Found 10166 entries
Field methods on Earth and environmental sciences
The aim of the course is to provide students the opportunity to acquire and strengthen theoretical knowledge and understand its scientific and applied significance in field studies, to get acquainted with and practically acquire field research methods and tools in Earth and environmental sciences, as well as skills of interpreting collected data. Course tasks: 1. to provide an opportunity to become acquainted and acquire techniques for the characterisation and documentation of an object or local territory in field conditions; 2. to provide basic skills in field research methods, selection and use of necessary tools and equipment; 3. to promote understanding of the necessary research, research methodology and the usefulness of the obtained data. 4. to develop individual and group work skills in field research; 5. to develop the ability to systematize the obtained data and interpret the results of field research, to prepare an overview of field research, methods and to substantiate
History of Political Ideas
The aim of the course "History of Political Ideas" is to give students an insight into the development of significant Western political ideas and concepts from the Ancient Greece to the present day. The tasks of the course are: To consider political ideas related to the basic features of socio-political development and the major philosophical, religious, scientific and artistic approaches of the era. To trace the major stages of the development of Western political ideas: the development of political ideas in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, the relationship between Christian and antique political ideas, the contribution of medieval Europe in political thought, the emergence of new law and state philosophy in the Renaissance ., The Contribution of the Enlightenment Tradition, the Contribution of German Classical Philosophy to the Development of Political Thought, the Contribution of Marxism to the Political Ideas, and the Significant Political Ideas of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Contact Lenses
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge and to develop the skills in contact lens optical principles, manufacture and application, to provide knowledge about contact lens materials, designs, properties and to develop skills in contact lens correction principles.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge about contact lens materials, types, designs and basic correction principles;
  • to provide skills on contact lens application, removal and cleaning procedures, as well as patient education in safe contact lens use;
  • to teach basic contact lens fitting principles and methods
  • to provide knowledge on the use of contact lenses in specific cases.
Languages of instruction are: Latvian and English.
Economic, social, cultural and organizational aspects of healthcare
The aim of the course is to develop students’ competence for working in a changing contemporary healthcare system by creating an understanding of the impact of economic, social, cultural and organizational factors on individual and public health and on the provision of health care. The main tasks of this course is development of the skills and motivation for interdisciplinary analysis of various aspects of health care. The concrete goals of this course is provision of insights into the concepts and theories that are used to describe and analyze the social, economic and cultural context of health, as well as health care systems. The course includes the most important topics in medical sociology and health economics: dynamics of healthcare; basics of economics theory explaining contemporary developments in healthcare systems; definitions of health and disease; the impact of social and cultural factors on lifestyle and health; interaction between healthcare professionals and patients
Musculoskeletal Radiography, Projection Lesson II
The aim of the study course is to promote students' understanding of patient positioning methods for shoulder bone, ribs, legs, pelvic bones, spine, skull bones and teeth, image quality criteria, radiation dose optimization and error analysis. Tasks of the study course: to acquaint with standard and special projections of patient positioning, performing X-ray examinations of shoulder bone, ribs, legs, pelvic bones, spine, skull bones and teeth; to describe the technical operation of X-ray machines, technical parameters, their connection with image formation, quality and quality control, performing X-ray examinations of the shoulder girdle, ribs, legs, pelvic bones, spine, skull bones and teeth; to analyze the need for radiation dose optimization by performing X-ray examinations of the shoulder girdle bones, ribs, legs, pelvic bones, spine, skull bones and teeth. The study course is taught in Latvian.
Traditional singing in Latvia
The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with different aspects of traditional singing in Latvia, as well as to trace its general and local features, to show its place and meaning in the life of Latvian people. The course begins with an overview of the documentation, research done and the most important publications on musical folklore. On the basis of traditional terminology and music materials two main types of vocal music – recited and sung songs – are dealt with. The study of music materials is based on experimental learning followed by self-reflection combined with information about the functional context – calendar, life-cycle or other traditions – of the music materials. The connection of vocal music with other spheres of traditional culture – religion, ritual, magic, lifestyle, calendar, economic activities, entertainment – is discussed. A special attention is paid to singing traditions of Latvian minorities. Regional and diachronic characteristics of musical
Contrastive Studies II: Norwegian (2 foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A1/ A2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference. The objectives of the course are 1. to extend the knowledge about the sound system of the Norwegian language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to introduce the basic principles of morphology and sentence structure; 3. to strengthen the skill to apply simple grammatical constructions, analyse own and peers’ mistakes and continue developing the vocabulary range; 4. to strengthen the skill to understand a slow spoken text regarding personal topics and situations; 5. to read and understand short texts that are relevant to one’s own interests 6. to develop the communicative language competence of the ... language and strengthen the skill to answer simple questions, name and shortly describe familiar objects, phenomena, people, actions, briefly express attitude. The course is delivered in Latvian and Norwegian.
Contrastive Studies III: Norwegian (2 foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A2/ B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Rerefence and provide basic knowledge about Norwegian culture. The objectives of the course are 1. to provide knowledge about the morphosyntactic system of the Norwegian language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to extend the previously acquire vocabulary and raise the awareness about the synonyms, antonyms and polysemy of the Norwegian language. 3. to advance the skill to undertand the gist and details in popular and commonly used media (the Internet, advertising, catalogues, e-mails etc), perceive separate words and phrases in a broader text of unfamilair topic. 4. to strenghen the skill to perceive and understand well short monologues and dialogues, determine speaker’s attitude on the condition it is expressed clearly with the help of intonation and/ or non-verbal communication. The course is delivered
Early childhood pedagogical practice
In practice, students participate in the education and training process in the pre-primary education institution, watching both the activities of children and the most experienced teachers, with their own active involvement in the preparation and management of activities organised by children. Purpose: Improving the skills of watching, organising and managing the activities of early childhood children in different ways of action. Tasks: 1. Define the objective of their individual practice to promote the development of the professional identity of a pre-primary education teacher. 2. Promoting self-analysis skills and carrying out constructive self-assessment. 3. Pursue its pedagogical approach to early childhood management. 4. Identify the process of interaction between children, educators and other adults in a pre-primary education institution. 5. Develop observation skills for developing pedagogical psychological profiles for individual children and all groups. The language
Organization and management of pre-school pedagogical process
The purpose of the study course is to promote students' ability to understand the goals and tasks of preschool education, the ability to plan and organize systematic and systematic, legally and scientifically based teaching and upbringing activities for the development of the child's personality in the pedagogical process in preschool. Tasks of the study course: 1. Analyze the regulatory documents for the implementation of the pedagogical process (IL, VIL, BTAL, State preschool education guidelines and educational programs). 2. To learn the principles of creating an environment that promotes development and learning. 3. Analyze competency-based pedagogical process plans, organizational forms and learning approaches. 4. Learn the principles of evaluating children's learning performance. 5. Analyze the choice of teaching aids used in the learning process. 6. Learn the conditions for creating positive cooperation between the teacher and the child's family. The language of the study
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