Found 10185 entries
Doctoral examination in English for Specific Purposes
The aim of the doctoral examination is to test the ability of the doctoral students to work independently with scientific literature, to refer to it in English by paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as the ability to discuss the chosen topic in the relevant scientific context.
Doctoral examination in English for Specific Purposes
The aim of the doctoral examination is to test the ability of the doctoral students to work independently with scientific literature, to refer to it in English by paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as the ability to discuss the chosen topic in the relevant scientific context.
01.10.2021 13:35 Content
For communication regarding ERASMUS: For international study programme's students and communication regarding study programmes in English:
01.10.2021 13:35 Content
For communication regarding ERASMUS: For international study programme's students and communication regarding study programmes in English:
Methodology of Functional Communication in German II
The aim of the study course is to give students information and help them practise communication skills, and apply the mastered qualities to create individually suitable and topical content, as well as to work on transversal skills (learning strategies, cooperation skills, critical evaluation of information, awareness of one’s individual experience, setting new aims). The objectives of the study course: 1. To learn about types of discussions, rules observed in different types of discussions and culture of discussions, learn about the course of classical debate and a variety of presentations, which are applied to individual topics and needs, respectively; 2. To develop skills to give reasons for one’s actions and opinions by identifying three main critical thinking dimensions – information and knowledge, thinking skills and human nature; 3. To improve skills to carry out scientific research in the chosen study field by working on a term paper and presenting it at an international
Methodology of Functional Communication in German II
The aim of the study course is to give students information and help them practise communication skills, and apply the mastered qualities to create individually suitable and topical content, as well as to work on transversal skills (learning strategies, cooperation skills, critical evaluation of information, awareness of one’s individual experience, setting new aims). The objectives of the study course: 1. To learn about types of discussions, rules observed in different types of discussions and culture of discussions, learn about the course of classical debate and a variety of presentations, which are applied to individual topics and needs, respectively; 2. To develop skills to give reasons for one’s actions and opinions by identifying three main critical thinking dimensions – information and knowledge, thinking skills and human nature; 3. To improve skills to carry out scientific research in the chosen study field by working on a term paper and presenting it at an international
Sociālās pediatrijas centrs
25.01.2022 13:47 Content
With the support of Theodor Hellbrügge, the honorary doctorate of the University of Latvia and professor of the University of Munich, the Centre of Social Pediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine (FM) was founded on 26 November 1998. The Centre serves as a clinical base not only for students of the Faculty of Medicine, but also for emerging psychologists of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, social pedagogues, special pedagogues, as well as for practitioners of the industry who perform their professional development in the form of continuing education in the Centre. Students at the Centre are educated for multi-sensory therapy used in the work with children with special needs, as well as with autistic and hyperactive children. On 17 May 2019, the Centre's new study rooms were opened at the UL House of Science.
MDZF Sociālās pediatrijas centrs
13.07.2020 16:23 Content
Thanks to the support of Theodor Hellbrügge, the honorary doctorate of the University of Latvia and professor of the University of Munich, the Centre of Social Pediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine (FM) was founded on 26 November 1998. The Centre serves as a clinical base not only for students of the Faculty of Medicine, but also for emerging psychologists of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, social pedagogues, special pedagogues, as well as for practitioners of the industry who perform their professional development in the form of continuing education in the Centre. Students at the Centre are educated for multi-sensory therapy used in the work with children with special needs, as well as with autistic and hyperactive children. On 17 May 2019, the Centre's new study rooms were opened at the UL House of Science.
Include an optional course in the study programme
21.05.2021 19:05 Content
The Faculty of Computing does not lobby any company, but also does not restrict anyone's participation in the study process. If an organisation, having become acquainted with the current study programme, wants students to acquire other knowledge or skills, it can initiate the inclusion of an optional course in the programme. Inclusion requires: a) writing of a course application (annotation) of a certain form (1-2 pages); b) provision of educational materials; c) provision of software licences as required; d) provision of specialised equipment if necessary; e) offer for a course lecturer to be hired at the University, or the provision of resources so that one of the lecturers of the Faculty of Computing can teach a course. However, it should be understood that students may or may not choose an optional course. Due to the same non-lobbying policy, we leave it at the discretion of a company to make a company-initiated course interesting for students.
Legal Philosophy
The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge of concepts, categories, principles, clauses, discourses, and schools of legal philosophy, as well as to develop the students’ skills and competences by solving issues of science of law regarding lawmaking, science of law and the practical application of law. The course aims to provide cross-cutting knowledge, skills, and competence in the diversity of potential solutions to legal problems by developing a critical mindset with the intention to promote discovery of new, original solutions both in science and practice. The language of instruction is Latvian.
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