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Timermanis’ Scholarship for Competitiveness Research in Social Sciences
29.10.2020 16:45 Content
The founder of the scholarship is a patron, Australian Latvian Eigits Dāvis Timermanis. The scholarship aims to support outstanding researchers who carry out economically relevant research in the social sciences, which contributes to competitiveness in the broadest sense of the term. The scholarship is intended for the University of Latvia (UL) doctoral students in social sciences and doctoral degree applicants in social sciences who study at the UL Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, and Faculty of Law. Applicants can be the UL employees. Scholarship amount: up to EUR 7000 (a single scholarship). Number of scholarships: not stipulated. Scholarship committee: Dean of the UL Faculty of Law Assoc.Prof. Anita Rodiņa (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Dean of the UL Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Jānis Ikstens , Dean of the UL Faculty of Business, Management and Economics Prof. Gundars Bērziņš , Public Relations Specialist
Successfully Completed 2nd Deep Science Hackathon 2019 organized by ISSP UL
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
We are delighted with the very positive atmosphere, wise, attractive and active participants and fantastic ideas. There were participants from Ukraine, Ecuador, India, Belarus, and of course from Latvia. Mentors and jury members were representatives from Sweden, Italy, Ukraine, Latvia. A very wide range of ideas were presented - from different industries and with a very different level of readiness. Initially, 13 ideas started in Hackathon, and teams were created for 10 ideas. 7 ideas finished on Sunday. Three ideas were awarded the ISSP UL Support Program, special awards were from the Social Entrepreneurship Accelerator New Door, Commercialization Reactor Fund and Latvian Space Industry Association. Everyone was the winner! New in this Hackathon - Banking School students led by lecturer Lauma Muižniece and Dāvis Plotnieks - took part in teamwork with enthusiasm. For them Hackathon was a part of the exam. Researchers from the ISSP UL also participated. The participants' desire
Absolventu taka
28.04.2023 17:30 Content
Garden was completed, where the exact location of the Trail will be visible. A donation campaign for the Alumni Trail is planned together with the UL Foundation (a public call for popular alumni to donate to the Trail and meet on Alumni Day). The Alumni Trail will be a symbolic 145-meter-long path that will wind through the hitherto unused part of the garden, where there used to be a wood school – an area, where many years ago various trees and shrubs were experimentally grown from seeds for acclimatisation, and then distributed throughout the garden. Due to various circumstances, these various and different trees and bushes are currently concentrated in the thicket, which will be passable as the first round of the Graduate Trail – Shadow Garden. On 12 October 2019, the second round of the Alumni Trail was opened as a part of the autumn cleanup of the students and graduates of the University of Warsaw – the chairs purchased with the donation of A/S Balticovo.
PhD Theses defended in the sub-field of branch pedagogy (2003-2015)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
No. |Author|Theme |Scientific supervisor|Sub-field of pedagogy|The defence date1. |Nora Lūse |Development of performing artist’s skills at higher education institution| Dr.habil.paed., prof. A.Špona|Branch (music) pedagogy|11.03.2003. 2. |Dace Visnola |Acquirement of traditional culture for future teachers in Art education|Dr.habil.paed., prof. J.Anspaks |Branch (art) pedagogy|20.05.2003.3. |Eitan Shelach|Intervention in basketball coach’s course for educating coaches of youth teams toward "positive coaching"|Dr.habil.paed., prof. T.Koķe |Branch (sport) pedagogy|16.09.2003. 4. |Anna Līduma |Pedagogical aspect of musicality development in children of pre-school age |Dr.habil.paed., prof. A.Špona |Branch (music) pedagogy|15.06.2004. 5. |Ligita Stramkale |The unity of art ideas within the content of teaching music in a comprehensive school |Dr.habil.paed., prof. J.Anspaks|Branch (music) pedagogy|15.06.2004.6. |Sarmīte Tūbele |Diagnostics
19.04.2024 21:16 Content
The University of Latvia purposefully develops ecosystem services, the research and education for protection of biodiversity. UL scientists and doctoral students participate in international projects to study and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. UL doctoral school organized the international symposium “Problems in Biodiversity Conservation in the Baltic Forests and Possible Solutions”. LU implements 11 projects supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development , including: Development and testing of a microalgae-derived plant growth stimulator and antimicrobial agent prototype for autumn raspberries; Autonomous robotic platform Latvijas iDārzs – for sustainable development of the plant breeding industry; Development of sea buckthorn seed oil extraction technology using supercritical CO 2 extraction; Development of biotechnology competence for obtaining high-value horticultural products; UL Botanical Garden is involved in several projects
