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PRACTICE IV (Teaching practice in a preschool teacher)
The aim of the practice is to promote the skills of the future teacher to watch, plan and organize the pedagogical process in preschool by promoting children's development and skills in all areas of learning. As part of the course, students develop study work. Tasks of the practice are: 1. to define the purpose of their individual practice by linking it to the subject of study work; 2. to carry out a study of the understanding of the child, to analyse the results of the research results obtained, to use them for the planning of the training process and the development of study work; 3. developing the skills to plan the learning process (formulating a key message that is relevant to the subject, concrete and understandable for the child, selecting complex results for the child in all areas of learning, promoting the development of variable skills and value-based habits), self-analysis of their teaching activities; 4. organize and manage the pedagogical process in preschool, taking
Information Technology in Mathematics
The aim of the course is to increase students' understanding of the applications of information technology in mathematics, as well as to provide practical skills in application use and in the development of small programmes to address math challenges, by providing both estimates and data visualization and the design and processing of 2D and 3D figures. Tasks of the course: • To introduce information technology use in mathematics and mathematics use in information technology; • Developing the skills to use applications and tools in data extraction, processing and visualization, as well as the graphics of functions, including the design and processing of 2-D and 3-D bodies; • Develop the ability to use applications to solve problems in various mathematical disciplines; • To introduce the applications of the simplest numerical methods in solving mathematical problems by implementing their algorithms in one programming language and using ready-made applications; • Familiarize yourself
National cultures and globalization in Latin America
Global and local are two keywords that describe modern processes in culture, politics, economics and other fields. Latin America is no exception. The course provides the opportunity to know and understand some of the processes that affect the culture, history and art of Latin American countries from a global and local point of view. Upon completion of this course, students will understand the nature of globalization processes in the context of Latin America, its impact on culture, language, and society as a whole. The local, in turn, is associated with the preservation of identity, its importance for local cultures and development in such a dynamic and globalized world. The objective of the course is to know the cultural processes in Latin America and their development perspectives in the context of globalization. Main tasks of the course: • provide knowledge about global processes in the context of national cultures in Latin America; • provide knowledge on local characteristics
Methodology of the Social and Civic Field of Study III
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity to develop competence in the organisation and realization of the learning process for social and civic area subjects at the comprehensive secondary education at the general, optimal and higher levels of acquisition. Objectives of the study course: 1. Promoting knowledge and understanding of the aims, objectives and results to be achieved and forms of evaluation in the subjects of social and civic area in the context of the regulatory documents for the comprehensive secondary education; 2. Improving the competence to independently select, critically evaluate and interpret specific sciences examples, methodological techniques and forms of cooperation to be applied, according to the pupil’s selected level of acquisition in the field; 3. Improving students' skills and knowledge of media, political, financial, cultural and family literacy, in the context of transversal competencies at different levels of acquisition of the social
You have been approved for Erasmus+; what to do now?
