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Advanced Studies in Japanese Language and Communication Culture I
The aim of the course is to provide master level students with the opportunity to continue learning Japanese language and communication culture in accordance with B2 language requirements in the Japanese cultural context, looking at the linguistic peculiarities of Japanese compared to Indo-European languages, taking into account the verbal and non-verbal communication features. In addition to the classic textbooks, the range of course materials also includes various digital tools, special applications, and rich Internet resources that ensure up-to date learning process. In terms of communication culture, it is also planned to look at different types of Japanese including non- standard language - regional dialects, different types of speech among young people, deviations from the standard language, slang from a separate material. It is also planned to analyze the differences in the form of speech in terms of gender, age, occupation, location and situation. It is also planned to look
Practice I
The aim of the practice is to provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the profession of a social worker, with social work with different client groups and social services for the selected target group.  Practice tasks: 1. To acquaint with social work and social services in an institution;  2. To find out the division of competencies and tasks of social work specialists in a specific institution / service;  3. To analyze one target group of social work in the practice institution chosen by the student.  4. Using basic research methods (eg document analysis, statistical data analysis, interview, survey, case study, observation), the target group and social services research should include analysis of aspects such as:  a) theories explaining the specifics of the target group, the research performed in the development of the exact characteristics of the target group of the institution's clients;  b
Results in 2017
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Ir iesniegts žurnālā/grāmatā, kas ir indeksēts WoS/Scopus: M. Urdziņa-Deruma, L. Šelvaha. "Crafts and Home Economics Studies Abroad – Student Identified Differences and Suggestions for Teacher Education in Latvia". H. I. Melnbārde "Understanding traditional cultural values of the Latvian people as a significant contribution to the quality of teacher'seducation".
12.06.2020 12:59 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Programma sniedz studentiem iespēju iegūt akadēmisku izglītību ekonomikā, kļūt par personībām ar analītiskās domāšanas iemaņām, izkopt prasmi patstāvīgi risināt problēmas, pieņemt lēmumus un veikt radošu un praktisku darbu. Tā sniedz praktiskas zināšanas un rīkus ekonomiska rakstura jautājumu risināšanai.
Studiju mobilitāte
28.05.2024 16:30 Content
If you have any questions regarding the Erasmus+ Study Mobility and its rules or report documentation, please, contact or visit the Mobility Divisionof the Department of Student Services. Please, arrange the visit in advance: Contact information Mobility Division Raiņa Blvd. 19, room 122 Ph.: +371 67034706 E-mail:
Sadarbība Latvijā
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
The Faculty of Humanities actively and effectively cooperates with various HEI, schools, research institutions and centres, libraries, publishing houses, professional organizations and with other institutions in Latvia. The cooperation includes the organization of conferences and other events, implementation of research projects, organization of student internships, field trips, etc. The staff members of the Faculty actively cooperate with the regional municipalities.
03.06.2024 16:45 Content
The faculty offers two doctoral level study programmes. One of them provides the scientific qualification in the subfields of physics, astronomy and mechanics, while the other prepares highly qualified specialists in mathematics and applied mathematics. Both study programmes also accept foreign students. Natural Sciences (Physics, Astronomy and Mechanics) Computer Science and Mathematics (Mathematics)
Fināls 2017
10.05.2021 21:01 Content
The participation of the UL student teams in the competition is supported by: Exigen Services Latvia , Datakom , VISMAgroup companies in Latvia, American Latvians representing "Friends of the University of Latvia"(501(c)(3) charity) – Honorary Member of the University of Latvia Roberts Blumbergs , and the Honorary Consul of Latvia in Michigan Andris Lācis . Donations are administered by the University of Latvia Foundation.
Skolu pašnovērtēšanas rīki
09.07.2021 22:50 Content
The "Evaluation Handbook for Schools" provides recommendations, approaches, and techniques for self-assessment of character education programmes at school. Character Education: Evaluation Handbook for Schools: Character Education Evaluation Handbook–intro Section 1 Planning an Evaluation Section 2 Character Caught Section 3 Character Taught Section 4 Student Self-Reflection
[Translate to English:] Kursa darbu tēmas
01.12.2020 11:55 Content
[Translate to English:] Vadības zinību bakalaura studiju programm (20715) 1.kursa darba Vadības zinībās ( 4.semestris ) temati 2. kursa darba temati Uzmanību! Vadības zinību bakalaura studiju programmas Pilna un Nepilna laika klātienes 2. kursa studentiem! Pierakstīšanās 1. kursa darbam (kursa darba izstrādāšana un aizstāvēšana 2018. gada pavasara semestrī) 312. telpā no 18. decembra līdz 20. janvārim. Vadības zinību bakalaura studiju programmas Pilna laika klātienes 3. kursa studentiem! Pierakstīšanās 2. kursa darbam ( pa apakšprogrammām) (kursa darba izstrādāšana un aizstāvēšana 2018. gada pavasara semestrī) 312. telpā no 18. decembra līdz 20. janvārim. Ekonomikas bakalaura studiju programmā piedāvātie kursa darbu temati 2017./2018. akadēmiskais gads Ekonomikas bakalaura studiju programmas apakšprogrammas Analītiskā ekonomika Kursa darba temati studiju kursā Ekon2198 Kursa darbs ekonomikā Ekonomikas bakalaura studiju programmas apakšprogrammas Uzņēmējdarbības ekonomika
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