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SIA "Inbokss"
01.09.2020 17:57 Content
Founded in Latvia, the company is actively involved in the development of information technology projects. Its main product is email, which is supplemented with new products, novel functionalities and services. Expanding its activities, the portal and technical platform are operational throughout the Baltic states. The company is constantly evolving, applying and implementing the trends of the world. Established in 1998. More information about Inbokss Support In 2015, Inbokss supports the University of Latvia Business Idea Foundation with EUR 1500 donation. In 2016, the company continues to support the UL Business Idea Foundation with EUR 1500 donation. In 2017, the company donates EUR 1500 to the UL Business Idea Foundation. In 2018, the company continues to support the UL Business Idea Foundation with EUR 2000. In 2019, supports the UL Student Business Incubator with EUR 2000. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Results in 2018
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Publicētie raksti: R.Birziņa, T.Pīgozne.(2018). Technology as a Resource for Qualitative Science Teaching and Learning: a Smart Teacher and Smart Student.ECER 2018 ’Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?’, 3 – 7 September, 2019, at the Free University Bolzano.-Bolzano, 2018.-Network: 11. Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance, pp.1-4. I.Krauja, R.Birzina, D.Cedere. (2018). Meaningful Reading Skills for Improvement of Biological Literacy in Primary School. Rural Environment. Education. Personality (REEP) : Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference; 11-12 May, 2018, Jelgava, Latvia. - Jelgava : Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2018. - ISSN 2255-808X. - ISBN 9789984483023. - Vol. 11, pp.185-193. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2018.022
Level 1 Professional Higher Education Programme ‘Preschool Teacher’
19.06.2024 12:39 Content
The first level professional studies programme “Pre-School Teacher” is a conceptually new study programme for the implementation of pre-school teacher education. The programme provides pre-school teachers with quality training in line with the current requirements in education and demands of the labour market. The first-level professional higher education study programme “Pre-school Teacher” focuses on acquisition of professional competences needed for a pre-primary teacher in pre-primary educational institutions or other pre-primary education-related public or private organisations, as well as on support for the students’ personal and professional in the context of lifelong learning. Graduates of the programme can earn a bachelor's degree in education by continuing to study in the professional bachelor's degree programme “Primary Education Teacher” from year 3. Location: Riga (full-time or part-time, on site) Branches (part-time, on site)
Studiju kvalitātes nodrošināšana
16.11.2023 13:33 Content
The responsibility for the quality management and supervision of studies in the relevant scientific sectors and in the supervisory bodies are the Vice-rectors . The UL Administration, when implementing its functions, manages and develops UL study programmes, organises the development of new programmes, organises regular internal and external evaluation of the quality of studies, and monitors and coordinates the implementation and development of study programmes It is the responsibility of the Academic Department to organise the preparation, evaluation, supplementing and submission of annual reports of study fields to the Quality Assessment Board of Studies Programmes and the UL Senate for approval, as well as to organise surveys of students, academic staff and employers on the quality of study programmes and study courses and analyse their results. One of the main tasks of UL Professors shall be participation in the evaluation of the work and quality of study programmes
Jaunas, uz optiskajām šķiedrām balstītas sistēmas izstrāde vīrusu proteīnu mobilai noteikšanai ar augstu jutību, izmantojot SERS tehnoloģiju
20.12.2023 15:57 Content
.11.2023 Amazing News! Our project on fiber-based SERS systems and substrates was completed successfully, contributing significantly to the understanding and application of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). We've pioneered new approaches to fiber bundles, particularly NCF, that outperform existing products and processes. In terms of SERS substrate development, our novel method focuses on methodology development, with a special method for producing templated substrates to manipulate distances between noble metal particles (dimers). The significant career growth of two PhD candidates aligned with project outcomes demonstrates the local impact. Beyond them, the project has a positive impact on a larger group of students and young researchers, resulting in a dynamic learning environment. Commercial prospects appear promising, particularly for fiber bundle products for Raman measurements. Furthermore, there is potential for further development of a small, low-cost spectrometer system
