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English for Research in Social Sciences
The course aims at advancing English language skills of doctoral students majoring in social sciences as well as preparing them for the doctoral examination in English. Tasks of the course are: 1) to offer extensive practice in the use of high-level accurate grammar, academic vocabulary, field-specific terminology in the academic context, 2) to promote critical reading skills crucial to doctoral studies and scientific publications, 3) to foster the skills in drafting, revising and reviewing of written scientific and academic genres that conform to international conventions, 4) to enhance the skill to communicate research in national and international scientific conferences.
Language of instruction is English.
Monetary policy
Objective of the course is to introduce students with the essence and activity principles of monetary policy, as well as with its importance in states economy. To achieve this objective there has been set up a task to analyze activity principles and efficiency of monetary policy, as well as to research different factors which limit the work of monetary policy. In the content of the course there have been included topics about monetary policy action in Latvia, Bank of Latvia, European Central Bank, and Federal Reserve System in USA. There has been observed development of commercial bank sector and financial market and their activity in Latvia, Riga Stock Exchange and Latvian Central Depository.
Research Methodology
Aim of the study course: to improve students' theoretical knowledge about the research, its organization and the ensuring of the correct course; to orient and to study the range of problems of economic research in the chosen direction in Latvia and international research in the environment; to develop in-depth independent research work solving skills and attitudes in the chosen economic direction, being able to critically analyze the processes taking place in the economic environment and to accept and substantiate their decisions. Course tasks: 1) to improve and deepen knowledge and skills in the planning of a research and in solving the tasks of the research; 2) to improve the research competence in the chosen branch of economic science or sub-branch.
German I
The aim of the course is to develop students' knowledge, skills and competences according to the A1/1 level in accordance with the common European guidelines for language learning. The tasks of the course are as follows: 1. To provide basic knowledge of the structure of the German language and the basics of grammar. 2. To introduce the German alphabet, pronunciation of various letters and combinations of letters, and reading rules. 3. Develop the ability to create simple dialogues: dating, opportunities to spend free time, food, shopping etc. 4. Provide an opportunity to practice audiovisual (viewing+listening) skills. Special attention is paid to learning strategies that help in the learning process. Languages of instruction are Latvian and German.
Environmental chemistry and toxicology
The study course gives overview about the origin and effects of substances of both natural and anthropogenic origin on living organisms. The mechanisms of absorption, distribution and biotransformation of toxic substances that elicit a toxic response are widely discussed. The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge about biochemical processes and changes in living organisms caused by toxic substances. Discussions and group literature studies on the effects of the most common and dangerous toxic substances take place in the seminars. The tasks of the course are to explain the general structure and toxic activity relationships, to perform risk assessment and to analyze the possibilities of reducing and preventing the consequences of exposure to toxic substances. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Data processing systems
Main goal of the course is to give overview of different NoSQL technologies and databases, as well as usage of different types of NoSQL databases in single solution (polyglot persistence). Data exchange and system integration is important nowadays; different technologies and tools for data exchange and system integration is analyzed during the course. Course tasks are: * tell about different non-relational types of data management systems, their advantages and disadvantages; * tell about advantages and disadvantages of usage of different data management systems; * give experience to students with usage of different data management system usage in their projects. Course is in Latvian.
Social research: design, implementation and use
The aim of the course is to build students knowledge about the practical relevance of social research in addressing economic and social issues of contemporary society, promoting innovation and improving governance. The tasks of the course are: course explains design and process of social research from inception and proposal writing to project implementation, dissemination activities and use of results. The course analyses the link between research and practical needs of the society and focusses on valorisation of research results as means for improvement of economic and social processes. Examples and documents from EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects (FOODLINKS, SOLINSA, RETHINK, SALSA, SUFISA) are part of the training. Course is delivered in Latvian.
Intensive Therapy Patients Care
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills in intensive care patient care for patients of all ages. Students will acquire skills to plan care activities, care equipment, technologies, time and resources in intensive care units, collecting patient indicators and subjective data, apply invasive and non-invasive methods and technologies for monitoring patients' vital functions, as well as apply technologies and devices that support vital functions. . The task of the course is to master in depth the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs used in intensive care practice, medical care, maintenance of a safe environment and patient safety principles in intensive care units. The course is taught in Latvian and English.
Intensive Therapy Patients Care
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills in intensive care patient care for patients of all ages. Students will acquire skills to plan care activities, care equipment, technologies, time and resources in intensive care units, collecting patient indicators and subjective data, apply invasive and non-invasive methods and technologies for monitoring patients' vital functions, as well as apply technologies and devices that support vital functions. . The task of the course is to master in depth the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs used in intensive care practice, medical care, maintenance of a safe environment and patient safety principles in intensive care units. The course is taught in Latvian and English.
The aim of the study course is to create an opportunity for the students to learn the basic concepts of the geochemistry and from perception about the chemical composition and its evolution of the Solar system, Earth and its components as well as to glimpse on some of the research geochemical research techniques. The task of the study course is to explain the origins of chemical elements and their distribution in space and among the major geospheres of the Earth as well as to present the most important endogenic and exogenic geochemical process, that are driving the transport of chemical elements and differentiation of Earth composition. In addition, task of the study course is to show some of the laboratory and data analysis methods used in geochemistry. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
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