Found 10183 entries
The list of implemented COST actions
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
veidā, ko varētu ņemt vērā izglītības iestādes, politikas pamatnostādņu veidotāji, tādējādi, veidojot pamatu un spējas ES līmenī veicināt studentu integrāciju, drošību un labklājību, lai palīdzētu gan indivīda, gan sabiedrības sociālajā stabilitātē. 38 COST valstis: Albānija, Austrija, Beļģija. Bosnija un Hercegovina, Bulgārija, Horvātija, Kipra, Čehija, Dānija, Igaunija, Somija, Francija. Vācija, Grieķija, Ungārija Īrija, Itālija , Luksemburga, Latvija, Lietuva, Malta Moldova, Montenegro, Ziemeļ- Maķedonija, Ziemeļīrija, Norvēģija, Polija, Portugāle, Rumānija, Serbija, Spānija, Spānija Zviedrija, Šveice, Turcija, Lielbritānija, Slovēnija, Slovākija, 1 Cost asociētā valsts: Izraēla 2018–2022 Prof James O'Higgins Norman Senior Research Fellow Dublin University, Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine and Social Car holds the UNESCO Chair on Tackling Bullying in Schools
Narrative Perspectives On Intergenerational Transmission Of Memory
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Latvia’s centenary and the country’s reflection on the changes that tookplace in the history of the republic have drawn the attention of researchers to the intergenerational transmission of memory. As the times and the environment change, the reflection of past events is also transformed; the further removed memory stories are from the actual time of the event, the more abstract they become, the more they change in form and content, and they become rooted in the collective memory of children and grandchildren. This research project will facilitate an understanding of the link of memory between generations and present-day behaviour. Memory sources evaluated across several generations can help to counter prejudices, reveal manipulations, and open a new perspective in intergenerational and inter-ethnic relationships as well as in attitudes towards the emigration and re-emigration of the country’s citizens. Most importantly, they provide an analytic evaluation of the past. The main goal
Results in 2019
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
, Romania, Latvia and Lithuania. D.Nīmante. Vocational training on educating and supporting professionals of pre-school infants with ASD.Action: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training (KA202), National Agency: EL01 Greek State Scholarship's Foundation (IKY). Studentu iesaiste: Nellija Repina, maģistrante zinātniskās publikācijas sagatavošanā. Rasa Zandberga iesaistīta projektā iekļaujošo metodisko materiālu apkopošanā MyHUB – a one-stop-shop on inclusion practices, tools, resources and methods for the pedagogical staff at formal and non-formal educational institutions (Erasmus+ K3). Citi sasniegumi: D.Nīmante,Cost akcijas CA17114 “Transdisciplinary solutions to cross sectoral disadvantage in youth” dalībniece. D.Nīmante,Cost akcijas CA18115 – “Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level” dalībniece. Laganovska, E., Tūbele, S. (07.06.2019 - 08.06.2019) Referāts, Postgraduate Professional Study Program
Family and Friends Honour the Memory of T. G. Glossop
16.09.2020 20:51 Content
, creativity and adventure to every aspect of his personal and professional life. Terry’s sons Peter and Neil from his first marriage to Elaine live in Toronto. From his second marriage with Baiba Liepina, his daughter Karen lives in London. Despite all his travel and work commitments, Terry always kept close contact with his children and grandchildren. From 2003, Terry and his wife Baiba made Riga, Latvia, their permanent home. As a lover of jazz and opera, Terry was able to enjoy the diverse cultural life of Riga. Terry’s wife Baiba was born November 5, 1946 in a Latvian refugee camp in Germany. At the age of three, Baiba arrived in Canada, where she later met her future husband. She has worked in international projects around the world. Baiba shares her memories: “We both enjoyed living in Riga. Terry was deeply interested in Latvia’s history. He was very aware that many Latvians his age were sent to Siberia, while for those who remained, life was full of difficulties. Terry felt privileged
My story
27.01.2022 11:30 Content
I work on quantum chemical simulations of materials at the Institute. Currently, there is one project we are implementing within EURO fusion . We simulate processes in aluminum oxide and other oxides to predict what happens to them under the influence of radiation in fusion reactors. I write my doctoral dissertation about it. I am glad that my dissertation is closely related to my work projects, so the results will be relevant in my daily work. When I was in the 11th grade at school, I was fascinated by chemistry. So, after finishing secondary school, I became a student at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia, without even thinking about how it could develop in the future. I must say that I did not know much about the achievements of Latvian chemistry at the time. Only then did I find out that there is a Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, which is one of the best in Europe. I came to the ISSP UL by chance when my present colleagues organized seminars about
My story
22.06.2021 14:04 Content
