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Higher Mathematics for Geosciences Bachelors
The course covers elements of mathematical logic and set theory, linear systems of equations, determinants and matrices, basic concepts of function theory, limit theory, differential and integral calculus of scalar variable and multivariable functions, and elements of field theory. The aim of the course is to create an idea of the application of mathematical methods in earth sciences and allow creative application of mathematics in the specialty, and facilitate studies in other study-related and multidisciplinary sciences that use mathematical semantics and students' logical and abstract thinking. The objectives of the course are to promote basic knowledge in certain branches of mathematics, which can be used to mathematically correctly describe and solve practical problems, as well as to acquire basic skills in solving various standard mathematics problems. The course will be taught in English and Latvian.
Soils and Wildlife of Latvia
The aim of the study course is to provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills and competences on the diversity of soils and biota, its geography and factors and processes involved, and its ecological and social importance. The objectives of the course are (1) to acquire knowledge and to practically recognise the types of soil formation and the factors affecting it and the processes of soil formation in Latvia; (2) to acquire knowledge and to recognise practically the types of Latvian ecosystems, regional differences in flora, vegetation and fauna and factors governing these differences; (3) to understand the principles of Latvian biogeographical and soil regionalisation, and to learn to apply this knowledge in the context of sustainable management of natural resources; (4) to understand the role of soil and biota in the stability of the natural and social environment, to address conservation issues. The course language is Latvian.
Cultural Studies I
The course aim is to develop teacher’s competence related to economic, political, social, historical and cultural processes in Russia, highlighting the link between these processes and the content and form of Russian-speaking communication. Objectives of the course: 1. to establish the basic systematic knowledge about Russia, which includes the pattern of Russia’s worldview, verbal and non-verbal norms of behaviour guided in the public and cultural life; 2. to introduce students to the cultural and historical context, with a focus on the complementary meanings, the connotations of words and expressions in the communication process and in literary expression; 3. learning the skills of linguistic analysis related to the ability to recognize features of the national culture, the text reading skills required to receive the language culturology and country science information. The language of instruction is Russian.
Radiation safety
The course will provide an introduction to ionizing radiation and related risks in the occupational environment and everyday life, as well as the legislation of the EU and the Republic of Latvia. Students will be introduced to ionizing radiation sources, their properties, radiation interaction with matter and its health effects, basics of the dosimetry, and risk assessment. The goal of the course is to provide an understanding of ionizing radiation (IR), its safety, and the relevant regulatory enactments. Objectives: - To provide knowledge about IR, its properties, and sources in the occupational environment and everyday life - to provide an understanding of the basic safety requirements for working with IR based on regulatory enactments and potential risks - to provide competence to carry out independent risks assessment and, on the basis of it, to plan to protect measures in the work with IR. The study course is implemented in English.
Radiation safety
The course will provide an introduction to ionizing radiation and related risks in the occupational environment and everyday life, as well as the legislation of the EU and the Republic of Latvia. Students will be introduced to ionizing radiation sources, their properties, radiation interaction with matter and its health effects, basics of the dosimetry, and risk assessment. The goal of the course is to provide an understanding of ionizing radiation (IR), its safety, and the relevant regulatory enactments. Objectives: - To provide knowledge about IR, its properties, and sources in the occupational environment and everyday life - to provide an understanding of the basic safety requirements for working with IR based on regulatory enactments and potential risks - to provide competence to carry out independent risks assessment and, on the basis of it, to plan to protect measures in the work with IR. The study course is implemented in English.
Indoor air quality in the production process
The aim of the course "Indoor air quality in the production process" is to provide knowledge about the parameters of the microclimate of the premises and the requirements for their maintenance in different production processes. During the course, students are introduced to the basics of technical thermodynamics and operating principles of various types of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and characteristics of the equipment related to the analysis of energy consumption and efficiency. In parallel with the theoretical description lectures offer training in calculations and provide practical examples of engineering solutions. The tasks of the study course: to explain and master the microclimate parameters of a room and the basic regularities of its provision, to create understanding of the operating principles of microclimate engineering systems and their impact on energy consumption, as well as to evaluate and ensure the necessary indoor air quality. Languages
Qualification paper in programming and computer network administration
The course gives general insight into software development project automation tools, provides with information needed for development of qualification work both in computer programming and computer networks administration, as well as elements of technical writing and professional communication and fundamentals of innovation. The goal of the Qualification paper is to attest student's theoretical readiness and skills to implement theory into practice. The objective of qualification work is to create software product or perform administration work of a computer network structure, and to technically describe the performed practical work. The Qualification Paper is to be prepared according to the requirements set by the University of Latvia and the Faculty of Computing of the University of Latvia, and is to be defended at final examination. Majority of exam commissions must be professionals from ICT industry. Qualification paper shall be developed in Latvian or English.
Psycholinguistics and Romance language acquisition
The aim of the course is to introduce the fundamentals of psycholinguistics. Analysing the works of the key scholars, the course provides an idea of the development trends in psycholinguistics. The course envisages the study of the historical development stages of psycholinguistics, as well as provides for the acquisition of the knowledge about theories and mechanisms of language acquisition, experimental psycholinguistics, applied psycholinguistics and pathological psycholinguistics. The objectives of the study course are the following: 1. to acquire basic knowledge about the object and methods of psycholinguistic research; 2. to promote students' understanding of the language acquisition process; 3. to study the specifics of Romance language acquisition; 4. to study current trends in psycholinguistic research; 5. to promote the revival of Romance language learning methods in Latvia by facilitating the transfer of psycholinguistic research into practice. Language of Instruction
Literature, Music and Audiovisual Media of the Baltics
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge and develop understanding of the symbolically most important expressions of Baltic literature, music and audiovisual media and of their significance in the society. The objectives of the course: 1) to get acquainted with the theoretical approach for the study of literature, music and audiovisual media, 2) to get an overview of the situation of literature, music and audiovisual media in each country, 3) to get an in-depth view of the most important kinds of Baltic literature and arts and of their sociocultural context, 4) to discover the regional influence upon European music, 5) to study a freely-chosen phenomenon of Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian literature, music or/and audiovisual media using different resources, and to present the results of the study. The languages of instruction are English and Latvian.
Russian and Slavic Literature of the Baltic Region
The aim of the course: to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge about the development of Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian topics in the Slavic discourse in the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century; to find out that due to the prevailing historical circumstances, Slavic literature has not developed uniformly (e.g. in some periods the development of Russian and Polish literature was a priority, Czech, Ukrainian and Belarusian literature was less active). The course focuses on related processes: The theoretical aspect of the course is based on the theoretical aspects of comparative research, as well as the experimental aspects of historical and cultural research in the Slavic and Baltic literature. Tasks of the course: To give an idea about the development of minority literature in the Baltic region. The study course is taught in Russian.
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