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Apgāda “Zelta Ābele” kolekcija
09.08.2021 17:28 Content
with watermarks or handmade paper, were numbered. This famous publishing house was closed down in 1944 when M. Goppers left for Stockholm. In exile, the business of the publishing house was resumed in 1945 and continued until 1985. During all of the lifetime of  “Zelta Ābele”, both in Latvia and Sweden, the founder followed his constant taste in style to reach a polygraphic excellence with every book. M. Goppers passed away in Stockholm on 5 November 1996. The collection of the publishing house “Zelta Ābele” includes books published in Latvia and Sweden in various languages. Over the years the collection has developed from miscellaneous sources: from the Library stock of UL, from the holdings of the possessed libraries and organizations, and  also donations. Books were donated by the Student Corporation Group  in Sydney, the Bradford Latvian Library of the Latvian Society in Great Britain, etc. There are also books from private  collections with ex-libris, which makes these books even more
My story
21.05.2021 16:06 Content
I became interested in physics during school, because I did very well in mathematics and physics. I remember that in the 11th grade I won the 2nd place in the Baltic Physics Olympiad for students. My father was also involved in science, as he was one of the most outstanding psychiatrists in Latvia.To study physics at the University of Latvia was an understandable choice, because my parents encouraged me todevote life toscience, specifically physics. Studies at the university were at a high level with outstanding professors, such as ProfessorAuzins. In the 2nd yearofstudies,I started working at the Institute ofSolid StatePhysics,University of Latvia, so my work in science started. When I graduated from university, I had already written several scientific articles, which was undoubtedly a big plus for my scientific work. I defended my doctoral degree in Latvia, but then worked in Germany, Sweden, and Singapore, where I started researching batteries.I rememberSingapore as a very
Conference theses and presentations
11.12.2023 16:23 Content
conference on medicine, Latvian University, February 23, 2018, Riga, Latvia – poster presentation. 35. Use of hormonal contraceptives and premenstrual symptoms in the population of female students studying in Riga, Latvia. A.Memis, V.Folkmanis, L.Tzivian. International scientific conference on medicine, Latvian University, February 23, 2018, Riga, Latvia – poster presentation. 36. Factors associated with ghrelin levels among children and adolescents with overweight and obesity. I.Srauhmane, I.Daugule, I.Rinkuža, I.Rumba-Rozenfelde. International scientific conference on medicine, Latvian University, February 23, 2018, Riga, Latvia – poster presentation. 37. Infant breast milk composition and associated factors. Laura Lagzdiņa, Līga Broka, Ilva Daugule, Inga Ciproviča et al. International scientific conference on medicine, Latvian University, February 23, 2018, Riga, Latvia – poster presentation. 38. Autoimmune indicators in pediatric arthritis patients. Liene Maulica, Sandra Feierābende
Moderno cietvielu un nanomateriālu kvantu ķīmijas un molekulāras dinamikas pētījumi: izaicinošs ceļš uz realitāti
21.01.2022 14:34 Content
for “First-principles molecular dynamics simulations of layered MoS 2 material” paper was continued. The topic of the article was narrowed to a MoS 2 compound. Additional NpT calculations for MoS 2 compound at 300 K were started. Study of the documentation of the project "A Universal Force Engine for Advanced Molecular Dynamics" ( ) for path integrals method implementation was started. From January 13th to 24th, there was a mobility to the University of Duisburg-Essen. Activities in framework of the post-doctoral project as well as interesting results obtained in University of Duisburg-Essen, Chair of Theoretical Chemistry during last half-year were discussed on common seminar with participation of Prof. E. Spohr, Dr. S. Kenmoe and PhD student T. Kox The manuscript of the paper „Validation of 2D constrained models for TiO 2 nanotubes over a broad range of diameters” was updated. All remarks about previous version of the paper were taken into account. Results
Results in 2018
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
-9984-9542-9-5 Sagatavots un iesniegts publicēšanai: Fernandezs, M., Pīgozne, T., Surikova, S., Vasečko, Ļ. Students’ and staff perceptions of vocational education institution heads’ personality. Raksts žurnālam “Quality Assurance in Education”(Emerald Publishing). Žurnāls ir indeksēts Scopus/WoS. Kolektīvā monogrāfija ir RTU izdevniecībā. Sociālā inovācija: izaicinājumi un risinājumi Latvijā. Autoru kolektīvs: Karine Oganisjana, Konstantins Kozlovskis, Tālis Laizāns, Nicolás Monge-Iriarte, Yuliya Eremina, Salome Gvatua, Benjamin Ngongo Kabwende, Ozoemena Joseph Chukwu, Svetlana Surikova, Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Lāsma Līcīte, Tatjana Koķe, Laura Jeroščenkova. Zinātniskā redaktore: asoc. profesore Karine Oganisjana, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte. Sagatavots iesniegšanai: Raksts "Pedagogical Leadership Aspects of Latvian Vocational Education Institutions’ Leaders" sagatavots ieniegšanai RTA konferences rakstu krājumam (T.Pigozne, S.Surikova, M.J.Fernandez Gonzalez, A.Medveckis, A.Pigoznis). ES
