Probability Theory
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of probability theory. In this course first of all we will discuss the events and operations with them, the classical principle of probability calculation, de Moivre-Laplace theorems, concept of random variable and its characteristics, functions from random variables. Finally, in the end we will shortly discuss the concept of stochastic convergence, law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. Tasks 1) to provide an in-depth knowledge of the probability theory that will allow better understanding of the nature of the formulae and thus clarify this knowledge more intellectually to pupils. 2) to develop an understanding of the key concepts of probability theory. 3) to teach choosing the appropriate methods for addressing tasks and to facilitate an independent process of setting up tasks. 4) develop the skills to perform calculations by selecting appropriate programmes and tools. Languages of instruction
Entrepreneurship essentials in the industrial engineering
The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge of business organization and planning, modern approach to business creation and management. Tasks of the course: 1. to study the nature, forms and environment of entrepreneurship in modern industries; 2. to find out the general regularities and principles of functioning of an industrial enterprise; 3. to know the methods of choosing a place of business and to acquire the skills to use them; 4. to acquire skills and abilities of organization and planning of economic processes, incl. manufacturing companies with technogenic activities in an international environment. The course is designed to allow students to critically assess the factors influencing entrepreneurship and to acquire the theoretical skills and abilities of business management that could be later applied in practice, as well as in-depth study of contemporary business, including basic principles of management of manufacturing companies with technogenic activities
Latvian Literature at the Turn of the 20 th/21 st Century
The aim of the course is to develop literary competence in connection with Latvian literature and the most important tendencies of its development from the 1990s to 2020s, as well as the professional needs of a literature teacher. Tasks of study course: 1.To provide knowledge and improve understanding of Latvian literature in the 1990s and the first decades in the 21st century in the context of the political and cultural situation; 2. To provide knowledge and understanding of the most important writers and their works; 3. To improve the skills of literary text analysis by studying literary works in the context of the uniqueness of writers' creativity and historical period; 4.To improve students' instrumental, interpersonal and systemic competences by independently applying knowledge in practice, linking it with the content of literary studies, in group discussions, evaluating, comparing and creatively using the acquired analytical text interpretation skills, and independently
History of Ethics and Philosophy for Teachers
The study course gives future teachers the opportunity to acquire theoretical knowledge about the essence of the history of ethics and philosophy, their inherent importance in the development of humanity. The course is based on understanding the content of various streams of ethics and philosophy, their analysis based on the content of various sources and current challenges. The aim of the course is to promote understanding of the place of man and society in the world and its causes and mechanisms of regulation in the context of ethics and history of philosophy, thus contributing to the growth of students' analytical competence. Tasks of study course: 1. to promote understanding of the place of man and society in the world, its causes and mechanisms of regulation in the context of the history of ethics and philosophy and the factors contributing to the development of philosophy and ethics; 2. to promote understanding of the concepts of philosophy and ethics; 3. to develop skills
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