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22.08.2021 21:26 Content
The mission of the Innovation Centre is to promote digital transformation and develop innovative solutions in Latvia. Industry professionals, students, entrepreneurs, researchers, the public sector, and Microsoft experts work together to create new ideas for Latvian innovation projects. LUMIC provides an opportunity for anyone interested to participate and promote the development of the local ICT market to such an extent that it will significantly affect the overall Latvian economy. This means increasing employment, developing interdisciplinary cooperation, creating new solutions, services and promoting investment opportunities in the following areas: Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Data analytics Internet of Things
02.12.2021 14:00 Content
Solvita Olsena, Dr.iur., MD, Assoc. Prof., University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, Riga, Latvia, e-mail:, m. +371 26162000. Laura Kadile, Mg.iur., doctoral student, University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, teaching fellow and researcher, University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, Riga, Latvia, e-mail: Marina Loseviča, Mg. sc. soc., MD, University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, Riga, Latvia, e-mail:
The University of Latvia bank details for transferring the rental fees
21.03.2024 21:25 Content
Recipient: Latvijas Universitāte Name of the bank: Luminor Bank AS Latvijas filiāle Code: RIKOLV2X Account: LV10RIKO0000082414423 Purpose of payment: ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE HALL, FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, PERSONAL IDENTITY NUMBER OR BIRTH DATE OF THE STUDENT, RENT FOR SEPTEMBER. According to the UL order of 25.02.2008. No. 1/45, the UL residence hall tenants who study at the UL must complete all the payments for residence hall rental, fines for late payment and security deposit by noncash transactions to the University of Latvia account.
[Translate to English:] PBSP "E-biznesa un loģistikas vadības sistēmas"
01.12.2020 11:51 Content
[Translate to English:] Kursa darbi Metodiski norādījumi kursa darba „Informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģiju vides analīze” izstrādei Metodiski norādījumi kursa darba „Informācijas sistēmu projektēšana un ieviešana” izstrādei Prakses Prakses nolikums PRAKŠU UN DARBA SLUDINĀJUMI LikeIT - vietne darba meklētājiem " Informācijas sistēmu vide " 8 KP mācību prakses uzdevumi un programma " E-biznesa informācijas sistēmas " 18 KP mācību prakses uzdevumi un programma Apliecinājums prakses veikšanai AGREEMENT for providing the student’s practice Metodiskie norādījumi diplomdarba izstrādāšanai
The list of FEPA research sub-projects in 2021
04.01.2021 18:20 Content
studiju procesā topošajiem dizaina un tehnoloģiju pedagogiem Izglītības zinātnes / nozaru (mākslas) pedagoģija MTN Māra Urdziņa-Deruma Iekļaujoša augstākā izglītība: akadēmiskā personāla un studentu pieredzes izpēte Izglītības zinātnes / augstskolas pedagoģija, sociālā pedagoģija, speciālā pedagoģija IZPIN, PZI Sanita Baranova Bērna vecāku emociju regulācija, audzināšanas pieejas, bērna emociju regulācija un to saistība ar bērna attiecību grūtībām Psiholoģija PN Sandra Beatrice Sebre Piederības Latvijai psiholoģisko sastāvdaļu loma uztvertā sociālā konteksta un emigrācijas nodomu mijiedarbībā universitātes studentiem Psiholoģija /sociālā psiholoģija PN Aleksandrs Koļesovs Skolotāju konverģentas un diverģentas domāšanas saistība ar iesaisti izglītības pārmaiņās Psiholoģija / psiholoģiskā novērtēšana un pedagoģiskā psiholoģija PN Malgožata Raščevska
18.12.2023 16:10 Content
Mācību priekšmetu olimpiāžu uzdevumu un to risinājumu krājums. Fizika. A collection of tasks and solutions for Olympiads in academic subjects. Physics. (in Latvian) Ludmila Belogrudova, Jānis Cīmurs, Inese Dudareva, Vjačeslavs Kaščejevs, Paulis Paulins Valsts izglītības satura centrs, 2021 The collection of tasks and solutions for the Olympiads in the subjects has been developed within the framework of the project of the National Centre for Education "Implementation of national and international activities for the development of learners' talents" (project No and covers the content of the Olympiads in the subjects from 2017 to 2020. Available at: Dabaszinātņu mācību metodika. Methodology of science teaching. (in Latvian) Jāzeps Logins, Rita Birziņa, Inese Dudareva, Gunta Kalvāne Skolotāju izglītības joma: Dabaszinātnes.LU PPMF, 2020 The book was developed in the framework development project of 2020 of the Faculty
Master’s study programme “Physics”
11.01.2023 15:11 Content
While studying in the master's programme in physics, the student obtains a more profound knowledge of physics in the chosen subfield of physics or in an interdisciplinary field. The acquired competence after studies allows to build an academic career or to enter the labour market outside research institutions. A rational choice for an academic career is to continue education in doctoral studies in physics, astronomy or a related field – this can be done either at the University of Latvia, or in any of the world's leading universities. It is also possible to enter the labour market immediately after master's studies, where physics-based education ensures multifaceted competitiveness, especially in the fields of science-intensive technologies.
Fināls 2020
04.10.2021 16:32 Content
University of Latvia team: Aleksejs Zajakins , Aleksandrs Zajakins , Kristaps Čivkulis and coach Jevgēnijs Vihrovs . Watch the live stream on ICPC Live Youtube channel on October 5th. The participation of the UL student teams in the competition is supported by: Emergn , eazyBI , Datakom , RIX Technologies , TestDevLab , ZZ Dats , whiteCryption , American Latvians representing "Friends of the University of Latvia" (501(c)(3) charity) – Honorary Member of the University of Latvia Roberts Blumbergs , Honorary Consul of Latvia in Michigan Andris Lācis and the Galenieki family . Donations are administered by the University of Latvia Foundation and the RTU Development Fund.
10.05.2021 21:11 Content
The competition process Student teams of 3 participants compete with each other. Incomplete teams are also allowed. One team is allowed to use exactly one computer. The duration of the competition is 5 hours. A set of 8 to 13 solution tasks is offered. For each task, a programme that effectively solves the described problem must be created. Recommended programming languages are C, C++ or Java. Evaluation Task solutions (programme code) are sent online to the server. After a while, the team receives a report on their submission. The task is counted if the programme outputs the correct answers to all tests, as well as works within the allowed time and memory limits. If the programme does not meet these requirements for at least one test, the task is not counted and the attempt is considered unsuccessful. The teams are sorted by the number of tasks solved. If there is an equal number of solved tasks, the teams are sorted according to the resulting time
My story
03.11.2021 13:07 Content
Physics was an outpost of thePopular Front of Latviain theLatgaledistrict of Riga.Such a deep unity of societyhas not been experiencedsince. The staff of the Institute, regardless of nationality, were also on the barricades. From 1992 to 1998,I was the director ofthe ISSP UL.It wasa difficultperiod economically. No funding was available from the Soviet Union. The new state of Latvia did not have funds for the development of science. Wecouldnot yetbeinvolved in European programs.Hardand unpopular decisions had tobemadeto preservethe Institute at all.Salarieswerereducedsignificantly(when switching toLats- the average salary at the Institute was 30 LVL or 50 EUR). The number of employees decreased from 350 to 120.Manyofthose who leftfound work in the field of information technologiesor emigrated. Profitable units had to obtain grants through tenders. Part of the obtained grant fundingwas divertedfor the maintenance of administration, non-profit structuralunits,and infrastructure of the Institute.TheISSP UL
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