Found 10183 entries
Results in 2019
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Proyectos De I+D+I, Del Programa Estatal De Investigacion, Desarrollo E Innovacion Orientada A Los Retos De La Sociedad (Ref.: EDU2017-89646-R). Projekts Analysis of the audio-visual representations of the education showed in documentaries and newsreels under European totalitarianisms. Pētniece. Z.Rubene.SAM 8.2.1. Latvijas Universitātes inovatīvas, pētniecībā balstītas studiju virziena "Izglītība, pedagoģija un sports" studiju programmas. Studentu iesaiste: I.Ķesteres maģistrante Agnese Hercmane: PZI starptautiskās konferences ‘Slēptā mācību programma/Hidden Curriculum’ (2019.g. 18-21.jūn.) sagatavošana un uzstāšanās ar referātu. I.Ķestere: Doktora grāda kandidāts Arnis Strazdiņš - konferences sagatavošana. Z.Rubene: Inese Stars, Gunita Elksne (dokorantes) - kopīgu publikāciju sagatavošana. Z.Rubene. Gatis Lāma, Agnese Slišāne (doktoranti), Katrīna Elizabete Biezā (maģistrante) - iesaiste projektā (SAM 8
The main publications in 2018
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, May 25th-26th, 2018,Vol. 5, pp. 81-86. DOI: ISSN 1691-5887 Download PDF version Ilze Briška; Gunta Siliņa-Jasjukeviča. (2018). Realization of integrated learning in study practice: student teachers experiences. S OCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION . Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference,May 25th - 26th, 2018, Volume II, pp. 74-83.DOI: Download PDF version Aleksandrs Kolesovs; Irina Salima; Andris Maskovs. (2018). Formulations of the main goal in life: A qualitative content analysis. Society. Integration. Education . Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, May 25th-26th, Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, Volume VII, pp.104-114. DOI: Download PDF version
Conference theses and presentations
11.12.2023 16:20 Content
consumption on sensor readings in a POC breath analysis device (International Scientific Conference on Medicine, 78th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Riga) 19. Zane Dzerve, Ilze Kikuste, Aigars Vanags, Dans Stirna, Vilnis Sosars, Linda Sosare, Indra Gulbe, Ilona Vilkoite, Irita Roderte, Ivars Tolmanis, Marcis Leja. Low prevalence of Barrett`s esophagus (International Scientific Conference on Medicine, 78th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Riga) Reports at local-scale scientific conferences 1. Darija Logvinova "Symptoms and the time to diagnosis in patients with gastric and esophageal cancers" (Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes (RSU) studentu zinātniskā konference “Health and Social Sciences”) Lectures, presentations at international organizations, seminars, and events 1. Mārcis Leja. Referāts par kuņģa vēža epidemioloģiju un skrīninga iespējām (krievu val.) Pavlova vārdā nosauktās Pirmās St.Pēterburgas Valsts Medicīnas
14.12.2020 17:08 Content
of lectures held by Ilmars Zvirgzds (Latvia), 4-6 th of October, 2011. Rachel Bluwstein "Synagogues and kinesas" , public lecture by dr. Vilma Gradinskaite (Lithuania) (30th of September, 2010) „Judaism and Christianity: Common Origins, Separation and Dialogue” , a course of guestlectures by Dr. Alexander Zanemonets (Russian State University, Moscow; University of Haifa, Israel). In collaboration with the Faculty of Theology for Doctoral students. (October 8 - 11, 2007). Lectures on the History of Palestine from Middle Ages till Modern Times , by Prof. Rashid Kaplanov (Chairman of the Academic Board of Moscow Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization "Sefer"). In collaboration with the Faculty of Foreign Languages Oriental studies Department. (May 9-10th, 2007). “Israel: Jewish Nationalism before the Challenge of Globalisation” , a public lecture by Prof. Ze'ev Khanin (Dept. of Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Institute for Eurasian Studies
Supporters (up to EUR 900)
26.07.2021 15:06 Content
In 1999 –Sorosa fonds-Latvija. In 2001 –Sorosa fonds-Latvija. In 2003 – "Alcon Pharmaceuticals Ltd" pārstāvniecība Latvijā. In 2004 –SIA "Rīgas laku un krāsu rūpnīca". In 2005 – Arvīds Kalns, Čikāgas latviešu biedrība,Lielbritānijas padome Latvijā. In 2006 – Sietlas latviešu studentu kopa, Ruta Brunind Grand. In 2007 –SIA "Metrika",SIA "Komerccentrs DATI grupa". In 2008 – Jānis Stonis, Pāvels Fricbergs, SIA "Metaleks". In 2009 Mančesteras latviešu ev. lut. draudze, Salas Sv. Jāņa draudze, SIA "Fazer Amica", Džineta Dimante, Ingus Bērziņš, Mārcis Auziņš, Džineta Dimante, Una Riekstiņa, Ivars Lācis, Juris Pūce, Rūta Dripe, Jānis Dzenis, Vitolds Grabovskis, Pāvels Fricbergs, Ojārs Judrups, Andris Kangro, Indriķis Muižnieks, Ieva Račko, Lolita Inta Spruģe, Jānis Stonis, Gvido Straube, Jurgen Kohler, SIA "Komerccentrs DATI grupa". In 2010 Džineta Dimante, Aleksandrs Vališevskis, Normunds Blumbergs, Ingus Bērziņš, Pāvels Fricbergs, Ivars Lācis, Una Riekstiņa
My story
03.05.2022 19:43 Content
