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Police Rights [Izm PrB]
Police law is a sub-discipline of law which theoretically and empirically studies the police as an institution, its legality, organisation, tasks and its role in the social structure, its working style, efficiency, as well as the manner of its expression and attitude towards society. The knowledge to be acquired during the study course is necessary for police officers, investigators and investigators' immediate superiors, as well as for other persons who come into contact with police officers. The course aim is to providing thorough and practically applicable knowledge of policing in the country. The study course provides practical knowledge in areas of police activity that would be of particular relevance to officers with special ranks performing duties in the State Police. The language of instruction: Latvian.
History of World Literature II
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and develop an understanding of trends of world literature from the Middle Ages till the beginning of the 20th century. Tasks of the study course: 1. to provide insight and understanding of the stages of literary history; 2. to deepen students' skills in text analysis and interpretation, taking into account the cultural and historical context, as well as to emphasize the mutual cultural contacts, influences and interactions of different languages and areas; 3. to deepen students' skills to identify most important literary texts of a definite historical period and to gain an understanding about them; 4. to promote students' individual work, mutual communication and group work, presentation and the skills of the formulation of one`s opinion. The language of instruction is Latvian.
General Literature II (Western Literature)
The aim of the course is to form an understanding of the development trends of Western literature from the Middle Ages to thebeginning of the 19th century. Objectives of the study course: 1. to provide insight and understanding of the stages of literary history in the Western world; 2. to deepen students' skills to perform text analysis and interpretation, taking into account the cultural and historical context of text creation, as well as to emphasize the cultural contacts, influences and interactions of different eras and language areas; 3. to deepen students' skills to identify important texts of literary history, to gain an understanding of them; 4. to promote students' individual work as well as communication and group work, presentation and opinion formulation and substantiation skills. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Religion and Society in East Asia
The aim of the course is for students to gain basic knowledge about East Asian religions and their influence on contemporary society in China, Korea and Japan. The objectives of the course are: 1) to give a basic understanding about East Asian religions. 2) to give an insight into how East Asian religions are connected with society in East Asia. 3) to teach how to find reliable sources of information and avoid propaganda. 4) to help students realize their sphere of interests as well as study and career opportunities in connection with East Asian religions and society. 5) using knowledge of East Asian religions and society, to better understand the mentality of people in these countries and make contacts with them more successfully. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
General Literature II (Western Literature)
The aim of the course is to form an understanding of the development trends of Western literature from the Middle Ages to thebeginning of the 19th century. Objectives of the study course: 1. to provide insight and understanding of the stages of literary history in the Western world; 2. to deepen students' skills to perform text analysis and interpretation, taking into account the cultural and historical context of text creation, as well as to emphasize the cultural contacts, influences and interactions of different eras and language areas; 3. to deepen students' skills to identify important texts of literary history, to gain an understanding of them; 4. to promote students' individual work as well as communication and group work, presentation and opinion formulation and substantiation skills. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Faculty of Theology
16.04.2024 13:08 Content
Faculty of Theology International coordinator: Dr.theol., doc. Jānis Rudzītis-Neimanis E-mail: Spring 2024 Courses are mainly offered on individual basis, namely, consultations on the chosen/offered topic given in English. For more detailed information, contact Dr. Theol., doc. Jānis Rudzītis-Neimanis -
Valodu kursi
05.02.2024 10:41 Content
The Language Centre of the Faculty of Humanities offers the following language courses of various levels: English Language Regular courses Intensive courses Special courses Latvian Language Russian Language Swedish Language German Language PortugueseLanguage Spanish Language French Language Contact person: Margarita Spirida; E-mail: Learn more →
Bilateral agreements
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Students can also apply for study mobility within the bilateral agreements signed with UL partner universities worldwide. UL signed bilateral agreements Study mobility within bilateral agreements are based on mutual terms, usually students do not pay tuition fee at Host University and study there as exchange student. Some agreements have grants, but not all. Before applying students shall contact Mrs. Sintija Maculevica ( , 67034336) in order to clarify the terms of corresponding bilateral agreement. If chosen bilateral agreement includes student mobility and all other terms are acceptable to student, student shall apply to study mobility within bilateral agreement by filling in the form and submit it to the international coordinator of the Faculty of Business, management and economics. Selection Criteria can be found here Application to study mobility within bilateral agreement
Stiklveida ķermeņa apduļķojumu efektu samazināšana/likvidēšana izmantojot fāzes informācijas iegūšanu ar kodēto difrakcijas struktūru metodi
21.01.2022 14:35 Content
Project leader Varis Karitans Agreement No Research application No The project goal is to develop a non-invasive optical system and method for reduction/cancellation of the undesired effects of the vitreous floaters. The vitreous floaters manifest themselves as chains, bubbles and other structures floating in the field of view. These structures are actually transparent phase diffraction gratings. This problem causing the visual discomfort is experienced by about 80 % of all people. The problem will be solved using the method of coded diffraction patterns to measure the structure of these objects and modulate the light so that the effects of the floaters are reduced. The method of coded diffraction patterns is one of the most popular numerical methods for measuring the phase and structure of objects. This method is suited for measuring the optical aberrations, determining the structure of complexes of proteins, structure of crystals and other
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