Vitauts Tamužs
24.08.2020 14:38 Content
of Latvia's independence in 1992, he also became a doctor of engineering sciences. In science, Vitauts Tamužs dedicated his efforts to research of solid and composite materials , as well as the mechanics of collapse and fatigue . His discoveries and studies have influenced development of materials science on a global scale. When he started working at the Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Tamužs soon became the head of the laboratory, and later the chairman of the scientific council. In his almost sixty years of work, the professor has made a significant contribution to the development of the institute itself, and, moreover – to the development of the material mechanics scientific school in Latvia. In parallel with his research work at the institute, he has taught at the University of Latvia , working with a large number of students, the most talented of whom have now become world-class scientists. In addition to his academic work at the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University
Labour market has increasing demand for various level IT specialists, we have to use the opportunities given!
15.07.2021 22:00 Content
Baiba Vaišle started studies in the courses for improvement of digital skills, organized by the University of Latvia (UL) Innovation centre LUMIC and Microsoft, choosing to master two subjects at once – data analysis and low-code / no-code programming. Baiba had a very simple motivation – a wish to improve her competitiveness in the labour market, where there is an increasing demand for specialists with knowledge in IT. To be at home and to study at the same time Baiba emphasizes that she has benefited from the situation caused by the pandemics in particular in terms of studies. “I most definitely would not have been able to attend studies in person, because at the moment my main duty is to my family. Remote studies allow me to master necessary knowledge at any time and place. I could be not only mother, but also a student and learn what I was truly interested in,” tells the participant of the courses. Baiba works in the company that produces furniture for children and sells them
17.02.2022 21:45 Content
to enjoy your amazing journey into the world of Latvian language and culture ) You’ll definitely have wonderful teachers and interesting, interactive classes so get the most out of it and have a marvellous time :) Liudmyla, Ukraine I am Xin WANG,also Līksma,the student from China. Thank you very much for the documents,and the help during the summer school. I am very glad that this summer I had the opportunity to attend this unique school and obtained the unforgettable memory! If next summer I also have the precious chance to attend summer school,I would be very appreciative.And it will be wonderful if I can get more opportunities to talk with native Latvians,then I may know more about Latvian language,culture,folklore,even characters of Latvians,which all make me fascinated. Lastly,I want to express my happiness of meeting you,Inga,all the lecturers and my mates in the group in this lovely July!Thank you again for the work for summer school! Best wishes,Līksma Sveiks ! Mani sauc Džūlija
Mājokļu-integrācijas mijatkarīgums: apmaiņas un inovācijas veicināšana migrantu mājokļu pieejamībai un sociālajai integrācijai
14.10.2023 13:19 Content
-making (Cooperative City Magazine) Wessels, J. (2022). Visit to Sällbo - JPI Urban Europe Housing and Integration study visit - 8 June 2022 (Short film) Adiene, S. et al (2022).Welcome to the Latvian housing market! International student housing pathways in Latvia Raubiško, Šuvajevs, Lakševics (2021). Migrants' Access to Housing - City Report Riga
International Business with specialization in Export Management
25.04.2024 20:14 Content
+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or a diploma proving equivalent level of education from an institution of higher education in Economics, Business Administration, or in other Social Sciences or related sciences: Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Information Technology, Physics or Engineering The average grade in study courses must be 60% of the maximum. English language proficiency. At least two years of professional experience in business or economics (detailed description of your professional activity must be included in your CV); Pass of entrance examination in International Economics, which is being held via Skype video teleconference . Entrance examination All applicants will be required to pass entrance
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