and how it can be improved is especially important. When I was in my lower secondary school, I was always looking forward to physics lessons. I was very interested in the natural sciences and everything related to them. Mathematics was one of my favourite subjects. I entered the chemistry class at the Riga State Gymnasium No. 1, but I switched to the physics curriculum since I won first place in the State Physics Olympiad in the 10th grade. Passionate physics teachers who knew how to teach physics in an exciting and high-quality way influenced me significantly. I want to express my gratitude to my physics teacher Pēteris Bricis. The next big turning point was the student scientific research paper I developed in secondary school. I had the opportunity to develop my work at the ISSP UL, so I found myself in the Laboratory of Organic Materials. Inta Muzikante, head of the laboratory at the time, was very inspiring. She was both interested and able to explain the topic very well
My story
02.02.2022 16:30 Content
. I started working in the field of adaptive optics during my doctoral studies, and my field of work is not narrowing - it is only expanding. Experience in this area has grown as well as the number of publications and conference presentations. All this is an integral part of scientific work. I have spent 14 years working at the ISSP UL, which is quite a lot. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to supervise students' work and to educate them on optics. It is also nice to explain to someone what he/she does not understand. I feel that the work I do is valuable and needed. At times, it seems that what I do here, on a large scale, seems just a brick, but when all the bricks are put together, something beautiful comes together. I think a scientist must have a desire to create something lasting - to give something valuable to society. A scientist is given the ability and desire to understand the structure of the world. Let's call it talent. This is an important precondition not only
The main publications in 2022
12.12.2023 12:22 Content
of credibility. In L. Daniela (Ed.), Human, technologies and quality of education, 2022 (pp. 53-62). The University of Latvia Press. Dreimane, L. F., & Zālīte-Supe, Z. (2022). Teaching interior design in augmented reality.In L. Daniela (Ed.), Human, technologies and quality of education, 2022 (pp. 169-180). The University of Latvia Press. Dreimane, L. F., & Zālīte-Supe, Z. (2022). Instructional design map for immersive fencing training in virtual reality. In L. Daniela (Ed.), Human, technologies and quality of education, 2022 (pp. 181-193). The University of Latvia Press. Ginzburg, T., & Daniela, L. (2022). Looking for “The Best of all Worlds”: Using different teaching formats in an English as an additional language program. In L. Daniela (Ed.), Human, technologies and quality
Luminiscences mehānismu un dozimetrisko īpašību izpēte perspektīvos nitrīdos un oksīdos ar TL un OSL metodēm
21.01.2022 14:22 Content
-related characterisation methods applied using the computer-controlled equipment with newly developed software. The research team includes both experienced scientists and PhD and BSc students. Implementation of the project will bring new knowledge in the field of basic research of luminescence mechanisms and material science, contribute to development of new prospective dosimeter materials. The dosimeter devices with increased added value elaborated on their basis will be used in many areas, including safe environment, personal safety, medicine and space exploration. Main results Irradiation of wide band materials with ionizing radiation or UV light results in ionization and trapping of the released charge carriers on trapping centers. Supply of additional stimulation energy in the form of heat or light releases charge carriers, which participate in recombination processes with light emission. Such light emission is called thermoluminescence (TL) or optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) depending
Folia Geographica XV (2016) issue
15.03.2021 13:33 Content
: iekšējās un ārējās zonas salīdzinājums (PDF) (in Latvian) Jānis Krūmiņš DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.24 25. Diasporas mobilizēšana: iespējas sabiedrības atjaunošanai Latvijā (PDF) (in Latvian) Aija Lulle DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.25 26. Ārzemju studentu migrācijas ietekme uz iedzīvotāju skaita samazināšanās tendencēm Latvijā (PDF) (in Latvian) Jānis Paiders, Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.26 27. Svārstmigrācija Rīgas aglomerācijas iekšējā zonā. Babītes novada piemērs (PDF) (in Latvian) Toms Skadiņš DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.27 28. Latvijas emigrācijas ģeogrāfija (PDF) (in Latvian) Baiba Švāne, Jānis Kleperis, Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.28 VIETAS UN TERITORIJAS: DAUDZDIMENSIJU ĢEOGRĀFISKĀ TELPA 29. Relatīvā biežuma vērtēšanas metodes izmantošana Latvijas primāro eksporta nozaru attīstības tendenču pētīšanā (PDF) (in Latvian) Antons Berjoza, Juris Paiders DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.29 30. Pierīgas dzelzceļa tīkla telpiskās attīstības ietekme uz iedzīvotāju mobilitāti 20
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