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Modern statistics and data science
The aim of this course is to acquaint students with modern concepts in statistical methods, data processing and analysis. The course not only includes classical statistical problems such as parameter estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, correlation and regression models, but also shows how to apply these methods in for different data science problems. The second part of this course is devoted to the concepts of data science, which includes big data analysis, data visualization and also statistical learning methods. Aims of the course: To provide an overview of the problems of classical statistics and data science; to show the application of classical methods in the context of data science, where big data and various algorithms as alternative statistical methods are important concepts. Tasks of the course: to teach the main methods of classical statistics and the most important problems and methods of data science; show the relationship between data science methods
Theories of Public Relations
The primary aim of this course is to offer a look at those aspects of public relations theory and research which are most intensively discussed in scholarly publications to master’s degree students who are researching aspects of public relations in their work or are interested in becoming professionals in the area of PR. The introductory portion of the course is devoted to the normative theories about public relations (PR) that have been developed by professional practitioners. There is an emphasis on explanations of how the public sphere and communications interrelate and function from the perspective of sociological theory (Habermas, Luhman, Parsons, Merton), linking this to PR theories that cover all of society and exist at the macro-level. Along with the system theoretical approach, the course reviews those PR theories which are based on the theoretical postulates of how organisations function, as well as of marketing and integrated corporate communications. At the conclusion
Mathematics for Economics and Business
The objective of the course is to explain basic concepts and coherence in mathematics, which are widely used in modern economics and business. The course does no dwell just on mathematical formalities but also appeals to intuition. As much as possible, problems are introduced through real-life situations; the mathematics needed to handle similar situations is developed then. Examples are selected to show linkage to current applications in the economic theory. Abstraction and sophisticated mathematical theory is balanced with the practical application possibilities in economics and business, without sacrificing an understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts. Tasks of the course: 1. Familiarize students with mathematical models in market economics. 2. Learn the economic interpretation of derivatives – marginal indicators, as well as the application of derivatives in formulating and solving optimization problems. 3. Explore the concept of elasticity, its economic
Virtual Environments
Course goal: The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the applications and technologies of the virtual environment. Course objectives: To study the latest scientific publications on the topic of virtual environments. Try virtual and augmented reality VR and AR systems. Study system architecture. Develop a 3D model and functional prototype for the system. Entertainment and business in virtual environments are becoming increasingly popular with groups of people of all ages, as evidenced by the current and ever-increasing number of users, measured in millions. Augmented reality is also increasingly entering our lives. The operation of such systems requires a multi-computer parallel environment, as well as a range of IT technologies, including communications, distributed systems, security assurance, graphical and physical engines, andinnovative user interfaces. The course will cover these technologies and the latest research, including the connection of virtual and real worlds
General Biology. Introduction to Microbiology
The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge on the principles of classification of organisms, the diversity of forms and functions of prokaryotes and microorganisms, their occurrence and research methods. To get acquainted with the most important groups of microorganisms for science, medicine and economy; to acquire basic laboratory methods of work with the microorganisms. To promote student’s awareness on theoretical and applied aspects of microbiology. Tasks of the study course: 1. to strengthen and to develop the knowledge on the Chemistry of Life, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 2. to familiarize with the principles of taxonomy and classification of organisms, the history of their development; 3. to introduce to the diversity of bacteria and to acquire basic practical work skills in microbiology; 4. to present current problems in Microbiological research and praxis in the world and in Latvia; 5. to provide knowledge on the general issues of bacterial and viral biology
Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge about the visual system’s macro- and microscopic structure, the specific interconnections between its structure, formation and functions, and the antenatal development of basic elements, the biochemical structure, metabolism and physiologic functions of eye tissues with a special emphasis on their clinical aspects.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide the detailed knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the human eye, its ocular adnexa and visual pathways; 
  • to provide knowledge about composition and properties of different eye structures as well as importance of these structures in maintaining the visual processes;
  • to teach to detect and describe structures of the eye and its adnexa in a normal functional condition, and general changes in eye structures in case
Management, Communication, Risk Management and Legal Aspects in a Health Care Organization
The aim of this comprehensive course is to further develop the student's overall competence for work and multi-faceted professional growth in today's changing healthcare system by acquiring and deepening knowledge of management, communication, risk management and legal aspects of health care organization. The concrete goal of this interdisciplinary course is to develop deeper understanding of the complexity of health care systems and the systemic role of medical professionals by studying the most important issues of health care management, including the emerging importance of the health data accumulation and use for improving healthcare services. The course also focuses on the development of effective communication skills for co-operation with patients and their relatives, as well as provides extensive knowledge of the risks in clinical practice and the basic principles of clinical risk management, and discusses the regulatory basis affecting clinical practice. The deepening
Cognitive Sciences, Mind and Language
and discussions in respect to empirical problems and approaches in linguistics and related areas (psycholinguistics) is provided. Course is developed to prepare students for comprehensive studies on mind and language in cognitive sciences. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Science II
Objective of the course: Enable students to acquire the basics of science teaching methodologies in line with the change of approach and results to be achieved in the field of science embedded in the national basic education standard and to contribute to the development of a teacher's work system that is conducive to achieving results. Tasks: 1. Ensure the learning of the methodological knowledge necessary for the professional activities of the teacher on the content of science training, the methodology and context for organising the training process in classes 1-3 and 4-6, in conformity with the requirements of the national basic education standard and the change of access to education. 2. Promoting the skills of applying acquired knowledge in the planning, modelling, evaluation of their activities in cooperation with others and individually. 4. Develop the skills to apply research approaches to the organisation of the learning process by developing the natural skills of pupils
Fire safety
The aim of the course is to present the general fire safety regulations of the Republic of Latvia and the fire safety requirements that natural and legal persons must comply with in public and economic activity facilities in order to prevent fire risks, ensure the evacuation of people in the event of fire, as well as reduce the spread of dangerous factors through enclosing buildings, and create conditions for the successful extinguishing of fire, before or after arrival of the State Fire. The tasks of the course are: - to provide students with an analytical understanding of the methods, to help them find solutions to fire-related issues, depending on the nature and structure of the business. - to provide an insight into the analytical aspects of the field of fire safety, allowing for an understanding of the nature of fire safety rules, construction standards and national standards, and the principles of their mutual application when designing and operating open areas, structures
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