My father, Yuri Kuzmin, a physicist - and my mother -LudmilaKuzmina, a mathematician - have worked at the ISSP UL since its foundation. (Before that – at the Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics of the State University of Latvia). In the sixties, my father expressed the idea ofcomputer controlof experiments, which he developed inhisfurther work atthe ISSP UL, where he headed the Laboratory of Programmed Experimentsince 1978. So,I grew up in a family of scientists, and I started to get in touch with scienceatschool.Duringmyschool years, I participated in various Olympiads in mathematics,chemistry,and physics, so the choice infavorof science was natural. Today, I ampleasedwith this choice. I studied at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Latvia from 1985 to 1990. The level ofstudieswas very good and I always remember all mylecturerswith gratitude. For my scientific career, I am grateful to my scientific adviser JurisPurāns, who introduced me to X-ray absorption
Scientific publications
11.12.2023 16:20 Content
. Salmane-Kulikovska I, Poplavska E, Mezinska S, Dumpe V, Dauvarte H, Lazdina L, et al. Medical, pharmacy and nursing students in the Baltic countries: interactions with the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. BMC Med Educ. 2020;20(1):105. 25. Streleckiene G, Inciuraite R, Juzenas S, Salteniene V, Steponaitiene R, Gyvyte U, et al. miR-20b and miR-451a Are Involved in Gastric Carcinogenesis through the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway: Data from Gastric Cancer Patients, Cell Lines and Ins-Gas Mouse Model. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(3). 26. Wu W, Leja M, Tsukanov V, Basharat Z, Hua D, Hong W. Sex differences in the relationship among alcohol, smoking, and Helicobacter pylori infection in asymptomatic individuals. J Int Med Res. 2020;48(5):300060520926036. 27. Zodzika J, Krumina K, Jermakova I, Kojalo U, Plisko O, Santare D, et al. Post-reproductive aged women: a lost generation in the cervical cancer screening programme. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2020:1-6. Articles accepted
Fotoinducēto procesu pētīšana vienas dimensijas ZnO/polidopamīna nanostruktūrās
24.11.2022 11:54 Content
importance on topics discussed by IAPS UL scientists. This was an opportunity for all stakeholders - teacher, student, student, government official, entrepreneur, senior citizen and others - to meet with the relevant scientific community, ask questions of interest to them, and develop new ideas for future projects. Article prepared and published in the journal Physical Chemistry Part C: Energy Conversion and Storage; Catalysis; Optical, electronic and magnetic properties and processes; Interfaces; Nanomaterials and hybrid materials, C: plasmonics; Optical, magnetic and hybrid materials. Title: "Photoluminescence Study of Defects in ZnO Coated Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers". Authors: Damberga, Daina; Viter, Roman; Fedorenko, Victoria; Iatsunskyi, Igor; Coy, Emerson; Graniel, Octavio; Balme, Sebastien; Miele, Philippe; Bechelany, Mikhael. Manuscript ID: jp-2020-00326r.R2. Manuscript Status: Accepted. 6th quarter (01.04.2020 - 30.06.2020) Participation in the online seminar on May 6
75th Annual Conference of the University of Latvia
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
In February and March 2017 will take place 75th Annual Conference of the University of Latvia. Within the Conference, at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics will be organized plenary session “BUSINESS. MANAGEMENT. ECONOMICS.” and thirteen sessions where participants will be able to present and discuss their research results, as well as to get acquainted with other researchers’ results. To participate in the 75th Annual Conference are invited allstudents, teaching staff members and researchers form all Higher education and Scientific institutions in Latvia, as well as members of enterprises and organizations. All interested persons are very welcome to participate in conference as participants with researches as well as audience and participants in discussions.Applications will be accepted electronically here till 13th of January. Plenary session “BUSINESS. MANAGEMENT. ECONOMICS.” will take place on 2nd February 2017 from 10.00 till 12.00 Aspazijas Blvd.5 Room 225
Skolotāju izglītība
10.07.2021 00:24 Content
and "hidden curriculum", the importance of establishing core ethical values used to guide judgment and decision-making, and understanding how character is formed. Eleven Principles Sourcebook Leadership Institute (1-day or 2-day) The Leadership Institute is an initial training in’s Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education, customized to help school leaders learn how to move the initiative forward in their schools and what might be major areas for planning. This is an excellent starter format for a school district wishing to initiate effective character education across multiple school sites. The attending teams, which may be the character education committee, should include the principal, other school administrators, teacher-leaders, and community members and students, as appropriate. Teams of 5-9 participants are ideal. This is a great way to build a "critical mass"of supporters. It also works well when schools cannot do a staff-wide training
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