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Studies abroad
28.09.2023 16:16 Content
Application for exchange studies for the spring semester takes place in September (until September 29, 2023), and in February for the autumn semester (until February 10, 2024). The Faculty of Computing implements study exchanges within the framework of the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme, which is funded by the European Commission. The Erasmus programme provides for two types of student mobility – studies and internships. The aim of the Erasmus student mobility is to provide an opportunity to gain academic, linguistic and cultural experience by studying or doing internships in other European countries, and to promote education of new qualified and internationally experienced professionals. It provides a student's studies at one of the EU and EEA partner universities and the recognition of study results at a home university. The duration of studies is from 3 months to one academic year. The usual practice, however, is to apply for one semester. Mobility is based on Erasmus
Council of the study direction "Information Technology, Computer Technology, Electronics, Telecommunication, Computer Control and Computer Science"
11.05.2023 14:11 Content
Prof. Andris Ambainis, Director of the doctoral study programme "Computer Science" Prof. Zane Bičevska, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science Prof. Juris Borzovs, Head of the study direction "Information Technology, Computer Technology, Electronics, Telecommunication, Computer Control and Computer Science" Rolands Baumanis, student of Bachelor’s study programme "Computer Science" Dr. Dainis Dosbergs, Deputy Director of ZZDats Maksims Ivanovs, student of Doctoral programme in "Computer Science" Aigars Jaundālders, Head of WeAreDots, Head of Wearedot Research and Development, Member of the Board of the Latvian Open Technologies Association Maksims Jegorovs, Accenture Latvia Executive Director, honorary member of the UL Pēteris Krastiņš, Chairman of the Board of Emergn, honorary member of the UL Prof. Laila Niedrīte, Professor of the Faculty of Computing Prof. Kārlis Podnieks, Director of the Master's study programme "Computer Science" Konstantīns Romanovs, student of Master
UL foundation
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
The University of Latvia Foundation has been operating since 2004. It is a philanthropic organization of high repute, which in cooperation with patrons and partners supports outstanding, dedicated students, postgraduates, doctoral students, educators, researchers, as well as excellent projects and professionals in education, science, sports and culture.
Bachelor thesis in economics
The aim of bachelor thesis is to demonstrate ability to apply theoretical knowledge and empirical research methods in research. In developing the Bachelor's thesis, the student is based on the knowledge and practical skills acquired during the studies, as well as using the information and practical experience gained during the internship. Bachelor's thesis tasks: 1. to work independently with statistical information sources, to compile and analyze scientific literature, 2. choose appropriate research methods, 3. to carry out practical research, analyze and interpret the obtained results within the framework of the Bachelor Thesis, 4. to present and defend conclusions and proposals of scientific value. Bachelor's thesis and its defense is divided into several stages: 1. development of a research project and presentation of a Bachelor's thesis in the 5th or 7th semesters; 2. Development and presentation of the final bachelor's thesis in the 6th or 8th semester. Bachelor thesis writing
Master's Thesis II
Master Thesis II is self-dependent research. The aim in preparing the Master’s thesis II is to strengthen theoretical knowledge and academic skills in the area of the law, developing them in accordance with the requirements of a BA in law or a second-level professional education in law, as well as of the master’s degree study programme, also preparing the student for scholarly research work and for pursuit of a doctorate. The Master’s thesis II satisfies the requirements of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia vis-à-vis the successful defence of the thesis, including the preparation of a working plan, identification of the necessary sources of information, and the writing, editing and defending of the thesis. The entire grade in this course is based on a successful defence of the master’s thesis in front of the Final Examination Commission, as confirmed by the council of the University of Latvia Faculty of Law. The master’s thesis will be graded positively if it is in line
The aim of the course is to deepen students' knowledge of the relationship between cognitive, affective and behavioral processes with the functioning of the brain and other neural systems. The course provides basic knowledge about the causes of psychopathology in the perspective of neuropsychology. The course provides basic knowledge about neuropsychological research methods. In addition, an understanding of the preconditions, possibilities and restrictions of rehabilitation is developed. Course tasks: 1. To provide a basic knowledge of the relationship between cognitive, affective and behavioral processes with neural systems. 2. To provide a basic understanding of the relationship between psychopathology and the functioning of the neural system. 3. To ensure the application of the acquired theoretical knowledge by analyzing clinical cases with various neurological disorders. 4. To promote critical and analytical thinking skills by comparing the use of different neuropsychological
Study work III
The study work III is intended as a serious incorporation for the incorporation of the Bachelor's thesis, defining the aim and tasks of the research, developing the content of the work and the work itself. Aim of the course: according to the orientation and theme of the study program, acquiring or supplementing a statement on an important topic or problem, which in general would promote business or scientific contribution. Study tasks: To strengthen the knowledge, skills and competence of research work, as well as to improve work with literature sources or in-depth application of equipment or software, at the same time improving the language and technique of scientific articles, skills to independently search for information, process it and draw conclusions. The study work is aimed at the process by which the student independently obtains data, whether they receive them from institutions or publicly available sources, arranges them, researches them with qualitative and quantitative
Iberian Studies in Historical and Geopolitical Aspects
The course provides an overview of Spanish geography, history and geographical characteristics of the Iberian Peninsula in chronological development. Spain and Portugal are the two countries that make up the Iberian Peninsula and the relations between them have influenced historical and geopolitical processes. However, given the language of the course (Spanish), the focus is on Spain, its history and its transatlantic role in historical and political events. By completing this course in Spanish, students develop a general idea of the Iberian Peninsula by developing their Spanish language skills. The objective of the course is to introduce the geographical diversity of the Iberian Peninsula, the role of Spain in historical and political processes both in the continental and intercontinental dimension. Main tasks of the course: • to provide basic knowledge about the Iberian Peninsula geography and basically Spain history, about the main processes in politics and society
Science: Natural Sciences I
Objective of the course: Enable students to acquire the basics of science teaching methodologies in line with the change of approach and results to be achieved in the field of science embedded in the national basic education standard and to contribute to the development of a teacher's work system that is conducive to achieving results. Tasks: 1. Ensure the learning of the methodological knowledge necessary for the professional activities of the teacher on the content of science training, the methodology and context for the organisation of the training process in classes 4 to 6, in conformity with the requirements of the national basic education standard and the change of access to education. 2. Promoting the skills of applying acquired knowledge in the planning, modelling, evaluation of their activities in cooperation with others and individually. 3. Develop the skills to apply research approaches to the organisation of the learning process by developing the natural skills of pupils
Establishment and Organisation of a Labour Protection System
The aim of the course is to provide practical solutions to meet the labor protection legislation and applicable standard requirements for the company's occupational health and safety management system. The tasks of the course are to raise awareness about the possibilities of practical solutions in the following scopes: - practical application of labor protection normative acts and applicable standard requirements in the company's operations - establishment and management of an efficient company's occupational health and safety management system, according to its type of activity and number of employees, applying the situation solutions to information communication technology - effective planning of internal monitoring of the work environment, incl. work environment risk management - an effective model of cooperation between the employer and the employee, cooperation with the employee representatives Students' independent work is organized on individual basis and / or small working
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