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The open lecture by Lenart Škof "War, Ontology of the Child and Peace"
05.12.2022 13:53 Content
. In this series of events, Lennart Škof's lecture will look at the war and peace in the context of future democracy and humanity. Russia's invasion in Ukraine is a reality – Europe is caught in war, and the war crimes committed against the Ukraine require a new philosophical, ethical, and religious explanation. Dedicated to the suffering of children, women and men in Ukraine, this lecture wishes to address the possibility of a future political philosophy and political ethics as signs of the coming caring and unwounded democracy. It is unbearable to think about newborn and children, not being protected in the sacred sleep of the night and not being able to breathe the sacred air of peace. As this lecture will show, as an idea, being on the opposite side of violence, destruction, and war, this new unwounded democracy should be imagined in a feminine key – as peaceful and all-nursing atmosphere of compassion, care, and love. The need for protection of children was never greater and with them we all
General Chemistry
The course is intended for students of the Bachelor's program in chemistry in the 1st study semester. The aim of this course is to help students prepare for the study of inorganic, physical, analytical, and organic chemistry by providing an opportunity to acquire basic theoretical knowledge and understanding of the general chemical laws, of the structure of atoms and molecules, of thermochemistry, of chemical kinetics, of acid-base properties, of electrochemistry, as well as of the structure and properties of organic compounds. Tasks of the study course: • explain the most important theories of chemistry; • to introduice with thermodynamic and kinetic factors of physical and chemical transformation; • look at different acid / base theories; • to analyze the process of chemical reactions, explaining the interaction of nature and conditions of substances; • to develop knowledge about safe working methods and possible risks when coming into contact with chemicals while working
General Literature I (Ancient Literature)
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and insight into the beginnings of the process of development of European literature. The course introduces ancient literature as a source of European aesthetic and literary ideas, with a special focus on the ways and genres of Greek and Roman literature and the most outstanding aspects of their personalities and works. The course also introduces the basics of Western literary theory. The objectives of the course are the following: 1. to provide insight and understanding of the early stages of the history of literature in the world; 2. to deepen students' skills to perform text analysis and interpretation, taking into account the cultural and historical context of text creation, as well as to emphasize the mutual cultural contacts, influences, and interactions of different eras and language areas; 3. to deepen students' skills to identify important texts of ancient literature, to gain an understanding of them and to be able to identify
General Chemistry
The course is intended for students of the Bachelor's program in chemistry in the 1st study semester. The aim of this course is to help students prepare for the study of inorganic, physical, analytical, and organic chemistry by providing an opportunity to acquire basic theoretical knowledge and understanding of the general chemical laws, of the structure of atoms and molecules, of thermochemistry, of chemical kinetics, of acid-base properties, of electrochemistry, as well as of the structure and properties of organic compounds. Tasks of the study course: • explain the most important theories of chemistry; • to introduice with thermodynamic and kinetic factors of physical and chemical transformation; • look at different acid / base theories; • to analyze the process of chemical reactions, explaining the interaction of nature and conditions of substances; • to develop knowledge about safe working methods and possible risks when coming into contact with chemicals while working
General Literature I (Ancient Literature)
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and insight into the beginnings of the process of development of European literature. The course introduces ancient literature as a source of European aesthetic and literary ideas, with a special focus on the ways and genres of Greek and Roman literature and the most outstanding aspects of their personalities and works. The course also introduces the basics of Western literary theory. The objectives of the course are the following: 1. to provide insight and understanding of the early stages of the history of literature in the world; 2. to deepen students' skills to perform text analysis and interpretation, taking into account the cultural and historical context of text creation, as well as to emphasize the mutual cultural contacts, influences, and interactions of different eras and language areas; 3. to deepen students' skills to identify important texts of ancient literature, to gain an understanding of them and to be able to identify
Optometry Basics
29.03.2023 14:30 Content
Course code: RedZT002 Course annotation The course is intended for those who have obtained bachelor's degree (or an equivalent education), in a different field but not in optometry, and are willing to enter the professional master's study programme Clinical Optometry . The aim of this course is to establish basic knowledge and skills in topics essential for starting studies in professional master’s study programme Clinical Optometry – geometrical optics, physical optics, visual optics, eye anatomy and physiology, refraction, eye diseases, binocular vision, contact lenses, optometric instruments. Each week is devoted to a different topic and concluded with a test. At the end of the course participant takes final test, which includes questions about all the topics covered during the course. Learning outcomes Upon completion of this course, participants will learn and will be able to demonstrate: Knowledge: structure and basic principles of eye and visual system; basic
Legal Department
13.03.2024 15:23 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Elīna Lodīte Head of Group Elina.Lodite Līga Klēbaha Personnel Manager Liga.Klebaha 67260556 Kristīne Stradiņa Personnel Specialist Kristine.Stradina Egija Krukovska Office Administrator – Filer Egija.Krukovska 67187816 Laura Kalniņa Senior Expert Laura.Kalnina Rolands Beļevičs Procurement Specialist Rolands.Belevics Andris Ozoliņš Project Manager Andris.Ozolins 29207993 Annija Anete Ule Assistent of the Procurement Specialist Annija-Anete.Ule
Skenējošās zondes mikroskops
05.08.2020 19:13 Content
Category Microscopy Manufacturer and Model Veeco - CP-II Specifications Imaging of surfaces using different SPM techniques Scanning area 100x100x7.5µm Sample size: up to 10×10 mm Scanning by sample Manual XY stage 8×8 mm Motorized Z stage Optical microscope (20x) for tip and sample view SPM Techniques: contact mode, tapping mode, force modulation mode scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) magnetic force microscopy (MFM) nanolithography by mechanical scratch
Informācija lasītājiem
24.08.2023 14:50 Content
If a book, periodical or article is not available in the Library's collection, it can be ordered from other libraries in Latvia or abroad. The terms and conditions of use are determined by the library, from which the order is made. The customer must pay the postage. The price for the service is determined in accordance with the Library's price list of service fees. Order costs can be paid from project funds. The service is free of charge if the delivery is made from libraries within Riga. To place an order, please fill in the application form or contact us by e-mail: .
16.03.2023 17:38 Content
Annually in November, the UL ISC elections are held, in which a maximum of 7 international student representatives can be elected as Members of UL ISC by the LU SP Assembly. However, if the UL ISC is incomplete, new Members may be elected to fill the vacant positions throughout the year. UL International Students' Collegium articles of association are available here . Meanwhile, anyone is welcome to participate in UL ISC as an activist at any given point. If you are interested in becoming a student representative or an activist at UL ISC, please contact us at
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