Pētniecība un starptautisks tīkls par jauniem neorganiskiem halkogenīdiem fotoelementiem (RENEW-PV)
20.10.2022 17:43 Content
-PV seeks to consolidate and strengthen the emerging PV ecosystem, providing generation and exchange of knowledge, enhancing creativity and collaboration. It will deliver a portfolio of technological benchmarking to establish performance indicators defining a technological roadmap for the development of a new type of PV technology capable of producing higher power densities, and with a wider application range than traditional Si-based PV. The challenge to overcome is to bridge the knowledge gaps between different research groups focused on materials and device modeling, thin-film materials and processes development, solar cells engineering, and material and device characterization. RENEW-PV Action will promote research excellence and foster the career development of early-career researchers and doctoral students (following the gender balance principles) through networking, training, mentoring, and integration into PV research collaborations, contributing to jobs creation and re
Doctoral programme in Natural Science (Geology)
25.04.2024 20:24 Content
of specialty professionals and recognised in the international research area. The principal components of quality research-based education are state-of-the-art knowledge in their specializations, research skills, a comprehensive scientific worldview and competence in development work, management and teaching. Doctoral students are prepared for employment as teaching or research staff members of the University or other research institutions, or highly qualified specialists in non-academic establishments. ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements Master’s degree in Nature or Earth Sciences or other equivalent qualification. English language proficiency. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview
24.09.2020 18:07 Content
the Latvian culture online on the Microsoft Teams platform. The summer school, which took place from July 30 to August 12, was attended by participants with very good knowledge of Latvian at B1 level and little knowledge of Latvian at A1 level. Some participants have started learning Latvian themselves, while others have been offered the opportunity to study Latvian at their universities. During the summer school, the participants not only studied the Latvian language, but also Latvian culture, history, politics, art and folklore, as well as got to know Latvian cities and museums via interactive excursions. "This year's UL’s Latvian Language and Culture Summer School was a great challenge for all of us, because it took place online. I am infinitely grateful for all this year's students, including not only the younger ones but also the older generation. I still admire their patience, perseverance and the love they dedicate to getting to know our nation, land and language, ”says
Time of change: 1940-1950
30.01.2022 11:41 Content
The time of change brought about by the Soviet occupation in 1940 also had a significant impact on the Faculty of Medicine. The Soviets disliked the model of traditional universities, and already in 1941 there were secret plans to separate the medical school from the university, as evidenced by the decision "On organizing the Medical Institute" made at the meeting of the Central Committee of the LCP on 4 June, 1941. These changes were not implemented due to lack of time. Significant changes took place at the end of the war. The FM stopped working for a short while and lost the majority of its professors, teachers, as well as students. Some teachers were replaced, others were repressed. Several successful science schools ceased existing. Immediately after the war, the establishment of the Riga Medical Institute was not really possible, because first the FM had to be restored. The renewal was taking place at a rapid pace, thanks to the energetic Dean, professor Pauls Stradiņš. A huge
Džons Dž. Medveckis
27.08.2020 19:05 Content
with the support of USD 10000from patron John Medveckis. The event also featured demonstrations of prototyping equipment, creating physical three-dimensional objects in front of viewers' eyes. In 2013, there were 120 FabLab prototyping studios worldwide in 34 countries, with Latvia joining them. The newly opened FabLab studio is open to anyone interested in creating a prototype of their own idea. In 2014, John Medveckis continued to support the University of Latvia FBME Business Incubator with a grant of USD 10 000, which allowed modernizing the premises of the Business Incubator, providing a creative environment for developing student business ideas. Furthermore, to help new entrepreneurs test the viability of their product/service in the market as quickly as possible, in 2014 the patron proposed to set up a Business Idea Foundation, promising to allocate up to USD 100000for achieving this objective. The patron offered a starting capital ofUSD 80756, promising to match a dollar (euro) for every
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