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Business French I
The aim of the course is to activate and develop French business vocabulary, to effectively use business French terminology in real everyday work situations, by simulating specific authentic and semi-authentic business communication situations in the French business environment. The course also provides an insight into contemporary French business culture, the principles of business etiquette that must be followed during business negotiations and business correspondence. Tasks: • to supplement the French vocabulary in the field of business communication. • to master business correspondence and documentation creation principles • to develop a business language style. • to prepare students for a successful oral and written communication in business French The language of instruction is French.
Data processing and visualisation with ParaView
The aim of the course is to develop knowledge of the data visualisation techniques available in ParaView. After the course "Data processing and visualization with ParaView" students will be able to load scientific calculation or measurement data (e.g. temperature, velocity, concentration, density and other physical fields) into ParaView, process them to create images; automate data processing and image creation with pvpython scripts, use a high performance cluster to visualize large amounts of data. The tasks of the course are to teach how to process and visualise data using ParaView on both a high performance (HPC) cluster and a local workstation. The language of instruction is Latvian. Latvian.
Data processing and visualisation with ParaView
The aim of the course is to develop knowledge of the data visualisation techniques available in ParaView. After the course "Data processing and visualization with ParaView" students will be able to load scientific calculation or measurement data (e.g. temperature, velocity, concentration, density and other physical fields) into ParaView, process them to create images; automate data processing and image creation with pvpython scripts, use a high performance cluster to visualize large amounts of data. The tasks of the course are to teach how to process and visualise data using ParaView on both a high performance (HPC) cluster and a local workstation. The language of instruction is Latvian. Latvian.
Design of Paper, Natural Materials and Plastic Materials and Their Teaching and Learning Methodology
The aim of the course is to develop the mindset skills of students in term of design by exploring the characteristics of paper, natural materials and plastic materials, application possibilities, processing techniques as well as expertise in the learning process. The tasks of the course: 1. To develop the technical skills of material processing with paper, nature and plastic materials by ensuring visualization of design process; 2. To incite development of figurative thinking and spatial perceptions in creation of objects by applying artistic means of expression; 3. To develop problem solving, planning, evaluating skills in terms of making articles by applying materials and processing techniques in a creative way. The course is being hold in Latvian language.
Practical Museology
The aim of the course is to improve and expand students' knowledge and skills in historical and archaeological research by enabling them to study in depth the key elements of the work of the museum. The course is implemented in cooperation with national history profile museums in Latvia. Course Tasks: 1) to develop an in-depth understanding of the work of museums, the stages of works, their tasks; 2) to develop an in-depth understanding regarding the documentation of objects of the museum stock; 3) to develop skills in the professional activity of musical activities; 4) to develop skills for the practical application of museum stocks in research and work with the public (establishment of a pedagogical programme of museums). The course is written in Latvian.
Fuzzy Sets and Structures
The course deals with fuzzy sets, operations with fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, fuzzy numbers, algebraic operations with fuzzy numbers, T-norms, T-conorms, residua, fuzzy logics, extensional sets and models based on fuzzy logic. The aim of the course is to give students a good knowledge of the basic concepts and results of fuzzy set theory, as well as fuzzy logics and models based on them. The objective of the course is to acquire the basic concepts and basic results of fuzzy set theory, fuzzy logic models, to develop skills to apply the results of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic models in solving practical tasks. The course will be taught in Latvian.
Professional ethics
The aim of the course is to provide for the acquisition of the principles of professional ethics and the restrictions imposed by legal provisions to ensure that legal professionals perform job duties and responsibilities in the framework of pre-trial investigations in a manner that reflects the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct. In order to achieve the course aim, the students have to acquire an understanding of social values and communication rules, the concept of ethics and the foundations of corporate or professional ethics, professional ethics as self-restraint of each professional and standards of conduct set by colleagues, conflicts of interest in ethics and law, the concept of power and the use of power beyond the boundaries of law and ethics, professional responsibility. The course is taught in Latvian.
Forensic Psychiatry
The goal of the study course is to ensure the students of the Faculty of Law master the basics of forensic psychiatry. This knowledge is necessary for every lawyer regardless of the area of law enforcement in which he or she will be working. For the purposes of achieving the goal of the forensic psychiatry study course, the following tasks have been set in the study programme: - to ensure the study process during which the basics of forensic psychiatry and its sub-fields are taught; - to facilitate the mastering of knowledge, skills and competences crucial for the labour market in the sphere of forensic psychiatry; - to develop critical thinking skills by resolving matters related to forensic psychiatry during practical work.
Turkish Language Written Translation II
The aim of the course is to acquire essential knowledge about translation and translation theories. Learning the translation techniques and the nuances of the Turkish language (idioms and proverbs), the student independently translates various texts from Turkish into Latvian and English. The objectives of the course are: 1) to teach to analyze a text in the source language (Turkish); 2) to explore language differences between Turkish and Latvian, English, as well as the specificities of text translation; 3) to analyze the message in the source language and the choice of means and methods for the translation; 4) to learn new idioms and proverbs in Turkish, as well as their equivalents in Latvian and/or English. The course is taught in Latvian, English, and Turkish.
Master Thesis Project
The aim of the course is to promote the acquisition of research skills and to ensure the performance of high-quality research by developing a master's thesis and planning its development. Tasks of the study course: To acquaint students with the criteria for evaluating the quality of research work, as well as with the most significant information resources in research in the field of geography. To promote the elaboration of the master's thesis by developing the structure of the master's thesis project, to promote the development of the master's thesis topic by formulating the goal, tasks of the master's thesis and research questions. To promote the development of literature review and methodological part. Explain the principles of time planning and their role in the development of timely quality work. The study course language is Latvian.
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