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Projects of exact, life and medical sciences
15.05.2020 15:27 Content
for diagnosis and treatment of malignancies by using molecularly targeted radionuclides produced in Latvia Development of visual ergonomics research environment "Prātnieku laboratorija" / "Laboratory of Minds" Modernization of RTS 2006 time interval meter Establishment of an interdisciplinary cooperation platform between the Univ. of Latvia and the Riga East Clinical University Hospital for the development of multimodal technology for early diagnosis of sepsis A study of ocher in nature and the symbolism of red in ancient cultures Applied research of doctoral students at the Univ. of Latvia Institute of Solid State Physics Topological modeling of structural similarity Excellence Award 2019
Why use this curriculum?
12.07.2021 14:12 Content
beside a picture of a hand. These activities are designed to allow individuals or groups of students to practice the virtues they have learned about in the lesson. These activities could be developed into social action projects. philosophical grounding of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. It meets many of the statutory requirements for Health Education (2020) and Relationships Education (2020), so schools can deliver it within existing timetabled slots for these subjects, or in form time. It is designed to be flexible and so can be used wholesale as a curriculum, or schools can choose elements and lessons that meet their particular needs.
Latvijas Universitātes Atturības un veselības izglītības veicināšanas biedrība
17.06.2019 12:12 Content
About the Society What is the University of Latvia Temperance and Health Education Promotion Society ( L U AVIV)? - The University of Latvia Temperance and Health Education Promotion Society is an organization promoting students' abstinence. Our goal is to research, acquire and promote healthy lifestyle without intoxicating and addictive substances. How can you become a member of the Society? - If you abstain from intoxicating and addictive substances and do not support their use, if you believe in healthy lifestyle, join by filling in the application form! Anyone who is young or feels youthful is welcome to join us, sharing the qualities listed below: • no smoking, drinking or drug abuse • a desire to be active and promote the idea of abstinent and a healthy lifestyle • activity and creative ideas • wish to help people understand the dangers of drug abuse • love of freedom Activities and events: • Orienteering • Seasonal festivity celebrations • International
Nippon fonds
27.08.2020 19:08 Content
geopolitical, religious, ethnic and cultural barriers in order to play an active role in the well-being of all mankind and the maintenance of global peace. The SYLFF programme has supported 45 countries worldwide and 69 higher education institutions by awarding scholarships to talented students, thus helping to achieve programme goals. You can find out more about the Nippon Foundation on the organization's website . More information about SYLFF and the Tokyo Foundation is available on the website. Support In 2002, the Nippon Foundation transferred an open-ended grant of USD 1000000to the University of Latvia to be used as an endowment. The University of Latvia grants the scholarships to the graduates and doctoral students of the humanities and social sciences from the return of this deposit. The scholarship programme aims to develop future leaders capable of overcoming geopolitical, religious, ethnic and cultural barriers in order to play an active role in promoting the well-being of all
23.11.2022 09:39 Content
of analytical methods (elemental/phase analysis of materials; zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry; ceramic petrography; morphological analysis of sand grains in ceramics; radiocarbon dating). Crucially important for achieving a broader view of ancient technologies will be regular joint seminars, permitting our experts studying the technologies of specific materials to share methodology, results and interpretations, and prepare joint articles, thus fostering very close and purposeful collaboration to establish a cross-material platform for technology studies and simultaneously forging a strong research team for further projects. The project group includes Dr Valdis Bērziņš, Dr Ilga Zagorska, Dr Edyta Kalińska, doctoral students Mārcis Kalniņš, Artis Kons, Aija Macāne and Vanda Visocka, and master’s student Agnese Čakare. Project website . Facebook page .
Anna J. Čakste-Rollins un Kāvušu Izglītības un kultūras fonds
27.08.2020 19:45 Content
a particular concern about low-income University of Latvia students and those facing difficulties, because her family's memories are tightly linked with the University of Latvia: her grandfather Jānis Čakste at one time gave lectures to the University of Latvia students; her father Konstantīns Čakste was a popular professor at the University of Latvia; Millija Kāvušs studied philology at the University of Latvia, acquired education side by side with Konstantīns Čakste and was a close acquaintance of this prominent personality. In the 1920s, all these people knew how decisive education was for the future of Latvia. Support In 1999, A.Čakste-Rollins supported the events held in honour of the 80 th anniversary year of the University of Latvia. In 2005, at establishment of the scholarship programme Ceļamaize ("Bread for the Journey"), A.Čakste-Rollins was among the first to join the supporters of the programme. Since 2011, 10% of the revenue brought by sales of Konstantīns Čakste's work
Epidemiology and Medical Statistics
05.04.2024 15:45 Content
results based on newest international knowledge and according to internationally accepted standards. The aim of the programme is to provide highly qualified epidemiology and medical statistics specialists for the Latvian, Baltic, and other health systems at regional, national and international levels who are familiar with and develop epidemiological and other research methodology, are able to analyze sophisticated data and interpret results based on the latest international knowledge and standards. Programme structure: Students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in competence to collect healthcare data, including large volumes of administratively generated and digital data in accordance with internationally accepted requirements. They will learn different methods of statistical processing of data,SPSS, Stata,SAS, R, Prisma, GPower, as well as specific epidemiology softwareDAGitti and MedCalc. Students will learn how to create/develop medical, public health and sociology
HZF Krievu valodas kā svešvalodas eksaminācijas centrs
13.07.2020 15:09 Content
One of the activities of the State institution implementing the language policy of the European Union is the development of requirements for the assessment of foreign language levels. For this purpose, the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) was established, which is currently also joined by Russia. In Latvia, it is possible to evaluate foreign language levels in English, German and other foreign languages in the organisations entitled to determine the language level of those interested and to issue a corresponding certificate to them (e.g. British Council, Goethe Institute, etc.). Examination Centre for Russian as a Foreign Language performs analogous functions. The Centre was founded in 2004. It organizes and performs the evaluation of Russian language as foreign language levels for students of Latvian universities and foreigners who live, study or work in Latvia. The Centre is constructed on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the University of Latvia
13.05.2022 21:46 Content
DOCUMENTS FOR ADMISSION When applying for a Bachelor’s programme, applicants have to present the following documents: Senior Secondary School Certificate (at least six subjects with a score of A to D) Higher Secondary School Academic Transcripts West African Senior Secondary School Certificate ( at least six subjects with a score of A1 to C6) When applying for Master’s programme , applicants have to present the following documents: Bachelor’s Diploma Transcrtipt of records/ Academic transcript The University of Latvia accepts students from upper division only. It is recommended to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) have to be legalised. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in Egypt (Cairo). Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have
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