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Can I transfer from another university? How do I apply as a transfer student?
18.01.2022 17:58 Content
To be able to transfer from another university: You have to be a student of Dentistry in your current university; You have to have acquired at least 60 ECTS and a whole year in your current studies; Your current subjects must coincide (overlap) with the LU subjects in contents at least 70%. Meaning – most of the subjects you have already done or are studying need to be similar and containing the same or larger amount of credit points than the ones envisioned by the LU study plan. 1 Latvian credit point = 1.5 ECTS. You can only transfer up to the 3rd year of studies. The application for transfer students can be found on . The application deadlines are the same for full-time first year and transfer students. Students from other universities in Latvia can apply for transfer until the registration week of the following semester (until the last week of August usually). The documents needed to apply for transferring are the same as for full-time first
Can I transfer from another university? How do I apply as a transfer student?
18.01.2022 17:34 Content
To be able to transfer from another university: You have to be a student of Medicine in your current university; You have to have acquired at least 60 ECTS and a whole year in your current studies; Your current subjects must coincide (overlap) with the LU subjects in contents at least 70%. Meaning – most of the subjects you have already done or are studying need to be similar and containing the same or larger amount of credit points than the ones envisioned by the LU study plan. 1 Latvian credit point = 1.5 ECTS. You can only transfer up to the 3rd year of studies. The application for transfer students can be found on . The application deadlines are the same for full-time first year and transfer students. Students from other universities in Latvia can apply for transfer until the registration week of the following semester (until the last week of August usually). The documents needed to apply for transferring are the same as for full-time first
Kļūsti par mentoru topošajam pirmkursniekam!
14.06.2017 20:58 News
Student! Ja vēl rudens semestrī studēsi Latvijas Universitātē, LU Studentu padome sadarbībā ar Studentu servisu aicina Tevi kļūt par mentoru topošajiem pirmkursniekiem. Izmanto iespēju kļūt par mentoru pirmkursniekam! Student! Ja vēl rudens semestrī studēsi Latvijas Universitātē, LU Studentu padome sadarbībā ar Studentu servisu aicina Tevi kļūt par mentoru topošajiem pirmkursniekiem. Izmantojot šo iespēju, ne tikai palielināsi savu atbildības sajūtu un empātijas spējas, bet arī iegūsi darba devēju vidū augsti vērtētu ierakstu savā CV, kā arī iespēju rudens semestrī reģistrēties C daļas kursā “Vienaudžu mentora darba psiholoģiskie aspekti” un klausītāja statusā apgūt studiju kursus (kas nepārsniedz 4KP semestrī) bez maksas. Kas to lai zina – varbūt semestra beigās kļūsi par “Gada mentoru” LU Studentu padomes Gada balvā! Pieteikuma anketu meklē mājaslapā līdz 9. jūlijam! Vairāk informācijas:<wbr />47009/ un http
General lecture for all interested students and researchers. CRYSTAL code and abilities of modern methods of quantum chemistry
16.12.2022 15:47 Content
about CRYSTAL features also are planned. Topics of the lectures: 1. Introduction. Tensorial properties evaluated with CRYSTAL; elastic, piezoelectric, photoelastic hyperpolarizabilities (25.09. at 13.00 in ISSP UL 1. auditorium) 2. Simulated vibrational spectra and how to compare with the experiment. IR and Raman intensities evaluated analytically. (26.09. at 13.00 in ISSP UL 1. auditorium) 3. Towards large low dimensional systems in 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D; parallel and massively parallel versions of the CRYSTAL code. Examples. (27.09. at 13.00 in ISSP UL 1. auditorium) 4. General lecture for all interested students and researchers. CRYSTAL code and abilities of modern methods of quantum chemistry (28.09. at 13.00 in ISSP UL 2 nd floor auditorium)
Studijas ārzemēs
22.03.2023 20:25 Content
Cooperation agreements: For students of Social Work and Sociology study programs For students of Political Science study program For students of Communication science study program For students of Library and Information Science study program For students of Culture and Social Anthropology study program
Latvijas Farmācijas studentu asociācija
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
) and in mobility exchange programs, where we welcome students from abroad. The LFSA invites students to go to the theater together, take interesting excursions and take part in other interactive activities. The main benefit of participating in LFSA is the opportunity to express yourself, participate in various events, as well as expand your circle of acquaintances both in Latvia and abroad! You can find us at: For questions, write to: Come and get involved!
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis is a research paper, the task of which is to showcase students’ analytical skills required to synthesise information as well as generalise the key findings on the topic, thus demonstrating students’ research competence. Master's thesis may be written in one of the sub-branches of science –history of Latvian literature, literary theory, comparative literary studies, Baltic linguistics, Latvian synchronic linguistics, Latvian diachronic linguistics, Latvian folklore studies, theory and history of theatre, general linguistics, mythology - or it can be an interdisciplinary study. The aim is to enable the student to develop and defend an independent, innovative study using knowledge, skills, and competence acquired in the study courses. Objectives: 1. to choose the research topic and materials to be studied (texts, etc.), to define the research goal and objectives ; 2. to choose and use the most recent research methods ; 3. to carry out the study objectives and to draw
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis is a research paper, the task of which is to showcase students’ analytical skills required to synthesise information as well as generalise the key findings on the topic, thus demonstrating students’ research competence. Master's thesis may be written in one of the sub-branches of science –history of Latvian literature, literary theory, comparative literary studies, Baltic linguistics, Latvian synchronic linguistics, Latvian diachronic linguistics, Latvian folklore studies, theory and history of theatre, general linguistics, mythology - or it can be an interdisciplinary study. The aim is to enable the student to develop and defend an independent, innovative study using knowledge, skills, and competence acquired in the study courses. Objectives: 1. to choose the research topic and materials to be studied (texts, etc.), to define the research goal and objectives ; 2. to choose and use the most recent research methods ; 3. to carry out the study objectives and to draw
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