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Science II
Objective of the course: Enable students to acquire the basics of science teaching methodologies in line with the change of approach and results to be achieved in the field of science embedded in the national basic education standard and to contribute to the development of a teacher's work system that is conducive to achieving results. Tasks: 1. Ensure the learning of the methodological knowledge necessary for the professional activities of the teacher on the content of science training, the methodology and context for organising the training process in classes 1-3 and 4-6, in conformity with the requirements of the national basic education standard and the change of access to education. 2. Promoting the skills of applying acquired knowledge in the planning, modelling, evaluation of their activities in cooperation with others and individually. 4. Develop the skills to apply research approaches to the organisation of the learning process by developing the natural skills of pupils
From German lands to united Germany: German history from the 16th to the 21st century
The study course offers a chronologically sequential and problematic view of German land and German history. It helps to understand the path, place and role of the historic development of this Central European nation in Europe, including the Baltic Sea region, and in the history of the world, the legal relationship between the formation and development of the German nation, as well as the German identity aspects of history events and processes. The aim of the study course is to develop a systematic and conceptual picture of the most important developments of German lands and German history in the context of European and world history, and to develop the skills of a historical researcher in students. The tasks of the study course are: 1. To form an understanding of the development trends of German history in its interaction with European and world history. 2. On the example of German historical material to develop skills to work with historical sources and scientific literature
From German lands to united Germany: German history from the 16th to the 21st century
The study course offers a chronologically sequential and problematic view of German land and German history. It helps to understand the path, place and role of the historic development of this Central European nation in Europe, including the Baltic Sea region, and in the history of the world, the legal relationship between the formation and development of the German nation, as well as the German identity aspects of history events and processes. The aim of the study course is to develop a systematic and conceptual picture of the most important developments of German lands and German history in the context of European and world history, and to develop the skills of a historical researcher in students. The tasks of the study course are: 1. To form an understanding of the development trends of German history in its interaction with European and world history. 2. On the example of German historical material to develop skills to work with historical sources and scientific literature
Foreign Policy Analysis
The course aims to provide an overview of the main theoretical instruments that can be used in order to do foreign policy research. The course has a number of specific objectives related to the study of theoretical and empirical aspects of foreign policy. The practical part of the course looks at a number of case studies which test the applicability of the theories of foreign policy analysis. Lectures introduce students to the main foreign policy theories, approaches, and concepts. Levels of foreign policy analysis and the interplay between domestic and external sources of foreign policy are also discussed during this course. Seminars are mostly organized around case studies such as Cuban missile crisis, Yom Kippur War, US invasion of Iraq in 2003 etc. Some case studies are explicitly related to theories of foreign policy decision making and implementation, while other cases are discussed in their own right. The aim of seminars is to discuss foreign policy cases combining empirical
Mathematics for Economics and Business
The objective of the course is to explain basic concepts and coherence in mathematics, which are widely used in modern economics and business. The course does no dwell just on mathematical formalities but also appeals to intuition. As much as possible, problems are introduced through real-life situations; the mathematics needed to handle similar situations is developed then. Examples are selected to show linkage to current applications in the economic theory. Abstraction and sophisticated mathematical theory is balanced with the practical application possibilities in economics and business, without sacrificing an understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts. Tasks of the course: 1. Familiarize students with mathematical models in market economics. 2. Learn the economic interpretation of derivatives – marginal indicators, as well as the application of derivatives in formulating and solving optimization problems. 3. Explore the concept of elasticity, its economic
Research methods in modern geography Part II
The study course is the follow-up of the study course Geeog5091 Research Methods in the modern geography Part I. The aim of the course is to provide students with opportunities to aquire skills in research and to develop their skills in spatial and quantitative methods and data acquisition and interpretation. The classes are conducted by leading scientists of the faculty. They will be illustrating the usage of the research methods with their own research results. Course tasks: 1)To acquire knowledge about spatial data analysis methods in the field of dynamic environment, to familiarize themself with point cloud processing and uncertainty estimation. 2)To acquire skills in data processing and analysis in the field of microsatellite data and multispectral analysis. 3)to introduce with the diversity of multivariate data analysis methods and their application in geography, and to aquire skills in examination of unconstrained ordination gradients with nonmetric multidimensional scaling
Research methods in modern geography Part II
The study course is the follow-up of the study course Geeog5091 Research Methods in the modern geography Part I. The aim of the course is to provide students with opportunities to aquire skills in research and to develop their skills in spatial and quantitative methods and data acquisition and interpretation. The classes are conducted by leading scientists of the faculty. They will be illustrating the usage of the research methods with their own research results. Course tasks: 1)To acquire knowledge about spatial data analysis methods in the field of dynamic environment, to familiarize themself with point cloud processing and uncertainty estimation. 2)To acquire skills in data processing and analysis in the field of microsatellite data and multispectral analysis. 3)to introduce with the diversity of multivariate data analysis methods and their application in geography, and to aquire skills in examination of unconstrained ordination gradients with nonmetric multidimensional scaling
Sustainable Waste Management Principles and Circular Economy Frontiers
Master students acquire the necessary knowledge about sustainable waste management, its role in regional and global economy, as well as further development of the industry in the context of circular economy with other elements of sustainable development - energy and substance flow optimization, Internet of Things, socially responsible investment and innovation. The aim of the study course is to form an understanding and provide knowledge in the development of waste management in the context of the introduction of circular economy in various sectors of the economy on a regional and global scale. Course tasks: 1. To provide knowledge about waste management nowadays, specifics, management problems, framework of circular economy. 2. Understand the impact of the circular economy on waste minimization and reuse to prevent waste generation as such. 3. Analyze success stories and innovative approaches, understand the relationship between regulations and socially responsible investment
Social and Cultural Planning
The course aim is to introduce the tools of Social and Cultural Planning to foster and strengthen communities by social and cultural interventions. The course tasks is to introduce with history of social and cultural planning, principles, tools, modern community work, as well as with community planning initiatives in Latvia. The special focus is on participatory approach, covering all stakeholders and promoting social and cultural inclusiveness. This course wants to showcase the practical applicability for social and cultural planning, to illuminate some of the efforts that have been made, to represent the main methods and tools that have been used and to introduce the most relevant actors of this process. A few of the main actors will be invited - artists, social/cultural workers, designers, planners, landscape architects, urban anthropologists and political activists to share their experiences and ideas. The course will offer theoretical lectures, practical seminars, plus field
Information Technology in Mathematics
The aim of the course is to increase students' understanding of the applications of information technology in mathematics, as well as to provide practical skills in application use and in the development of small programmes to address math challenges, by providing both estimates and data visualization and the design and processing of 2D and 3D figures. Tasks of the course: • To introduce information technology use in mathematics and mathematics use in information technology; • Developing the skills to use applications and tools in data extraction, processing and visualization, as well as the graphics of functions, including the design and processing of 2-D and 3-D bodies; • Develop the ability to use applications to solve problems in various mathematical disciplines; • To introduce the applications of the simplest numerical methods in solving mathematical problems by implementing their algorithms in one programming language and using ready-made applications; • Familiarize yourself
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