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Praxis of Criminal law
Praxis at courts and other relevant institutions related to the field of criminal law allow students to secure, extend and test their theoretical knowledge in the field of criminal law, and it is a part of the unified process of studies. The praxis lasts for five weeks at the end of the first year of master’s degree studies. The main goal of the praxis is to allow students to learn about how the courts and other institutions in the area of criminal law do their work. Students can also gain practical skills in this process.
Viltus ziņas - gruzdošais drauds
23.05.2017 20:41 News
19.maijā Rīgas pilī notika diskusija "Viltus ziņas - gruzdošais drauds." 19.maijā Rīgas pilī notika diskusija "Viltus ziņas - gruzdošais drauds." Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes 2. kursa studentiem bija iespēja piedalīties un dzirdēt par informatīvās vides drošību un tās radītajiem izaicinājumiem 21. gadsmitā. Diskusijas dalībnieki dalījās savā pieredzē par tā dēvēto viltus ziņu veidošanu, izplatīšanu un ietekmi uz cilvēkiem un viņu pasaules uztveri. Diskusijas laikā tika noskaidrots, ka nav reāla risinājuma tam, kā regulēt interneta mājaslapas, kas izplata viltus ziņas, bet nepieciešams informēt sabiedrību par šādu ziņu esamību, lai stiprinātu cilvēku mediju lietotprasmes.
Practice in the Chosen Specialization I
The aim of the practice is to broaden and deepen previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the chosen specialization: territorial planning, environmental planning or geoinformatics. During the practice students get acquitaned with functions, structure and regulations of the particular institution. Gradually they get involved in everyday activities of the institution, participating in design and/or implementation of planning documents, drafting and/or impementation of a project, correspondence and events: meetings, consultations of inhabitants, public hearings of planning documents. Following their supervisor’s dicertions students complete other specific tasks at the place of practice. During the practice students do neccessary research and collect information for their Master’ s thesis.
Important dates
04.03.2019 14:25 Content
1 April, 2019 Deadline for submission of abstracts 15 April, 2019 Notification of acceptance of abstracts for full-length paper 16 April, 2019 Deadline for Early registration: : 230 EUR/participant and 150 EUR/student 5 May, 2019 Deadline for Regular registration: : 250 EUR/participant and 180 EUR/student 2 June, 2019 Full Conference programme will be available 5-8 June, 2019 CONFERENCE 1 August, 2019 Submission of the full-length manuscripts 1 October, 2019 Notification of acceptance of full-length manuscripts (with or without changes) 1 December, 2019 Deadline for revised full-length papers
Mācību kursi
25.05.2021 22:24 Content
Academic courses "Introduction to Technologies" and "Student Entrepreneurial Spirit” provides an opportunity for students of the University of Latvia to acquire basic knowledge for the development of innovative ideas. Target group for this activity are all students of the University of Latvia, since courses will be available in Parts B and C. The courses will help students acquire the basic skills that are required for further implementation of innovative ideas, as well as provide opportunity to start developing innovative ideas in practice. These academic courses will host innovation workshops, where students' innovations will be implemented, which will advance students’ innovation and entrepreneurial skills through performing in interdisciplinary teams of six faculties. In the first year the Faculty of Business, Management and Economy, the Faculty of Computing, in the next year the Faculty pf Education, Psychology and Art and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
Annual International Scientific Student Conference “Latvian Studies: Present and Future”
24.04.2023 18:04 Content
The conference has been organized by students of the BA and MA programmes in Baltic Philology since 2016. Young researchers in the field of the Latvian studies (Latvian culture, language and literature) from various countries (Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Finland, India, etc) take part in the conference. The participants discuss current issues in the Latvian studies, as well as get acquainted with the Latvian culture through various events, organized by the University of Latvia. The conference proceedings are published on the literary portal Ubi Sunt. Working languages are Latvian and English.
Erasmus+ prakse
17.11.2022 15:58 Content
Erasmus+ mobility for traineeships provide students with an opportunity to participate in traineeship in foreign companies or institutions in an Erasmus+ programme country and receive a scholarship . The aim of Erasmus+ traineeship is to help students meet the demands of the labour market of the European Union, to provide an opportunity to develop the students’ skills (including language skills) and improve the understanding of social and economic culture of the particular country within the context of gaining work experience, as well as to promote the development of highly qualified, open and internationally experienced future professionals. Erasmus+ traineeship is available for all level students (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral), who are registered for studies at the UL and are not in an academic leave. The students whose the UL study programme stipulates traineeship are prioritised . The UL does not offer this opportunity to recent graduates. Doctoral students may participate
Research Project
The aim of the course is to enable students to prepare for scientific work by acquiring practical skills and theoretical background for research. For the purpose, students, under the supervision of the supervisor, develop and publicly defend the research project. The research project is a self-developed scientific work of a student whose basic task is to develop the knowledge of the student itself and to develop research skills in the selected subsector of science. The research project prepares for research work into biological science and the use of appropriate scientific research methods. The basis of the work is to familiarise itself with the scientific literature relevant to the subject, the learning of methods, as well as the acquisition and analysis of results. Course Tasks: 1. start to develop students' ability to carry out scientific research independently; 2. start to develop the ability of students to interpret the results of own and other studies; 3. improving students
Research Project
The aim of the course is to enable students to prepare for scientific work by acquiring practical skills and theoretical background for research. For the purpose, students, under the supervision of the supervisor, develop and publicly defend the research project. The research project is a self-developed scientific work of a student whose basic task is to develop the knowledge of the student itself and to develop research skills in the selected subsector of science. The research project prepares for research work into biological science and the use of appropriate scientific research methods. The basis of the work is to familiarise itself with the scientific literature relevant to the subject, the learning of methods, as well as the acquisition and analysis of results. Course Tasks: 1. start to develop students' ability to carry out scientific research independently; 2. start to develop the ability of students to interpret the results of own and other studies; 3. improving students
"Become who you are!" (Nietzsche)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
and career development. Students and graduates at the Career Center can look for different types of job and internship vacancies, create and improve a CV and cover letter, identify their strengths and experiences at various interesting seminars, and turn to our consultants for other growth-related crossroads when planning your work life or preparing for job interviews. We advise students on the types of education, study programs and help them find the most appropriate course of study and profession after completing their secondary education. We help employers get to know and build meaningful contacts with students who have started or are planning to start their careers.
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