22.12.2021 12:24 Content
and room reservations, as well as the dates and deadlines thereof! Keep track of all deadlines and check your email regularly! Prepare the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) – it is issued by the National Health Service free of charge immediately + arrange for additional assessment of your health condition, because a doctor's visit abroad is more expensive! NB! 1.5 ECTS = 1 LV credit point UL recommends sending the application documents 2 weeks before the closing date of deadline Frequently requested documents: transcript of records, learning agreement or tripartite agreement on the content of your exchange studies. Before completing the learning agreement, the course coordination must be carried out with the programme directorby e-mail, and a statement of commitment must be signed – it will be sent to you by the coordinator of the UL FSS. When the documents are ready to be sent, the faculty coordinator may advise the student to contact
13.03.2024 16:19 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Dr.phys. Krišjānis Šmits Head of the laboratory and Leading researcher Krisjanis.Smits 67187478 Ph.D. Reinis Ignatāns Leading researcher Dr.phys. Ilze Manika Leading researcher Ilze.Manika 67261132 Ph.D. Kārlis Vilks Researcher Karlis.Vilks Mg. (Ph.D. student) Līga Ignatāne Research Assistant Liga.Ignatane Mg. (Ph.D. student) Annamarija Trausa Research Assistant Annamarija.Trausa Bc. Miļena Dile Research Assistant Milena.Dile Mg. (Ph.D. student) Edgars Vanags Research Assistant Edgars.Vanags Annija Melece Laboratory Assistant Annija.Melece Kaspars Jaundzems Laboratory Assistant Kaspars.Jaundzems
Biznesa vadība
03.06.2021 17:48 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Bakalaura studiju programmas "Biznesa vadība" mērķis ir nodrošināt studentiem tādu akadēmisko izglītību, konkurētspējīgu profesionālo sagatavotību un praktiskās iemaņas vadības zinātnē, lai pēc šiem speciālistiem būtu stabils un ilgtspējīgs pieprasījums Latvijas un ārzemju darba tirgū, kā arī lai studenti un absolventi spētu uzsākt paši savu uzņēmējdarbību.Pirmaiakadēmiskaisgadsvisiem studiju programmas dalībniekiem ir vienota programma. Studiju programmas specializācijas priekšmetu apguve sākas otrajāakadēmiskajā gadā, un pilna laika klātienes studentiem ir paredzēta iespēja specializēties organizāciju vadībā, mārketingā, starptautiskajābiznesā un biznesa analīzē. Nepilna laika klātienes studijās ir paredzēta iespēja specializēties organizāciju vadības un mārketinga jomā.
Selection of courses offered by other higher education institutions
11.01.2022 23:39 Content
Elective courses (part C) can also be acquired at other higher education institutions. The registration procedure for the acquisition of courses as an attendee at each particular university is determined by the cooperation agreement between the University of Latvia and that university. The fee for the acquisition of courses at another university is covered from the University of Latvia's financial resources, if the student has received approval of selecting that course from the director of the study programme, and the acquisition of that course is not possible in the University of Latvia; in other cases, the cost of this course attendance must be covered from student’s personal resources. Cooperation agreements on student exchange have been concluded with Riga Technical University, Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, Riga Graduate School of Law and Riga Stradiņš University (Cultural and Social Anthropology studies), the University of Economics and Culture.
Aicinājums LU studentiem/sportistiem
12.06.2024 14:50 Content
If you are a student of the University of Latvia and you are a professional athlete - you are in the Latvian team and / or participate in Latvian, European or world-wide competitions - apply at the UL Sports Center! The UL has always been proud of the fact that so many prominent athletes have been studying and studying at the UL, who have brought the name of both the UL and their country into the world. The best UL student’s athletes have the opportunity to: - receive tuition fee relief - to get good education and; - to sport at a high level. We invite all UL students-athletes to apply to the UL Sports Center by writing to and indicating: - first name, last name - phone number - faculty and study course; - sport; - achievements in sport. And the ULSports Center will contact you.
15.04.2024 19:35 Content
, Assistant, Institute of Latvian Language, University of Latvia, student at Doctoral Study Programme "Language and Culture Studies" (Expert and Participant) Mg. hum. Anita Butāne , Department of Latvian and Baltic Studies, Faculty of Humanities,University of Latvia (Expert and Participant) Bc. hum. Vanesa Balmane , student at Master's Study Programme "Latvian Linguistics, Literature and Culture Studies",University of Latvia (Expert and Participant) Bc. hum. MilanHoplíček ,student at Master's Study Programme "Latvian Linguistics, Literature and Culture Studies",University of Latvia (Expert and Participant) Bc. hum. Paula Kļaviņa , student at Master's Study Programme "Latvian Linguistics, Literature and Culture Studies",University of Latvia (Expert and Participant) Paula Miķelsone , student at Bachekor's Study Programme "Latvian Studies",University of Latvia (Expert and Participant)
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