Additional information
27.01.2022 12:55 Content
on the systems of human body. Oral and dental aspects of the biological sciences will ensure detailed knowledge of the structure and function of the oral and dental tissues and the related structures of the head and neck. These should lead to a progressive understanding of the diagnosis, causes, prevention and treatment of oral and dental diseases and disorders, and the effects of systemic disease on oral and dental tissues. In order to obtain instruction and experience of the practice of dentistry, development of the clinical/manual skills of the students, clinical part of the study plan has significant role. Pre- clinical training will take place in phantom laboratories and clinics. Clinical training includes the treatment of patients under the supervision of clinical instructor. The field-clinical practice will take place in seventh and tenth semester. The aim of a study program is to produce a caring, knowledgeable, competent and skilful dentist who is able, on graduation, to accept
Termiski aktivētas aizturētās fluorescences materiāli efektīvām zilās gaismas OGID
21.01.2022 14:36 Content
lectures were presented for secondary school students in the general field of TADF OLEDs and OLED materials, which are excellent platform to disseminate the advancing technology developed within the project. The students will serve as science ambassadors to the wider communities, raising the profile and prestige of publically-funded scientific research among the general public. A session of communication activity has been done in the Lithuanian Academy of Science 12 th March, 2019 to reach the general public in order to raise positive awareness of this project. This activity was used as an efficient pathway to bridge basic science (low cost, environmentally benign and efficient blue TADF emitters) and emerging technologies (new generation lightning technologies) to a non-specialized public, to contribute to a better understanding and reach social awareness and responsibility. Project progress February 19, 2019 From 1 st November 2018 till 31 th January 2019 synthesis, purification
LU Atomfizikas un spektroskopijas institūts
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy (IAPS) of the University of Latvia (UL) is a scientific institute of the UL that conducts internationally recognized fundamental and applied research in atomic physics, spectroscopy, photonics, quantum physics and related areas, as well as research about creation of optical frequency standard and precise measurements of the optical frequencies with femtosecond frequency comb. New optical methods and devices for applications in industry, medicine and environmental monitoring are being developed in the Institute. A high quality of scientific work is provided by qualified academic staff. Bachelor's, master's and doctorate programme students, as well as doctoral degree applicants are involved in the development of IAPS research projects. The Institute has been supported by the European Commission as the Centre for Excellence in Fundamental and Applied Studies. Active international scientific cooperation is promoted by the International
Erasmus+ project "Shaping characters" (01.10.2015–30.09.2017)
30.06.2021 21:30 Content
The project aims to develop and embed approaches to character education in schools and youth groups to benefit young people. Project objectives Create an innovative approach to character building and employability education Promote partnership working at local level between educators, youth workers and businesses Increase students’ motivation and resilience Develop attitudes and attributes that will facilitate young people’s transition to the world of work Improve educators’ and young people’s understanding of techniques they can use to build character resilience Achieve a common understanding of character education and of the role each stakeholder can play Project results New methods and techniques Shared understanding of character education More effective engagement at the local level Raise educational engagement and motivation Project outputs Character factsheets: key learning
Project competition results 2022
16.03.2023 18:26 Content
Project|Project type|Amount of funding allocated (EUR)LU DF LAB equipment for augmented reality technology training in field of medical technology|academic or scientifc|8 000IGEM "Latvia-Riga" team|academic or scientific|8 660,27Support for University of Latvia Faculty of Law team in XXX Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court|academic or scientific|4 150Raccoons’ youth hackathon|academic or scientific|14 197,93Implementation of waste recycling in UL|social|14 000Accommodation refrigerator project|social|2 970Concert “New Beginnings” by the mixed choir “Juventus” of the University of Latvia. World premiere.|sports or culture|1 423,50UL new music band contest “Hadrons 2022”|sports or culture|2 900Student business opportunities festival “Icebreakers’22”|sports or culture|6 000
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