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29.03.2023 15:31 Content
Every spring you can find out about the study opportunities at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry at the Open Door Day! Open Door Day is an annual event that gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with studies in the field of interest. The Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry also opens its doors every spring and invites prospective studentsall those interested in natural sciences – to visit the faculty, get to know the faculty students, administration, observe the study environment with their own eyes, learn more about the study programmes implemented at the faculty, employment after graduation from these programmes, as well as ask questions and receive answers. Although the event traditionally is attended by prospective students in person, for two consecutive years the UL FPMO has found a solution for addressing the prospective students remotely.
In 2009
26.06.2020 18:37 Content
Lady Lavley – 194 Event for the Lady Lavley's commemoration takes place as part of the "Days of Programmer". ISince 1986, both events have been held regularly. It is a tradition of the UL Faculty of Computing since its establishment in 2009. In 2009, the project was supported by the patron "Tieto Latvia". Thanks! Days of Shadows'09 / Ēnu dienas 2009 The event took place from March 30 to April 1. It is intended for tje Latvian secondary school students so that they become the “shadows” of the students of the University of Latvia and can participate in the study process at the university before starting their studies. It is an opportunity to make a motivated decision in choosing further education. In 2009, the project was supported by the patrons "Statoil Latvia" and "SEB banka". Aivars Liepa’s Correspondence Mathematics School Participants of the UL A. Liepa's Correspondence School of Mathematics are the most capable programmers and mathematicians of the future. The school
Sociology of Law
The aim of the course is to train master’s students to use scientific research methods of law sociology in order to acquire skills necessary for work with draft laws and effective law provisions by analysing the social influence and effectiveness thereof. The objective of the course is to provide acquisition of advanced knowledge in the science of law and acquisition of practical skills in order to perform sociological analysis of the society and the role of law in research and regulation of public processes. To provide knowledge on effectiveness of law and its importance in a constitutional, democratic state; thus preparing the master’s students for the work of the lawyer linked with creation of law and analysis of existing law prior to creation of law. During the course, the students study two most significant branches of sociology of law: genetic and operative sociology of law.
Sociology of Law
The aim of the course is to train master’s students to use scientific research methods of law sociology in order to acquire skills necessary for work with draft laws and effective law provisions by analysing the social influence and effectiveness thereof. The objective of the course is to provide acquisition of advanced knowledge in the science of law and acquisition of practical skills in order to perform sociological analysis of the society and the role of law in research and regulation of public processes. To provide knowledge on effectiveness of law and its importance in a constitutional, democratic state; thus preparing the master’s students for the work of the lawyer linked with creation of law and analysis of existing law prior to creation of law. During the course, the students study two most significant branches of sociology of law: genetic and operative sociology of law.
Contemporary Application Of European Legal Tradition
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge, skills and competences in presenting and publishing one’s scientific research and to offer students an understanding of common European legal culture sources, conditions for creation, development cycles and its impact on the modern life, so that each student writing a promotional work could also investigate his thematic problems from the above perspectives. The course content stresses the historical and philosophic basis of the unity of the European legal tradition, which currently enables us to speak of unitary European identity, simultaneously mentioning regional differences in legal tradition that delay the processes of European integration. As a result of the course, doctoral students acquire an understanding of practical applicability of the legal methodologies and doctrines created within the European legal tradition in modern life.
Field Course in Specialization
The aim of the course is to involve students for nature and settlement’s studies in order to furnish a collection of field material for the development of master thesis and also to mend theoretical knowledge’s. Field course in specialization students are working out together with supervisor according to frame of plan. The course tasks are following: to get acquaintance with study object, to collect field material and to make preliminary treatment.
Civil (Private) Law Sciences problems
Course abstract: The aim of the study course is to enable doctoral students to deepen their knowledge of the civil law sub-branch. The course includes an overview of the science of the civil law and its development tendencies, the main theoretically practical issues and the most recent references for solving them in the legal doctrine. The course provides a support programme for doctoral students in their independent work with the literature of the sub-branch and in preparing publications.
Civil (Private) Law Sciences problems
Course abstract: The aim of the study course is to enable doctoral students to deepen their knowledge of the civil law sub-branch. The course includes an overview of the science of the civil law and its development tendencies, the main theoretically practical issues and the most recent references for solving them in the legal doctrine. The course provides a support programme for doctoral students in their independent work with the literature of the sub-branch and in preparing publications.
Problems of the police law
The aim of the study course is to provide doctoral students with knowledge of various topical issues of police law and to direct the development of doctoral students' research skills in this field. The course includes an overview of the contents and development trends of law science, the main theoretical practical questions and the latest legal doctrine in solving them. The course is a support program for doctoral students in independent work with literature as well as preparing publications. The study course forms the view of scientific research work in the field of the police law and related scientific research methods. The acquisition of the study course is related to the preparation of doctoral students for the work of the teaching staff of the higher educational institutions in teaching the law of law and research work in this sub-field, as well as the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of the interpretation of substantive and procedural norms and their practical application.
Insolvency law
The aim of the course is to promote students' understanding of the essence and place of the Insolvency Law in the Civil Law system, further develop the legal thinking, master the rights and duties of the administrator of the debtor, creditor and insolvency process. Simultaneously, the course offers students the opportunity to use the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge for further development of competence.
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